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Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:39 pm


Wanted to share a clip explaining westerners going to meet with a 'saint' in India,


Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:20 pm

It's true, all experiences are one. And all consciousness. There is only one moment, and it is now.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:17 pm

SamuraiDrifter wrote:It's true, all experiences are one. And all consciousness. There is only one moment, and it is now.

That's only a conceptual truth though, logic will not set you free or stop you from suffering.

Interesting video, though kind of odd and unexpected here, coming from a new user with 1 post. What is the motive behind this?

I remember a video in which Eckhart Tolle explains taking acid and nothing really happened for him either. My guess is that when one is free from mind, psychedelics don't do much anymore, except for some increased sense perceptions perhaps.

Psychedelics are interesting, but they do not necessarily tell anything about the nature of consciousness. It's just an experience and it will pass like any other experience will.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:02 am

Welcome to Twoism, Allexperiences. I watched the clip yesterday and found it rather interesting, actually. Sorry for leaving this thread hanging but it looks like others have stepped in. Will avoid getting into the discussion personally, but my two cents are that in reality I have seen more people negatively affected by hallucinogens than positively affected. It isn't at all a dream sequence like the television portrays all to often, but I am sure you are aware of that.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:06 am

Psychedelic drugs are certainly a double-edged sword. On the one hand it could provide the seeker a brief period of severely reduced or total cessation of thinking, so that one can see through the veil of illusion and see life as it is, without labels, concepts and judgements created by the rational mind that runs our day to day life. In this seeing the mystery of life is revealed and this experience can be very profound and could affect the way life is seen forever in a loving way.

On the other hand, when one is not literally grounded in Being or when the dosage is too high, the illusion of separateness can only strengthen itself through the use of psychedelic drugs, because the rational mind will play the fear card because it is threatened by the state of empty knowing of direct experience and it will try to cover it up with fear of losing one’s sense of self or identity. I guess you could classify this as a bad trip. These can certainly lead to psychotic breakdowns, extreme dissociation and/or confusion, leading to an even bigger and reinforced identification with the illusion of being a separate self. The collapse into seeing life as it is without mind identification is synonymous with death and the mind-identified separate self will do whatever it can to cover that up.

Proceed with caution.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:52 pm

Weirdly, I really enjoyed hallucinating on Salvia and got some quite insightful experiences from it. Most people claim that they trip rather negatively on it and find it overwhelming and frightening in comparison to LSD, but the promise of the trip only being short lived seemed to get me settled in somewhat. I started hearing Hey Saturday Sun (without it actually being on) as if I was in the studio, in better than Vinyl quality as well as getting some rather pleasant visuals. It was lovely, really. I think it is because Salvia works through saturation of kappa Opioid receptors as opposed to Serotonin/Dopamine, I've always had issues with substances that affect Serotonin and Dopamine receptors and I felt incredibly uncomfortable on MDMA and MKAT also.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:30 pm

Valotonin wrote:Weirdly, I really enjoyed hallucinating on Salvia and got some quite insightful experiences from it. Most people claim that they trip rather negatively on it and find it overwhelming and frightening in comparison to LSD, but the promise of the trip only being short lived seemed to get me settled in somewhat. I started hearing Hey Saturday Sun (without it actually being on) as if I was in the studio, in better than Vinyl quality as well as getting some rather pleasant visuals. It was lovely, really. I think it is because Salvia works through saturation of kappa Opioid receptors as opposed to Serotonin/Dopamine, I've always had issues with substances that affect Serotonin and Dopamine receptors and I felt incredibly uncomfortable on MDMA and MKAT also.

Very interesting to read your Salvia experience. I can't say I've tried that, exactly because of the stories and trip reports that underwrite the conditions you mentioned. Though I was always more interested in the philosophical / therapeutic / spiritual approach of psychedelics. But for all I know Salvia could actually be a very spiritual experience, I don't know. Trips are very subjective of course :P

I also have zero knowledge about receptors and stuff, just the actual experiences.

Re: Guru took Acid, nothing happened.

Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:19 am

Gazebo4 wrote:Psychedelic drugs are certainly a double-edged sword. On the one hand it could provide the seeker a brief period of severely reduced or total cessation of thinking, so that one can see through the veil of illusion and see life as it is, without labels, concepts and judgements created by the rational mind that runs our day to day life. In this seeing the mystery of life is revealed and this experience can be very profound and could affect the way life is seen forever in a loving way.

On the other hand, when one is not literally grounded in Being or when the dosage is too high, the illusion of separateness can only strengthen itself through the use of psychedelic drugs, because the rational mind will play the fear card because it is threatened by the state of empty knowing of direct experience and it will try to cover it up with fear of losing one’s sense of self or identity. I guess you could classify this as a bad trip. These can certainly lead to psychotic breakdowns, extreme dissociation and/or confusion, leading to an even bigger and reinforced identification with the illusion of being a separate self. The collapse into seeing life as it is without mind identification is synonymous with death and the mind-identified separate self will do whatever it can to cover that up.

Proceed with caution.

And please, please, PLEASE be careful and cautious if you're taking SSRIs or SNRIs. Educate yourself and know what the hell you're going into. Serotonin Syndrome is real and kills people. Winging it doesn't always work.
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