Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.
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Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:12 pm

I might be one of the only people on this site who only wants to hear finished, intended-for-release things by BoC. But yeah, that's a cool thing to have. I'd probably sell it.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:23 pm

Being a BoC fan between albums is tough, so I'll take anything new and official-ish that I can get, no matter how ephemeral it might be. Definitely the coolest thing I've seen since the announcement that the full version of Seven Forty Seven will be on Warp20.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:00 pm

Cool! Thanks for sharing.

dealer wrote:the little girl from the geogaddi cover

You mean this "thing"? I always presumed it's a dude.


Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:16 pm


Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:46 pm

dealer: those photos are incredible. thank you so much for sharing!

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:11 am

idk man

think about the old tunes were in 1996.

can ANYONE name a group at the same time making such phenomenally odd stuff? other than maybe aphex twin And that shit was just experimentation. but it came out fucking GOLD

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:28 am

her on the right.


Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:37 am

[quote="Twoism-ist"]idk man

think about the old tunes were in 1996.


Invisible Skratch Piklz!
Last edited by dave_from_2001 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:49 am

dealer wrote:her on the right.


had a feeling that that was who you were talking about :D

Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:48 am

Chuck Beckles wrote:I might be one of the only people on this site who only wants to hear finished, intended-for-release things by BoC. But yeah, that's a cool thing to have. I'd probably sell it.

Pfff, that's like swearing in church :shock: :lol:

Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:18 am

what is the girl's relation to BoC?

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:39 pm

dealer wrote:
also yes, the "A Few Old Tunes" is in fact Old Tunes Vol. 1.


First off, thanks to Dealer. 8)

Back in 2007 Dealer said: "I don't expect a single person here to believe me, but I'll be taking a few photos of the old releases that you won't have ever seen before"

I said "I suggest we forget about his post and be pleasantly surprised if the goods turn up."

I did forget. And Dealer came through - even though he had the tapes all along and just forgot (?). Nice.

Secondly, I remember all this AFOT versus OTV1 stuff before when they came out.

There's a useful thread on WATMM circa 2006 about this where Joyrex (who has the AFOT, OTV2 and BOC Maxima tapes) talks about catalogue numbers

"Fredd-E: you don't have catalogue numbers for the OT releases either - A few Old Tunes is CANCAS001, and Old Tunes Volume 2 is CANCAS003. Since the mystery tape doesn't have a liner, we can assume it's CANCAS002, and probably Old Tunes Volume 1. Then again, we might be wrong on that assumption"

I can't find anywhere a definitive naming of OTV1 as OTV1. The missing cat number is the best evidence we have really.

Dealer's tape could be mislabelled or it could be that AFOT was done then OTV2 followed and some AFOT tapes were labelled as Vol 1. Then, what we know as OTV1 could be something else altogether.

My money's on the naming is correct now and Dealer's tape is mislabelled though.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:58 pm

Earthbound wrote:
Chuck Beckles wrote:I might be one of the only people on this site who only wants to hear finished, intended-for-release things by BoC. But yeah, that's a cool thing to have. I'd probably sell it.

Pfff, that's like swearing in church :shock: :lol:

I knew I'd get in trouble for that one :lol:

Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:58 pm

audiotrack wrote:then we have the 35 untitled ones which have no pics or anything.
who decided to call these old tunes vol 1 in the first place?

it was generally assumed but never confirmed or stated authoritatively; unfortunately, that distinction got a bit lost over the years.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:33 pm

I imagine they just originally had the one cassette called "A Few Old Tunes", and retroactively renamed it later on when they decided to make a second cassette, but never bothered to change the art.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:58 pm

yeah how about that 747?

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:31 pm

dealer wrote:so after doing so I checked out the 'As Yet Untitled' track and was amazed to hear an unfinished version of Kid For Today, which is one of my very very favorite tracks.

I always thought that the whole IABPAITC was done in the Geogaddi-era, but as it turns out, this one song is indeed years older.

Thanks for the pics, that's great. Although now I'm confused why they wrote AFOT on the cover and OTV1 onto the casette.

And what the heck are the 35 songs we knew as OTV1 up to now. I really love them.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:45 pm

rdy2bz wrote:Thanks for the pics, that's great. Although now I'm confused why they wrote AFOT on the cover and OTV1 onto the casette.

Probably they called it "AFOT" when there was only one cassette, then when they made a second one (OTV2) they called it "OTV1" afterwards for clarity. So when his tape was made, it was hand-labelled "OTV1" but they kept using the old art from when it was "AFOT".

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:57 pm

Moebius wrote:I imagine they just originally had the one cassette called "A Few Old Tunes", and retroactively renamed it later on when they decided to make a second cassette, but never bothered to change the art.

i would go with this.

rdy2bz wrote:And what the heck are the 35 songs we knew as OTV1 up to now. I really love them.

we dont have any evidence that BOC put these 35 tracks together themselves. am i right they just started circulating on soulseek not long after the other 2 volumes had leaked?
In the 'statement from hex sun' / 'old tunes saga' maybe it was exactly these 35 tracks they were refering to. and since they were apparently stolen this could explain why there are no titles.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:32 pm

who is responsible? and how should they be punished?
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