Boards of Canada - Team Satan

Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.

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I’ve followed with interest the crop circle scene/community since circa 1990. Less so the actual crop formations, but more the interaction between the art created by human circle makers and the many synchronicities, psychogeography and psychosomatic effects that often occur.

Back in 2010, I heard about a new major crop circle formation that had appeared close to where I live near Warwick under the ruins of Guy’s Cliffe Castle. It had appeared in one of my favourite fields that I have walked through for years and often stood and thought about how wonderful it would be for a formation to appear here.

The formation was reported online on the 10 July and I visited on the 11th where I found an interesting sizable crop formation, that had artistic elements that I recognised to be the work of the human team known as the Circlemakers (John Lundberg, Will Russell, Rod Dickinson AKA :twisted: Team Satan :twisted: . I’d come across their artwork previously, having previously identified that they were behind the crop circle formations overlooking the Phoenix Festival in the summers of 1995 and 1997 (while self-proclaimed experts were claiming their paranormal origin). In both instances Team Satan created the logos of bands that were playing at the festival i.e. Pitchshifter and the Sneaker Pimps. Incidentally, Boards of Canada played the festival in 1997.

Spurred by the brilliance of Team Satan at Warwick, I carried out an internet search on the team members where I spotted that Will’s Myspace page indicated that he was heavily into BoC.

I decided to try and communicate with the Team Satan through a cryptic message using the Crop Circle Connector’s forum (now closed but then very active). My message posted that Sunday was obscure and subtlety littered with BoC song titles within the text. In closing, I specifically stated “Still hoping for a Hexagon Sun, or at the very least, Triangles and Rhombuses very soon”

The following Saturday (17 July), I was travelling down in Kent and spotted an Internet update about a fresh crop circle formation in Hampshire. With an idea about its location, I made a detour to try and find it on the way back to the Midlands. At sundown, I located the formation in a distant field across the valley. Resplendent in the August sunshine, the formation was again significant in size and complexity. I paid my £2 into the farmer’s donation tin and entered the formation. Again, clearly the masterful work of Team Satan due to the complexity and art form created, although very difficult to appreciate the design from the ground.

An aerial photograph of the Hampshire formation appeared on-line later that week and it was great to finally understand its shape. It didn’t sink in immediately, but a day or two later I realised the hexagon nature of the formation, and that it was entirely made up of triangles and rhombuses.

So within the space of 6-7 days from my BOC crop formation form request, the formation had appeared! Further Will Russell posted in the forum for the first time on the 20 July.

I managed to have dinner with another member of Team Satan a few years later. Whilst they were not willing to be specific about the circumstances of the crop formation, he confirmed that they often listened to Boards of Canada and Christ. as part of the preparatory drive across the landscape to make the formation.

So there you go. A BoC crop circle.

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If indeed true, this is amazing. I'm a skeptic by nature, but I have no reason to doubt the validity of this story. Very cool.

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Superb post! Out of interest, I used to work in Warwick for many years. Beautiful place.

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Thats fuckin neat! Really complex and beautiful.
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This is AMAZING.

How does one even get involved in following the art of people who make crop circles? I feel like Googling would only take me to the weirdo-alien areas of the internet. I'm also suddenly interested in how the people who make them, make them so damn perfectly.

Edit: Just a clarification if an alien read this, I don't want to know how you and your fancy-shmancy space ships make them, I want to know how cool humans do it.

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I love this because (a) it's fucking cool and (b) the OP's named after a now defunct tiny theme park close to where I once lived, and I thought the world had forgotten about it.

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2020k wrote:This is AMAZING.

How does one even get involved in following the art of people who make crop circles? I feel like Googling would only take me to the weirdo-alien areas of the internet. I'm also suddenly interested in how the people who make them, make them so damn perfectly.

Edit: Just a clarification if an alien read this, I don't want to know how you and your fancy-shmancy space ships make them, I want to know how cool humans do it.

there was something on television years ago. from what i remember they had long wooden boards that they would attach to their feet to press the plant material into the ground. i believe the designs were measured off by placing polls in different spots around where the formation would be made, and somehow one way or another ropes were.... nevermind, enough looking like a dumbass. i actually found the video i was referring to on youtube. after watching the video, my description above wasn't that far off even though i haven't seen that video since i was a kid.

and yes thats the dude from breakfast club

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That's incredible. I could see BoC being into that. The immense scale, technical/geometrical perfection and beauty of the art, and the medium, esp. having to be viewed from high above to really understand what the "piece" is.

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If you're set on the rational explanation of crop circles then reading the comments on that video will probably be an immensely frustrating experience. Although one could say that about any YouTube video of any topic...

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really interesting to see someone commenting on my work, yes it is true i am a massive BoC fan and have been from the start, i recall fondly driving round wiltshire and hampshire looking for fields to drop our latest design listening to BoC and Detroit Escalator Co. i completely lost the references to BoC on the old CCC forum, but that may just be because i didnt go there that much - or pay that much attention to what went on there as there were some right old nutters on there, but i should state they werent ALL nutters. i remember david icke once saying at a lecture he was doing people who made crop circles were 7ft lizards who needed to be killed :shock: id love BoC to get us involved doing a design for them :D

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Mad props for your work circlemaker, and also Tucktonia for the awesome story.
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The picture doesn't work for me and I can't seem to find this crop circle online. Does anybody have a pic of it?
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portiss wrote:The picture doesn't work for me and I can't seem to find this crop circle online. Does anybody have a pic of it?

This seems to be it: Image
Image ImageImage

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Threads like this are why I love Twoism.
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