What are your hopes/expectations for the next release?

Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.

Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics

What are your hopes/expectations for a new release?

New LP or EP
Collection of bonus tracks, remixes and compilation appearances
An Old Tunes/Pre-Twoism box set
Total votes: 88

Dayvan Cowboy
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Opothecary wrote:
Sure, I don't think anyone can look at themselves 20 years in the past and see the same person that they are today. I felt like the vibe changed in 2005, and that's okay. Everyone evolves even if they believe they are staying true to themselves. It's just part of human nature.

You can infer based on interviews that they enjoyed psychedelics at the peak of their highest and most recognized musical output. Who knows if that's where their heads are at anymore? Sobriety and intelligence in this world that we live in can very well lead to the type of music that you hear on TH. I think it's also a deliberate nod to the music and themes of the types of movies they grew up on before discovering psychedelics...

You make a very good point. As they are parents, family men, now I would only guess that they have put the experimentation and anything that could put them in to potentially volatile mental states behind them. This is just speculation of course. Even in interviews from more than a decade ago they mention their liking for buying and enjoying lesser known horror films on vhs and TH is very much in fitting with that. Part of me truly hopes that this is wildly deliberately stylised and a lot of their vein of happier intricate and, generally, songs that are musical embodiment of the wonder one feels as a child still exist and are still being made. I do feel that TH is a deliberately bleak album to fit with the idea they had in mind and it isn't entirely representative of their current music. Its another geogaddi placed between two really beautiful albums (not that geogaddi wasn't beautiful).

Like I say, this is speculation based on my hopes for happier music to come.

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my hope/expectation for a new release is for there to be one.

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Valotonin wrote:Like I say, this is speculation based on my hopes for happier music to come.

Musically, I'm not sure where it will go. Conceptually, I have ideas - they don't seem like they'd make for happy music. They seem like they're getting increasingly caught up on the idea of exploring some of the larger innovations and landmarks of humanity starting more or less at the time of their birth, and how humanity has reacted to those things over time.

Geogaddi is kind of this blend of numerology, the occult/cult figures and psychedelia. Talking about the late 60s and early 70s, that's when LSD took the world by storm. TH jumps ahead 10 years and its sort of steeped in cold war fear and has that VHS horror feel to it.

Logically, the next step is to take on the internet era. They told us that the internet was evil and to wake up when they first got started, so it would be kind of a full circle thing. In terms of innovations and social impact on the world, the internet is probably the biggest thing to happen to our society since LSD was popularized.

I think their next big idea is going to be something like a "Geogaddi signs up for Facebook and Twitter" type of concept, if you want to reduce it to a snappy soundbyte. You look at the kind of world we live in now and how it's been shaped by the internet, the decisions that many make in terms of entertainment consumption day to day boils down to a numeric review average, some people live their lives via their social media accounts, their number of likes, shares and retweets are incredibly important to them. It almost makes me wonder if what they are doing right now with social media is sort of a meta commentary that runs along the lines of what they're about to drop on us or will release someday.

Modern life right now is this weird secular version of many of the themes previously explored, but it's kind of cold and sterile, there's no space for kaleidoscopes and gyroscopes. Decision making is all based on numbers now, but it's also how certain people insist on obtaining their information on the world, willingly stuck inside these hermetically sealed echo chambers where nothing that conflicts with their worldview is allowed inside, much like how life inside a cult would be. Numbers and cults, sound familiar?

There's simply too much information out there and I think the human mind is conditioned to consume information the way our bodies handle nutrition - if there's a surplus, we will always flock to the foods/ideas that we personally enjoy by default. Essentially, the internet has boiled many of us down to a bunch of instant gratification loving, no conflicting information consuming, relying on numbers to make our decisions for us thoughtless drones. Well, that's the pessimistic view of it at least.

