Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
Total votes: 25

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I really hate the concept of politics generally, getting a small group of people to somehow (and always in vain) act on the behalf of millions of infinitely diverse and complex minds with their own sets of ideas and ideals is a real issue.

(deflects away from the fact that the sexual abuse claims against Trump are ever growing despite the fact that I know some of them are false, the others I feel are less likely to be)

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Seriously, though. The media aren't doing themselves any favors.
This article? 'Trump pauses during remarks for sip of water' ... sip-water/
If they want to undermine him, why not go after what is there to mine?

All of these pathetic (as stated before) '2 scoops of icecream instead of one' 'Trump had a bigger salt and pepper shaker than anyone else at the table' stories really undermine their credibility and it means that if a genuine scandal comes to light, it will be more of a boy who cried wolf situation for them.

Edit: A new one: ... mal-712944
"Here's scientific proof that Trump's hands are too small to hold a water bottle like a normal adult"
This is from Newsweek, not Buzzfeed.

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Valotonin wrote:Seriously, though. The media aren't doing themselves any favors.
This article? 'Trump pauses during remarks for sip of water' ... sip-water/
If they want to undermine him, why not go after what is there to mine?

All of these pathetic (as stated before) '2 scoops of icecream instead of one' 'Trump had a bigger salt and pepper shaker than anyone else at the table' stories really undermine their credibility and it means that if a genuine scandal comes to light, it will be more of a boy who cried wolf situation for them.

Edit: A new one: ... mal-712944
"Here's scientific proof that Trump's hands are too small to hold a water bottle like a normal adult"
This is from Newsweek, not Buzzfeed.

That's not unique to Trump, though.
It's quite possible that one of the reasons the UK is leaving the EU and many people have been physically and mentally harmed due to our current UK government's ideological 'austerity' is because the media decided to run the story about Ed Milliband looking awkward eating a sandwich.

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jcnporter wrote:
That's not unique to Trump, though.
It's quite possible that one of the reasons the UK is leaving the EU and many people have been physically and mentally harmed due to our current UK government's ideological 'austerity' is because the media decided to run the story about Ed Milliband looking awkward eating a sandwich.

Absolutely agree. Some of the smear campaigns against Corbyn here are very reminiscent of the Trump treatment in the US.

This is where you can tell that it isn't about the illusion of left-wing and right-wing, but rather a globalist establishment versus a non-globalist party or individual. The DNC are the Tories of the US.

What do Trump and Corbyn have in common that angers the establishment?
The fact that they both want, in theory, to stop outsourcing jobs. To rekindle national industries rather than relying on a global market etc etc. Any hint that a politician wants to take their country more in the direction of self-sufficiency and the existing powers that be unleash their full media wrath upon them.

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Trump combines anti-establishment populist rhetoric (some of it valid, but we have little reason to believe it's inline with what he intends to do) with racism. Corbyn doesn't. Racism usually rises during economic depression and it's a way to divide and control people. They are very different figures.

Corbyn is more akin to Sanders, as often noted.

Also the Democratic Party is more like Labour after Blair and before Corbyn.

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:Trump combines anti-establishment populist rhetoric (some of it valid, but we have little reason to believe it's inline with what he intends to do) with racism. Corbyn doesn't. Racism usually rises during economic depression and it's a way to divide and control people. They are very different figures.

Corbyn is more akin to Sanders, as often noted.

Also the Democratic Party is more like Labour after Blair and before Corbyn.

They certainly aren't alike. I wouldn't compare Corbyn to Sanders though, Sanders is the illusion of a Corbyn-type figure. The Democrats are incredibly good at creating illusions, the 'we will say anything to get elected' establishment in the states is appalling. Corbyn has been one of the few politicians in existence I have ever been able to trust in terms of their intentions.
Different, yes. Polar opposites? Not as much as it would seem on the surface.

They have a key similarity in a certain approach, and this particular approach angers the powers that be.

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A_Northern_Soul wrote:He’d probably win in 2020 too


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2020k wrote:
A_Northern_Soul wrote:He’d probably win in 2020 too


Sometimes I feel like I would be willing to change my political views just to ensure 2020k's happiness.

