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Old Tunes: The LAST downloads you'll ever need!

Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:57 pm

Hi all! I'll skip the pleasantries and go right to what you want to hear: I have grown up around a few of my dad's tapes that all of you are, I'm sure, VERY familiar with. To make a long story short, I have had my cassettes of OTV1, OTV2, and what you refer to as "R35TT" ripped and mastered professionally at a studio, however, these tapes are worn; some bits unsalvageable. Therefore, Techboy has sent me the highest quality rips he's found on his years of BoC-obsessed Internet scavenging. With these rips, accompanied by the cassettes of mine, I have an audio engineer friend who is going to merge the two for the BEST POSSIBLE RIP OF ALL THE TAPES (aside from BoC Maxima which I have sent to Aesthetics). I will be providing high-quality artwork, along with each cassette side, all lossless and gapless, and all I ask for in return is a little help. My dad, who initially received these tapes, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma a few months ago, and is absolutely miserable. Our medical bills are piling up fast. With the download links to all the tapes, I will provide a link to a PayPal or GoFundMe for donation, ANY amount of money is sufficient, and would be greatly appreciated in return for these high-quality masters. All questions are welcome. Much love, Quinn. :D
Last edited by Doors_Of_Perception on Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:59 pm

R35TT doesn't have any artwork

Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:01 am

Opothecary wrote:R35TT doesn't have any artwork

I know, that won't be included. Sorry, I wrote this in a rush.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:04 am

Doors_Of_Perception wrote:
Opothecary wrote:R35TT doesn't have any artwork

I know, that won't be included. Sorry, I wrote this in a rush.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. What can you tell us about R35TT? How did this collage of songs that BoC never compiled themselves end up spread around so much in the private tape trading scene? I still stand by it being a compilation of the best bits of the releases that we know about, but haven't heard.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:05 am

^ i am here to vouch.

ive heard a first-proof of some of the professional remasters of the three releases and they - particularly r35tt - are of outstanding quality compared to what ive heard before, as is the accompanying artwork.

i don't know quite enough (and neither does anyone) to vouch for the authenticity of the cassettes themselves but yeah, the audio and artwork is great.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:10 am

Opothecary wrote:
Doors_Of_Perception wrote:
Opothecary wrote:R35TT doesn't have any artwork

I know, that won't be included. Sorry, I wrote this in a rush.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. What can you tell us about R35TT? How did this collage of songs that BoC never compiled themselves end up spread around so much in the private tape trading scene? I still stand by it being a compilation of the best bits of the releases that we know about, but haven't heard.

Thank you, I really do appreciate the concern... R35TT I initially knew as a compilation entitled "Marcus' Picks of '94," but, in actuality, was a bootleg of the mysterious tape. From what I knew of it, all the tapes came from the same friend of my father's, and that one was simply missing a liner, and therefore was thrown on with whatever name made the most sense (I'm assuming.) So, therefore, it is quite possibly a compilation by Marcus, but that's unknown for certain. What is known for certain (and please do excuse the fact that this may sound "all too much") is that the most prominent rip of the tape online is a poor copy of the tape I made (on an ancient, daisy-chained Akai Three-Header) for a middle-school friend who put it online.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:02 am

i've heard these, quinn sent me rips of them sometime last year, in the fall. can vouch for their credibility.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:27 am

So far, I am really impressed with what I've heard (which is B02 - B12 from R35TT)

B07 has always been one of my favorites from this tape and its just stunning here, my personal favorite of what I've heard so far. B13 sounds very nice too. This treatment really proves that this tape is the best of the bunch, whatever it is.

This just makes me really hope that whoever has anything else like this in their private collection that they take the same kind of care to preserve it before its lost to the ravages of time.

Great stuff, looking forward to hearing more soon!

Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:51 am

Opothecary wrote:So far, I am really impressed with what I've heard (which is B02 - B12 from R35TT)

B07 has always been one of my favorites from this tape and its just stunning here, my personal favorite of what I've heard so far. B13 sounds very nice too. This treatment really proves that this tape is the best of the bunch, whatever it is.

This just makes me really hope that whoever has anything else like this in their private collection that they take the same kind of care to preserve it before its lost to the ravages of time.

Great stuff, looking forward to hearing more soon!

Thank you, Opothecary! A tidbit of trivia, the tape sources of my dad's are actually from open-reel. When he gave me the cassettes, he knew they would be well-played (and, yes, they're VERY well-played now ;)) so he taped them to Maxell XL-II 10.5 reels in order to preserve copies for reference. I am glad you enjoy them, and I sincerely hope when the release does occur that all who download will consider donating! I will be posting photographs(not the HQ scans that will be released with the tapes, just some pictures) tomorrow.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:38 am

I am definitely down to donate after I hear/see something to verify the legitimacy of this claim.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:29 am

Huh, this seems really interesting. I'd like to see where this goes.
Goiter Sanchez wrote:I am definitely down to donate after I hear/see something to verify the legitimacy of this claim.

same here.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:02 am

This makes me more excited than the release of Tomorrow's Harvest, CHOP CHOP CHOP LAD

Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:41 am

Skeptic as usual. But if you're not bluffing - thanks <3

Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:26 pm

I'd be in for this.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:05 pm

Hello all! Alan (who is doing this beautiful job) said that he will have enough of the tracks mastered to make a sampler by the end of the day! Remember, he's had to take both my tracks AND the rips sent to me by Techboy, fix them up, and merge them (among other things!), so your patience is greatly appreciated!

Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:04 pm

I am ready to donate all the money I can get my hands on for this project.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:35 pm

Doors_Of_Perception wrote:Hello all! Alan (who is doing this beautiful job) said that he will have enough of the tracks mastered to make a sampler by the end of the day! Remember, he's had to take both my tracks AND the rips sent to me by Techboy, fix them up, and merge them (among other things!), so your patience is greatly appreciated!

Can you clarify a bit further the source of the tapes that are your dad's?

Also sorry to hear about the bad news, but I so hope you deliver!

Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:52 pm

everythingyoudoisorange wrote:
Doors_Of_Perception wrote:Hello all! Alan (who is doing this beautiful job) said that he will have enough of the tracks mastered to make a sampler by the end of the day! Remember, he's had to take both my tracks AND the rips sent to me by Techboy, fix them up, and merge them (among other things!), so your patience is greatly appreciated!

Can you clarify a bit further the source of the tapes that are your dad's?

Also sorry to hear about the bad news, but I so hope you deliver!

Gladly! The tapes were given to him by his Danish friend, David. He was clearing out his cassette collection, and told my father they were some of his favorites, but he had already transferred them to CD. Knowing my father still used tapes (he was in a band at the time, and had some very good audio equipment), he gave to him. Fast forward some years, and my dad gave them to me after he transferred them to open-reel (which is being sourced.) I never thought anything of it until finding this board and meeting Mark and Robin last year, and discovering that they were pretty hyped. I've always just enjoyed the music, but I've heard some examples of the lengths some fans would have taken to secure a copy.

Initially, I thought about selling them, but they mean too much to me personally. Thank you for your concern! Mind you, the tape is old Maxell. It had to be baked before even being used (that was fun.) The quality however, will be superb thanks to the compiling of pre-existing rips from Mark. Therefore, since this is a mesh, consider it what you want. Master/Remaster/Salvaged/etc. The only thing that will remain unaltered is the HQ scans, which I have already shown to a few friends on this forum.

Regardless, I have never heard the songs this good sonically! Alan has sent me a few proofs, and they are fantastic so far. I really do appreciate the generosity of this forum, and I sincerely ope you will all be pleased enough to donate. This whole endeavor is about my father, and I'm trying to give to the community so I can provide for him.

Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:01 pm

Great, thanks for the in depth clarification!

I'm giddy by the prospect of this. BoC Maxima lossless appeared on some russian forum last year (but even so a remastered and proper rip/source would probably be better than the one that was a transcode but still sourced from same CDR as the FLACs that were released through the grapevine) and there's lots of parts of a decent AFOTv1 out there but still transcoded I think to replace an inferior transcoded and lower bitrate copy, but I'm giddy at the prospect of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING released with a good source and a remaster 'audio guy.' All unreleased releases seem rough around the edges, though some more than others on the spectrum.

remastering crap source files can only do SO much, but remastering with good source material, oh man oh man oh man.

Even if you release like a 30 second clip of a track off AFOTv2, I'm sure this thread will pick up real quick in interest...

though I'm sure it will anyways. Keeping my eyes and ears peeled.

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention:

Also, do you plan to release the files links same time as donate links? Perhaps there is some way a portion of these funds could go to Boards of Canada as well in addition to the "good cause," as it seems only fair given that with the Caustic Window crowdsourcing thing, RDJ got a portion of the proceeds.

Just brainstorming out loud though, I'm a noob on Twoism and just such a huge BoC fan.. You do what you do :D

Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:15 pm

everythingyoudoisorange wrote:Great, thanks for the in depth clarification!

I'm giddy by the prospect of this. BoC Maxima lossless appeared on some russian forum last year (but even so a remastered and proper rip/source would probably be better than the one that was a transcode but still sourced from same CDR as the FLACs that were released through the grapevine) and there's lots of parts of a decent AFOTv1 out there but still transcoded I think to replace an inferior transcoded and lower bitrate copy, but I'm giddy at the prospect of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING released with a good source and a remaster 'audio guy.' All unreleased releases seem rough around the edges, though some more than others on the spectrum.

remastering crap source files can only do SO much, but remastering with good source material, oh man oh man oh man.

Even if you release like a 30 second clip of a track off AFOTv2, I'm sure this thread will pick up real quick in interest...

though I'm sure it will anyways. Keeping my eyes and ears peeled.

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention:

Also, do you plan to release the files links same time as donate links? Perhaps there is some way a portion of these funds could go to Boards of Canada as well in addition to the "good cause," as it seems only fair given that with the Caustic Window crowdsourcing thing, RDJ got a portion of the proceeds.

Just brainstorming out loud though, I'm a noob on Twoism and just such a huge BoC fan.. You do what you do :D

Thank you! I'm planning to release a one-track-one-side sampler after I receive some demo material from Alan, which should be by tonight if he manages it.

I would love for some of the proceeds to go to BoC, they genuinely have impacted my life, though, I don't know where I can get in touch with them. And, yes, the files will be released with the download links. I wish I could have some sort of "purchase" option much like the Caustic Window LP, that was a fantastic idea, but I have no clue how to do that. Perhaps once I release the sampler, someone will aid me in doing something like that.

Just to note; the BoC Maxima tape, like, the actual cassette, I sent to Robin (Aesthetics) because I consider him a friend. Therefore, unfortunately, BoC Maxima will not be a part of this. Plus, BoC Maxima is heavily copyrighted, and I don't feel like adding legal trouble to this ;D! Anyway, more to come soon!
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