Full disclosure, I enjoy technology, technology pays the bills - I've got all my media neatly organized via Plex, but I also have a study with a turntable and a proper collection of hardcopy books too. Sometimes convenience can be good, but I also think that being tactile or doing things the hard way keeps us centered. I think it's possible to both embrace the good and criticize the bad parts of modern convenience.

Anyways, how do they make that theoretical type of album without being heavy handed, preachy or seemingly biting the hand that feeds them? I'm not sure that they could pull it off, but I like the idea of what they're doing now right now as subtly kind of proving a point somewhere down the road for future work.

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Opothecary wrote:"Geogaddi signs up for Facebook and Twitter"

That sounds utterly horrify, but oddly enticing nonetheless.
Opothecary wrote:Decision making is all based on numbers now, but it's also how certain people insist on obtaining their information on the world, willingly stuck inside these hermetically sealed echo chambers where nothing that conflicts with their worldview is allowed inside, much like how life inside a cult would be.

So you think they might take on the social justice cult? Sounds good to me! I don't think that would be well received, however necessary it might be.
Opothecary wrote:Anyways, how do they make that theoretical type of album without being heavy handed, preachy or seemingly biting the hand that feeds them?

Therein lies the rub. In this day and age, you can't criticize modern culture in any meaningful way without igniting a firestorm. Nobody can accept that there just might be something wrong with how we live today.

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zeoevil wrote:So you think they might take on the social justice cult? Sounds good to me! I don't think that would be well received, however necessary it might be.

I tried to speak on the subject in the most neutral manner as possible. If anyone tries to read a particular agenda into what I said, that's their baggage and that's on them.

These echo chambers can be political, religious, musical, sports related, etc. SJWs vs MRAs, Brexit, Twoism vs WATMM, the Yankees vs the Red Sox, whatever. The cost of seeking this type of inclusion and self identification generally ends up being subscription to tribalism (either subconsciously or deliberately) and that was the point that I was trying to make.

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Why does the next release need to be a commentary or reflection of the woes of the modern world? I prefer music that has seemingly no connections with reality. That's why I like electronic music. It doesn't necessarily have to be 'about' something.

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When you get past the surface stuff that's popularly created and focused on (for whatever reason) and you see the reality that TH seems based on, it probably seems obvious that something should be done. Some people try to start a dialog like TH does. The problem is that a lot of people aren't suffering from accidental misunderstanding or simply not knowing. 99% of people are not waiting with open ears or open minds on the topic. Some people are focused on other things to capacity. Some know of but are willfully denying the situation. Some are perpetually mentally escaping. The result is that maybe one, maybe two people hear something as simple as "something's happened to us". One of those 2 might even say "so what?". A lot of people might have just thought of TH as "another nostalgia album" and enjoyed it that way, completely dismissing the core of it. It's easy to step back and wonder if talking about these things makes any difference. It's like we're living in the age of instant escapification.

Maybe M/M get to a point where they feel they've done what they can on the subject? They could start shifting focus to the one thing they can have an impact on--themselves. If it's happening and happening now then the next release could be really different. The world is what it is, willfully so. Maybe a better way is to just be aware of what's going on but not let it weigh ya down. Happiness doesn't care about all of that, and when it's felt it's shared, and maybe that's an even more effective message. Or maybe I just did way too many drugs.

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the end.

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*internet hug*

voila no more sadness

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down with drugs, up with hugs!

Maybe it's the end of expectation. The end of reading into a string of numbers after a supposed three month wind up. Maybe they want to break us of that stuff. I was annoyed, but now it's kind of freeing in a way. Maybe they were having a laugh, or maybe it's not them at all. Lots of maybe's..

Every fall I go through this. If we hear nothing by the election, then maybe that's it for a whole 'nother year. Expectation is kind of exhausting after a while. I thought we'd need a little cheering up by then. Hope is a little exhausting too. Definitely seeing the benefits of nihilism..

I thought the 6/6 thing was a little irresponsible, but maybe we just jerked ourselves around. Which is really just a great way to bruise your junk.