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Valotonin wrote:...change my political views just to ensure 2020k's happiness.

This is how politics should work.

Also, most posts in this thread about american politics are written by brits.

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Cupz wrote:
Also, most posts in this thread about american politics are written by brits.

I have a Canadian passport if that counts for anything (it doesn't)

The US effectively started as an extension of the British Empire so whatever.

(Insert other excuse to deflect from the fact I really shouldn't be concerning myself too much with the politics of a land thousands of miles away)

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What's the old saying again? When America sneezes, Britain catches a cold? You can likely extend that catchment area much further.

Regardless of the political angle any of us take on this, I do think we've all got some legitimate buy-in, to use that awful middle management term. Sure, we aren't American and we don't get a vote. But we are stakeholders, whether we want to be or not.
I think it's perfectly valid (and frankly pretty important) that people engage with this.

Slow down...

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I'm American, and I dislike that fuckboy.
they tryna be crate

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Errrrrr. Someone want to explain what the fuck he just retweeted?!?

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Mexicola wrote:Errrrrr. Someone want to explain what the fuck he just retweeted?!?

Context? (Prepares to defend whatever papa Trump just said regardless of whether it makes me cringe)

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Turns out he has retweeted these disgusting anti Muslim videos from a British far-right group.

They depict the Muslim culture/people as being savages, there origins are from Britain First and was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).

I found some comments on Reddit that shed more light...

"This is Britain Fucking First. Basically the BNP without the attempt to portray itself as moderate. A supporter of whom murdered MP Jo Cox. What in christ’s name is Trump doing? He may as well be retweeting tweets from the Klan."


"They're nazis, nothing less. The President of the United States just retweeted torture porn videos inciting hatred and violence by British nazis.
Americans, go out and protest. Do not stop until you're heard. You're currently being taken over by a fascist, racist nazi government."

Here is the Wiki page for Britain First ... troversies

This is very VERY disheartening, this is a direct attack on our own people ....what really makes this even more sad is that many republicans haven't the spine to stand up to this madness. :cry:

Trump is by far the worst president america has ever had, who would ever think we could have the POTUS say things/support ideas like this.

I want to throw Trump off a fucking cliff along with his recast dog whistle, this county wasn't made for a POS like him.

Who the fuck does this dickhead think he is :evil:

Let us keep in mind too this is his strategy "don't look at the man behind the curtain" every time he feels the heat he picks on brown people.


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I'm not going to stand for this anymore!

I'm going to find out who i have to write or call to make my voice heard....I may be just one person,however, I can't let this slide anymore.

If any of you out there feel the same start writing and making calls we can't stand idol and watch this maniac destroy the principles that make America what it is, furthermore we can't allow no matter where your from let these awful xenophobic ideas spread.

Sorry for the rant guys but this has been building up and I've absolutely had it .... Racism? NOT IN MY AMERICA!

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I guess Islam isn't really a race though in the same way that Scientology isn't.
What is particular about Islam is that it is not only a set of religious beliefs, but it comes with it own set of political ideals/ laws that, if implicated, would result in the murder of homosexuals and the enslavement of women.

Someone is likely to come in and say 'Christian fundamentalists are no different' here but it is a matter of proportion. Fundamentalist Christians are a very few, most of Christianity has adapted and we have female bishops, gay wedding ceremonies in Churches etc etc. There aren't Christians murdering homosexuals in the streets or stoning women to death for the 'crime of infidelity' that comes as a result of being a rape victim. One has mostly progressed into the present and the other generally hasn't.

What would happen to you if you asked Islam to reform?
What would happen to you if you asked Islam to start taking in female Imams and hosting gay marriage ceremonies?
What would happen to you if you asked Islam to stop segregating females?

In the Bible, yes, there is violence and bloodshed but in an entirely different way. It never asks the reader/believer to partake in violence and actively discourages it. Their belief is that Jesus was a man who performed miracles and helped the sick and stayed abstinent.

