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Sounds like BOC?

Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:51 am

Hi Guys,

My name is Tom and I was hoping I could tell you a little story. I wanted to introduce myself but also wanted to show you something that you may like. This is very BOC, and superb in it's own right. I would say! : P

My very great special friend Bruno Cavellec is now courageously acting upon on a lifelong ambition to make music. Bruno is releasing under the pseudonym ‘Mablanig’, and I felt beyond honoured when he asked me to produce a video for ‘Have I Seen You Before?’, the first track from his upcoming debut EP. I aptly used footage that I filmed when Bruno visited me out in Iceland.
I really enjoyed filming and editing this film. It was a great challenge for me for many reasons. The opportunity came at a time when It did me the world of good to remind myself of some things and express myself somewhat. I am hugely grateful to Bruno for this, and I’m going to be attempting to take initiative to provide myself with similar opportunities in music and film in the near future, and as confidence builds, hopefully beyond.

To lend your thoughts and support, please feel free to use the comments section how you wish on youtube using the link I have provided here : )


Bruno is a hugely talented musical artist. I find his drive, dedication, work ethic, and rationale for making music hugely inspiring, and I can’t wait to see what comes next from him. He has a truly remarkable story to tell.

Cheers to you reading this, and cheers to creativity, community, and whatever keeps us moving with our head up and chest out.
To learn more and to keep updated regarding his debut release, please also free to follow Mablanig using the links below.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mablanig

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQSZ3zRIHSI9gpW6MuyuWA

Instagram: Mablanig
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