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Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:21 am

You know, dreams with so much details in it that you wonder, was it really created by your brain? The ones that just are out of this world but yet have such a strong sense of familiarity that YOU KNOW it for a fact that you've been there before, wether it was in another life or not.

and its just not deja vue, its more intense than that, to a point where when you wake up, you just feel out of it and weird for a few minutes, but then after its gone like a distant memory that doesn't make sense.

Anyway, just a little rant after I just woke up from 3 hours of what I would qualify as fever dreams caused by my intestinal problems.


Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:31 am

Ordered a couple of African dream beans yesterday. Hopefully I have something worthwhile to report here soon. <3

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm

I tend to wake up from my dreams when I find a hole in the logic, I start questioning a logical error within the dream "Wait, that isn't right. That isn't right at all. What the f**k is going on here?" and eventually the logic hole tears the dream open and I wake up. Sometimes it really tries hard to explain the logic loop to me, for instance my not dying in a nuclear blast because one can't die in a dream despite being close to the epicenter of the explosion. How was it explained to me when I started thinking "This is a logical fallacy, what on earth is going on here?" "Oh it was just a clever arrangement of flood lights coming through your window with well-timed sound effects" and eventually I woke up after calling complete bullshit on its explanation as to why I was still alive.

I feel like I have discussed this before.

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:41 pm

The distant memory that doesn't make sense is a good way to put it. It's the strangest feeling when you wake up and remember a dream so vividly, then it starts to fade until you forget the entirety of it and all you're left with is the feeling the dream gave you. Maybe it's the brains way of working through whatever it was trying to process and the residual emotional baggage left over from it is the emotion conscious-you would've went through anyway.

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:23 am

The logic hole. Yes. That gets me, too.

Do any of you find that, as you get older, it is harder to tell if the dreams you had when you were really young were dreams or actual memories? A lot of my earliest memories are just about as hazy as any of those early dreams. The older I get the harder it is to distinguish those things. Starting to get mushy, old person brains apparently.

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:35 am

mechanismj wrote:The logic hole. Yes. That gets me, too.

Do any of you find that, as you get older, it is harder to tell if the dreams you had when you were really young were dreams or actual memories? A lot of my earliest memories are just about as hazy as any of those early dreams. The older I get the harder it is to distinguish those things. Starting to get mushy, old person brains apparently.

Yes! Kind of. It's hard to tell the difference between what you felt in the dreams vs what you felt in reality when looking back in hindsight. Gets even harder if you brought feelings of the dream into reality along with you. Maybe a long-term memory thing?

Now that I'm older my brain will completely do away and forget about the dream after the first twenty minutes of waking up, then if something happens that ends up reminding me of a random moment in said-dream, boom. Entire dream suddenly remembered, feelings, environment, everything. Weird stuff, all it takes is a little reminder.

I've always been under the presumption that the reason we have dreams is some sort of self-preservation-preparation. Basically survival-practice. What would we do in these situations? How would these situations affect us if they were to happen? It is just the brain throwing already-known information right back at ya after all.

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:25 pm

The biggest mindfuck ever is that the world as we know it with our senses is also a dream state. Just like in a sleep-induced dream, this dream of Life is experienced from the point of view of a character with sense perceptions. And once way we wake up we see that we were actually not the character in the dream, but rather the dreamer that is dreaming our body and mind. The dreamer is the eternal space in which our dream of the world happens. And it all passes, all experience, just like all dreams will pass. And all that is ever left is the One who is dreaming :)

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Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:42 am

I don't think I've had a dream in years.

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:00 pm

I have reoccurring shifted reality dreams.
As in, I dream of walking through different areas of my town but parts have drastically changed. Either into trails to beaches or forestry, or I can see countryside wetlands from a cliff-top which would usually be a dead end in reality. There's always a lobby hotel in my local park that feels very real to touch.
In basic, my town is a kind of fragmented, confusing parallel universe in my dreams. Like a hedge maze with the path teetering on the brink of the familiar.
But I don't think I am describing the sensation correctly or giving it enough justice cause I haven't had one of these for a good month or so.

They don't make me question reality though, strangely enough the dreams are quite fun and explorative. :lol:

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:17 am

quit weed a month ago, have had some of the most vivid dreams of my entire damn life for the past two weeks. My REM sleep feels like it lasts forever

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:30 am

steeldancer-x wrote:quit weed a month ago, have had some of the most vivid dreams of my entire damn life for the past two weeks. My REM sleep feels like it lasts forever

I know exactly what you mean!

I hopped back on that wagon a while ago and now my dreams are like they were for you in your earlier post. I remember virtually nothing after 30 seconds or so, until some random thing triggers a memory. KABLAMO etc!

Orbited, yes! I also have a dreamscape of sorts. A constantly shifting / swirling / morphing / mixing version of the pacific northwest in the states. I love it! I love the consistencies that occur throughout the dreams.

There is a tunnel that goes into the underground. There is a light down there. A place I know I am not supposed to venture, but the temptation to go there brings it into the current dreamscape, whether that is a friend's house or in the middle of a field.

There is also a mountain or hill somewhere between the coast and Portland. Lotta weird shit goin' on thar!

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:29 pm

For whatever reason I have a lot of weird dreams about hotels, universities, supermarkets, and other expansive man-made locations that vaguely resemble places I've been to but aren't an exact match. Most of the time I don't even end up doing anything interesting there, just sort of fumbling around looking for something/someone/someplace and usually the dream ends before I've even found the thing. Sometimes I actually do find whatever it was that I was after (a recent one involved stumbling across a cool retro game shop downtown that I was very disappointed to realize wasn't real upon waking up, several involve delicious food) but that's almost worse because then you have to wake up and realize you never actually got the thing :lol:

Re: Weird Dreams That Make You Question Reality

Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:24 pm

None of them have made me question reality as such.
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