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I guess that let the wind out of all our sails, I've sort of lost interest in actively keeping an eye on this stuff for a little while. Here's a little food for thought for those who have lost hope (I'm done thinking about it until the end of October)

Every 3 months, the year alternates by 20, 40 or 60, the date is always the 22nd:

22-FEB-2016 (Sisters remix announcement)
22-MAY-1956 (the first date that the NBC peacock logo was used - the Tweet from 7/31 is the only one that isn't a proper fan video)
22-AUG-1996 (Cosecha date)
22-NOV-2016 (funny to think that this is a Tuesday, the traditional record release day in the US up until a year ago or so)

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I have to preface this with, I promise I'm not crazy, just drunk on good beer that I bought a few days ago in Vermont, from half an hour away from where the Sisters video footage was shot...so maybe its inspired my thought process.

I remember thinking at the time back on 6/6 and 7/7, are they really going to drag whatever this is out to 10/10? (the 6.7,8,9,10 sample is what came to mind) so I guess that could be the case. For something to happen this year, its basically (almost) now or never. I think expecting something on 8/22 was always sort of some kind of optimistic self talk, this very well could be too.

Looking at my last post, its interesting that they've left information hanging around in different corners of the internet that infers these specific 3 month increments (2/22 - 5/22 - 8/22 - 11/22) as being noteworthy in different 20 or 40 year increments. I think I figured out the 2:57 thing too, if you look at it as 2 x ( 5 x 7 ) = 70, it makes a certain kind of sense when you figure in the Gemini track time/TH album catalog number and the theme of "twins".

I remember thinking back to their posts on the 11th and 22nd once a year or so on Twitter on the run up to TH. Twitter is one thing, but looking purely at Facebook, their only real recent posts have been on 6/6 and 8/24. 6 + 6 + 10 + 10 = 32 and 8 + 24 = 32. TH was released on 6/10/13 of course - so its kind of funny to see the 11s and 22s in the run up to TH, now we see maybe 6s and 10s as important here, maybe the "alpha and omega" of this long summer scheme.

It makes me think of that quote in one of their interviews years ago where one of them said they liked the idea of planting a seed in the past that only means something later on (just paraphrasing, but something like that) and until a year ago, 11/22/16 would have just been a plain old Tuesday album release day before Fridays became the new thing.

Warp has released the new Danny Brown record and their fall/holiday slate is totally empty so far other than the Autechre reissues, so I have a feeling they must have at least one big album on the way before the end of the year, let's hope that means something is happening. They tend to announce new albums about 6 weeks ahead of time (TH was officially announced 4/29 I believe, after the cosecha shenanigans) so a 10/10 announcement for 11/22 makes a lot of sense.

If it really is happening, I wonder if they will start teasing us a week ahead of time like with TH or if they will just drop the news all at once? All that being said, we've all been at it long enough to know that it could just be the dreaded black box for the social media generation...

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Opothecary wrote:In terms of innovations and social impact on the world, the internet is probably the biggest thing to happen to our society since LSD was popularized.

lol i think lsd impacted you're idea of how lsd impacted society

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zeoevil wrote:
Opothecary wrote:Decision making is all based on numbers now, but it's also how certain people insist on obtaining their information on the world, willingly stuck inside these hermetically sealed echo chambers where nothing that conflicts with their worldview is allowed inside, much like how life inside a cult would be.

So you think they might take on the social justice cult? Sounds good to me! I don't think that would be well received, however necessary it might be.

firstly, i don't see how you got that from what opoth was saying, zeo. secondly, i'd peg the brothers sandison as pretty fucking liberal. thirdly, twoism is a "hermetically sealed echo chamber" if i ever saw one. some of the fucking mumbo jumbo i read on here. fuck

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Man, that was quite the treatise on my part. I guess you've got time to think when you're stuck in a car on the way to buying good beer, and then the good beer in turn helps you expound on your thoughts...anyways...