The Quran has many, many passages speaking of killing nonbelievers. Even the famous passage 'To kill one man is to kill all of humanity' passage that people use in its defense actually continues on to explain that by 'man' they refer only to people who are of the Muslim faith and to kill those who aren't of Islam is akin to killing cattle. Their prophet is someone who married a nine year old girl and had sexual intercourse with her alongside many other morally abhorrent things, this is the person they are supposed to be idolizing leading as an example for how they are to live.

Religion is also a political belief system, no belief system should be immune from criticism.
Don't like the fact that I am a Buddhist and have issues with some of the beliefs? Tell me about it, scream about it, do anything you want.

Yes, pulling the headscarf off of someone of the Islamic faith is wrong, but it is akin to tearing down and breaking an anti-abortion poster a Christian fundamentalist lunatic is holding. Both are open expressions of faith.

When a religion, particularly a religion that intertwines its self with politics, becomes immune from criticism, you are no longer free and that possibly tyrannical system of political belief might be thrust upon you one day as a result of hypersensitivity and unwillingness to call for reform of a brutal system of beliefs.

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I don't agree!

Just because there is hate and wrong doing is this world doesn't mean we need to use a broad brush over any race,creed,religion or personal beliefs.

Whataboutism is toxic garbage and it's can be used to justify anything.

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TheFadeBeta wrote:Just because there is hate and wrong doing is this world doesn't mean we need to use a broad brush over any race,creed,religion or personal beliefs.

Then one wouldn't have any problem in saying that it is only a few members of the Alt Right that are extremists, and that the majority are moderate. It is a personal belief system to them and I believe many of them view the green pepe frog as a deity now, making it effectively a religion.

(non chronological)
Paris attack, more than 100 casualties - Not all Muslims!
Germany attack, 12 Casualties - Not all Muslims!
Nice attack, more than 80 casualties - Not all Muslims!
Brussels attack, 12 casualties - Not all Muslims!
London attack, 11 casualties - Not all Muslims!
Pulse nightclub attack, 50 casualties - Not all Muslims!

Blm member shoots 6 cops dead the day after rally calling for cops to be killed - Not representative of Black Lives Matter! Lone wolf.
Charlottesville car attack, 1 casualty - All white men need to take responsibility and all Alt-Righters should be considered terrorists this is the fault of everyone in that entire area of the political spectrum.

All of that aside, I respect what you are saying and respect that each person is an individual. I don't want to group all followers of a particular religious or political doctrine together at all and I will happily state that only a small minority of Muslims genuinely agree with the motives of these attacks. I actually agree with the 'Not all Muslims' sentiment I just feel that the same hand should be extended elsewhere.

The videos Trump retweeted, while distasteful, where 'debunked' accordingly:
“Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!”
the assailant was born in the Netherlands to migrant parents, he is not a migrant himself
“Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!”
the statue destruction took place in Egypt and no context was provided for the political turmoil there
“Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!"
the extrajudicial murder took place in ISIS occupied Syria and no context was provided for the political turmoil there

Aside from the first, in which the perpetrator is the child of migrants rather than being a migrant himself, this effectively means that everything he posted was a true example. His wanting to use it to tarnish the whole of the Islamic faith was distasteful at best and I consider it to be wrong. It is the actions of extremists from that group, but are people who use Heather Heyer's death as an example of why all 'Alt Righters' or even many saying 'White men' are terrorists really any better? Its exactly the same situation but with a difference only in what is politically acceptable. Saying that the entirety of a political, religious, ethnic or cultural group are terrorists based on the actions of a few, or even just one, is inherently wrong.

Why does it only apply to some and not others?
I don't like hypocrisy. Equality is true equality and not allowing media and political sensitivity towards one group and animosity towards another.

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You can try and rationalise this however you like. In the eyes of Britain First and their ilk, he yet again gave the Presidential seal of approval to their grotesque world view. I'd feel the same if he was championing ISIS propaganda. He is exploiting the fears of a subset of the population in a dangerous and frankly pretty disgusting manner. Sure, that's what politicians have done throughout history. But that doesn't make it acceptable. I'd rather call him out than defend him.

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