Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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< 1 month
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
Total votes: 25

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The Guardian pointed out the same. On the long list of issues I have with him, his 'force feeding' of Koi carp comes somewhere just below his small hands and permanent 'I really need to take a shit' expression in terms of irrelevance. He gives us plenty of other issues on an almost hourly basis.

As you were.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:The Guardian pointed out the same. On the long list of issues I have with him, his 'force feeding' of Koi carp comes somewhere just below his small hands and permanent 'I really need to take a shit' expression in terms of irrelevance. He gives us plenty of other issues on an almost hourly basis.

As you were.

Well exactly, yes. There are plenty of legitimate reasons involving his policies and his actual job as a politician to go after him, why Journalists feel they have to do the infamous "Two scoops of icecream instead of one" stories is beyond me. Is it just part of a greater attempt at character assasination? Are they scared that if they just focused on policy, some might think that Trump is a reasonable person.

I don't think he is perfect but I also don't think he is a corrupt globalist like the opposition was.

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Just corrupt.

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Ex DNC Chair (Who was the Head at the time Clinton was running) Donna Brazile, who exposed Clinton's rigging of the primaries, has dedicated her new book to Seth Rich, who's death she claimed made her fear for her own life and who it was hinted at was the person to leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks (Not Russia).

I was talking about Seth Rich a few posts back, yet another wacky conspiracy theory that is only untrue until it isn't.

Is this the beginning of the exposure of the Clinton body-count. All of the suspicious deaths involving people who where literally on the eve of claiming they had evidence against her? ... acy-702838

Just to state again. This woman was the chairwoman of the DNC when Clinton was running.

Things I am excited about:
Clintons/ Podestas crimes/ Governmental pedophile rings are starting to actually come into the light.
The lid has been lifted on the Hollywood child sexual assault/ general sexual assault scandal and they are scattering like cockroaches in the light

It seems like there is actually a real purge of corruption lies and abuse in the US right now and this is something I have been waiting for for a very long time. A long time questioning if my views on it really where just me taking things too far 'No one could be that evil/ be able to deceive the public for that long without people coming forward with their stories' - Well now they are coming forward with their stories and this is an important part of US history happening right in front of us.

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Interesting talk - a very watchable character. The Mooch is clearly a very shrewd man, who can charm and maneuver his way into advantageous positions, but he's also quick to temper. Classic corporate republican type. You can see why Trump hired him, albeit for 11 days. He seems to have come out of the embarrassment fairly well.

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Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Mexicola wrote:Just corrupt.

That's probably an accurate statement.

I initially liked his approach but he has been bought out by the establishment gradually over the past year.

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The last year. Right.

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Mexicola wrote:The last year. Right.

*Meets you in the middle*


*Meets you at a middle point even closer to your beliefs*



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He's no worse than Obama or Bush etc.
The only person that was under the illusion he could change anything substantial as President was JFK and he was taken out as a result. He claimed that there was a plot to enslave every American citizen seven days before he died and he also stated that he wanted to take down the Federal Reserve and their corruption. The recently release JFK files that Trump actually fought hard against the intelligence agencies to release as unfiltered as possible reveal that Oswald was in constant contact with Communists and they effectively employed him. It was legitimately a coup. Its right there in black and white but the media went completely silent over it. Another page also reveals that they changed the windshield of the car afterwards to mask the fact that the first bullet had entered from the front and shot him in the neck. This is no longer conspiracy theory it is in the documents. I will try and dig up the relevant files.

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Diversion defense? In my Twoism? When did this site become a WATMM mirror? for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:Diversion defense? In my Twoism? When did this site become a WATMM mirror?


You seem well all of a sudden.

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Sorry )-:

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He’ll see out his 1st term. He’d probably win in 2020 too but I honestly get the feeling he doesn’t particularly like the job - he’ll get bored and look for as dignified (for him) out as he can.

That said, it does seem at time like Trump’s presidency might be the first to end with “... before turning the gun on himself”.

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I think you're right, as I see it he never expected to win and never really wanted to take the job. For a while I thought Trump was a fluffer for the Republicans to get Pence in (because they knee Pence wasn't up for the campaign trail). I don't think that's the case now, but if it is it looks like they're going to get their way, eventually.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Valotonin wrote:
Jonse wrote:Diversion defense? In my Twoism? When did this site become a WATMM mirror?


You seem well all of a sudden.

It's just something I dealt with a lot and still do on a personal level, mainly because my parents were (are) Republicans, so any time I visit my mother, if I bring up something nasty that [their team] did politically, I'll get an immediate response about how the DNC did x and y whether it's relevant or not.

So while it doesn't make you wrong (I completely concur; the only manner in which he's worse so far is his asshole disposition and perhaps the initial arrogance where he thought he could just put through executive orders two days into office or if he has that power to begin with/it'll make a difference, but I digress), it doesn't make it relevant to reply with "x is no worse than y" because:

A. Most of us already know this (and those that don't believe in one of the greatest fairy tales ever conceived).

B. Jumping to a different topic makes you look bad as well. Should just be able to go "yeah", move on. for fog machine.

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Also it's not really relevant cos if trump does go, it's not like a dem is going to replace him, it'll be pence. Which I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of, but maybe the guy has a functioning sense of shame so in that way he could be an improvement. Small silver linings.

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Negamuse wrote:Also it's not really relevant cos if trump does go, it's not like a dem is going to replace him, it'll be pence. Which I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of, but maybe the guy has a functioning sense of shame so in that way he could be an improvement. Small silver linings.

Most are predicting that Pence will be worse because he's smarter, saner and just as if not more malicious.

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:
Negamuse wrote:Also it's not really relevant cos if trump does go, it's not like a dem is going to replace him, it'll be pence. Which I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of, but maybe the guy has a functioning sense of shame so in that way he could be an improvement. Small silver linings.

Most are predicting that Pence will be worse because he's smarter, saner and just as if not more malicious.

Which is why for America it's arguably better. for fog machine.

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We'll see I guess. My train of thought was, even though Pence's got some absolutely horrible views, I'm thinking he won't get away with as much because I dunno... maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like Trump gets away with more shit because he just barrels through ignoring all the outrage to what he does in a way other people would be forced to stop and actually try and deal with it. But maybe Trump's changed the way politicians act forever :-(


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