2016 US Presidential Elections

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Perch wrote:Anybody know anything about this NY voting restriction nonsense? I'm trying to read up, but I can't tell if someone's been screwed over or if it's just an unfortunate circumstance.

If you're not able to find out whether you are able/eligible to vote, then you probably just answered your own question.

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:
Perch wrote:Anybody know anything about this NY voting restriction nonsense? I'm trying to read up, but I can't tell if someone's been screwed over or if it's just an unfortunate circumstance.

If you're not able to find out whether you are able/eligible to vote, then you probably just answered your own question.

Oh I don't live there, I just didn't quite understand what was going on

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Doesn't look like he's going to get the nomination, but I hope Bernie stays in the race until the end. I can't really believe that Democrats see Hillary as genuinely progressive - I think most will regret their choice - if they're lucky enough to get her as President. The argument I hear most is that she's more electable - delusional, given the consistency of the polls saying the opposite. As it is, I suspect Trump is going to destroy her in the race. It is the contest he has been waiting for from the start.
As I said before - vote Hilary for the Democratic candidate, get President Trump.
Clinton or Trump - I can't really imagine a grimmer choice.

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Clinton all but sealed the nomination, Sanders will (and should) contest as AP have announced this fairly prematurely. It's a bizarre nomination as Trump seems to be leading Clinton in most polls. I think the Trump camp would much rather Clinton than Sanders as opposition, far more to pick HIllary on. I guess when the establishment flexes it's muscles it gets what it wants, they win either way with these two candidates.
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Dayvan Cowboy
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The fact that the press have lined up to headline their own pronouncement as if it was official (in fact officially the DNC have asked the press not to count super delegates), tells us all we need to know about journalism these days.
Journalists will scream and squirm as one by one their newspapers and stations go down the toilet, but they've no-one to blame but themselves.
Clinton will be the nominee eventually no doubt, but I hope Bernie goes down fighting with a good win in California today.

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fujee wrote:Clinton all but sealed the nomination, Sanders will (and should) contest as AP have announced this fairly prematurely. It's a bizarre nomination as Trump seems to be leading Clinton in most polls. I think the Trump camp would much rather Clinton than Sanders as opposition, far more to pick HIllary on. I guess when the establishment flexes it's muscles it gets what it wants, they win either way with these two candidates.

trump may lead clinton in the polls right now. simply because sanders supporters will not subscribe to clinton right now.
but once the primaries are over and the dems unite [as they will amicably...unlike the repiblitards] then clinton will beat trump overwhelmingly.
lots of r-pubs are flipping the script and abandoning the party. only the rednecks, uneducated and extremely wealthy will remain. the general public wont do it.

its almost as though trump is a plant to disrupt the party.

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'He offered no immediate evidence..'

In fairness, if he wants the Republicans to look into rigged elections, he's gone to the experts. Jeb must be in such a quandary bless him.


Slow down...

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valleaux wrote:Honestly, I think Sanders and Bush or Rubio will be the final two.

And now look at it. Jesus christ, we've screwed up, haven't we?

(Although the only reason Sanders wasn't the nominee was because the DNC rigged the election against him.)

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I successfully guessed who my candidate of choice would be long before the conventions !

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Dress like a redneck when you vote. Don't make it easy for these people.

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I was into Bernie for a while but knew, realistically, that the American public (even the liberals, lol) would no way in hell vote for someone who aligns with democratic socialism. But now...I feel no urgency or duty to vote. I know, as a far-leftist, that my concerns and interests will never be represented, but I also refuse to be coerced into voting for Clinton.

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Non voters have themselves to thank for president trump. Thanks kids, rock the fuckin vote! Again..

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Yay for trump! Not going to vote, never have, never will. Clinton is the president and wil be impeached.

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Isn't there a third alternative like Jill Stein from the Green Party or something? I know that in the end voting for her won't really matter, and it is actually supporting Trump more then Clinton. But if I were American, I wouldn't vote for either of them.

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Yeah, Jill Stein has been receiving a lot of former bernie supporters, I don't know much about her but I guess her views must be similar enough to his to warrant some support. On the other end of the spectrum, there's libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, but he's been compromising a lot on his views to appeal to disenfranchised republicans looking for a new candidate, which as a libertarian/ancap is very disappointing. Personally, I can't in good conscience vote for anybody currently running. Trump is obviously racist and a terrible leader, and Hillary (to me at least) represents the pinnacle of government corruption and being a sociopath. To me, it seems like both of them are centered on the pure gain of power & strong collectivism, which worries me greatly
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Jill appears to be the least awefull vote though I'm not a fan of cherokee hair tampons.

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Trump's turned the Republican party pro-LGBT, got the RNC to pray with an imam, and questions the 9/11 narrative. Sounds like a pretty free-thinking compromiser to me!

Sure, he's said things that rub me the wrong way, but from a practical perspective: He's not going to deport 11M illegal immigrants. He'll get them in the system and paying taxes. He's said many times throughout his life, in his books, etc that an opening offer needs to be overly aggressive.

Do your own research. I pay attention to how Trump's covered in many different news sources, and it's extremely misleading. ESPECIALLY in European media.

Get the skinny from the horse's mouth, not a 5 second "Gotcha!" snippet of some poorly-chosen words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qYf7uRGruY

I'm quite optimistic for the future of the entire world, and am voting Trump!


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By now I would just vote for Trump to see what happens.
I'm starting to hope he actually wins, see what he can actually do.
I'm guessing the evening news is gonna be a lot more fun.
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Well, as a Canadian—

All right, all right, no need for applause.

As I was saying, as a Canadian, I just want Obama to POOF make a new law and BAM become the president for 10—no 20 more years. And maybe give me a hug if we ever cross paths.


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