Moderators: Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
dana wrote:ParticleGhost wrote:A semi recent one : https://voca.ro/1jdElzV5rB7a
Wow real drumming, sounds good!
ParticleGhost wrote:A semi recent one : https://voca.ro/1jdElzV5rB7a
cabal rose tv wrote:dana wrote:
Great stuff, as dana pointed out great drumming. I want to buy a set myself, and this is very inspiring.
Are you guys putting your stuff onto tape? Cause I hear hiss in both of your recordings (in a good way).
If you do, it sounds great. I sometimes put my own music onto cassette, and it does magic.
dana wrote:Here is a full track i finished called "Prefecture San" (Watch nomad push on youtube if you want to understand the naming!)
dana wrote:Here is a full track i finished called "Prefecture San" (Watch nomad push on youtube if you want to understand the naming!)
cabal rose tv wrote:Hey, great tune!
I've been inactive for a while, because of depression, but here is a track I've just finished!
TaoTapeTao wrote:Here's the first master from one of the tracks on a project I'm finishing up for a full release: https://voca.ro/1EQBmbw5w5t8
cabal rose tv wrote:TaoTapeTao wrote:Here's the first master from one of the tracks on a project I'm finishing up for a full release: https://voca.ro/1EQBmbw5w5t8
Wow, that's lovely. Very lively and organic with a great drum pattern! That intro reminds me of some safe, special place. Cant wait to hear the full release.
mGardener wrote:Got bored so i tried making vaporwave: https://voca.ro/1bBHT9vtg7Ow
(used "Air - Ce Matin La" for the sample)
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