I find it interesting how our default mindset is that we'd like to think that the artists that we appreciate align with our own personal belief systems. I think they'd like to leave that piece as ambiguous as possible, to let us read between the lines and draw our own conclusions about what they're saying without applying some kind of partisan thought process to it.

I have a friend who gets exposed to Fox News on a semi regular basis, and I remember he was excited about how some commentator or other was fired up about Boards of Canada a couple years ago...I just thought that it was funny, and that BoC would think it was either funny and/or horrifying...but that's probably just me applying my own belief systems to how I'd think they'd react, eh?

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Echo the Sun wrote:lol i think lsd impacted you're idea of how lsd impacted society

I disagree, but I will acknowledge that most of the ground that it broke was within the 10 years or so following its popularization, so its easy to say that its not a huge deal with the amount of time that's passed since the peak of that era. I wasn't alive for it, I'm sure 99% of Twoism wasn't either!

However you feel about it, the Beatles, the Grateful Dead, the DNA double helix, Steve Jobs, maybe even BoC, wouldn't be the same if LSD didn't exist. Life was something analogous to Leave it to Beaver before it came and changed the world, that should be all the proof that you need of its impact.

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Gotta wonder at least. Erase all psychotropics from the picture, and instead of belief in love and unity what do you get? Escapism? The unity/communal vibes seemed obliterated by the 'me generation' coming right on their heels (the extreme self-above-all-others aspect of our culture now seems rooted in that), but to me those are more important topics than increased access to information/communication.

Look at the incredible access out there on the internet, and then look at how it's actually used. You can get more than a PhD-level education from it in any number of fields for free, but do we? 99% of people don't care. Politicians talk about making education free, and it's hard not to laugh. Speaking of politics...

Echo the Sun wrote:i'd peg the brothers sandison as pretty fucking liberal. thirdly, twoism is a "hermetically sealed echo chamber" if i ever saw one. some of the fucking mumbo jumbo i read on here. fuck

I can see that, but it's hard to ignore 'In A Beautiful Place'. Then again, maybe O's right about seeing your own beliefs in music heh. And he's been 'raging against the echo chamber' a lot lately, I'm proud :D

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Hey, Opothecary good analysis form your side, I see you mentioned Gemini track lenght,
this is indeed a funny one. Gemini track lenght is 2:56, TH warp catalogue number is 257, maybe just a coincidence..but this is there my imagination starts to flow, remember how Gemini ends and how abruptly RFTD starts? I noticed this a long time ago, but just recently it came together, just a funny idea, that maybe something was cut and instead we get this boc album and that gemin" record is hidden somewhere from the public. Probably not true, but I personally like this idea. Also didn't know that 257 is 2x5x7=70? Thats is intersting one ;)
Yeah, also that 10/10 thing also took my attention not long time ago, if something is going to happen, this is the date ;)

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mr3 wrote:Gotta wonder at least. Erase all psychotropics from the picture, and instead of belief in love and unity what do you get? Escapism? The unity/communal vibes seemed obliterated by the 'me generation' coming right on their heels (the extreme self-above-all-others aspect of our culture now seems rooted in that), but to me those are more important topics than increased access to information/communication.

Look at the incredible access out there on the internet, and then look at how it's actually used. You can get more than a PhD-level education from it in any number of fields for free, but do we? 99% of people don't care. Politicians talk about making education free, and it's hard not to laugh. Speaking of politics...

Echo the Sun wrote:i'd peg the brothers sandison as pretty fucking liberal. thirdly, twoism is a "hermetically sealed echo chamber" if i ever saw one. some of the fucking mumbo jumbo i read on here. fuck

I can see that, but it's hard to ignore 'In A Beautiful Place'. Then again, maybe O's right about seeing your own beliefs in music heh. And he's been 'raging against the echo chamber' a lot lately, I'm proud :D

And you that 1% right? :D sorry just coudln't resist


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