2016 US Presidential Elections

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I like option #3;

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politic ... -1.2331085

Presidential candidate named 'Deez Nuts' polling at 9% among North Carolina voters; unmasked as 15-year-old Iowa boy

The 2016 race for the Republican presidential nomination is officially nuts — "Deez Nuts."

The race, which already comprises 17 major candidates, got an additional entrant this week who has fashioned his name after an infamous rap song.

A person named "Deez Nuts" filed official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for President Sunday, CBS News reported, joining more than 500 other random contenders who have the legal right to run for the presidency.

More shockingly, however, is how well Nuts, who is running as an independent, is faring in the key state of North Carolina, where, according a to a Public Policy Polling poll, the mysterious figure got the support of 9% of likely voters.

Nuts, of Wallingford, Iowa, also got the support of 8% of likely voters in Minnesota and 7% in of likely voters in Iowa, the poll found.

Nuts has not yet filed any campaign contributions with the FEC, the Washington Times reported.

Nuts registered under a name known widely as the sixth track on Dr. Dre's critically acclaimed 1992 album "The Chronic."

The song, titled "Deeez Nuuuts" contains a bevy of sexually explicit lyrics laid over a catchy beat.

On Wednesday afternoon, the suddenly popular candidate was unmasked as a 15-year-old boy from rural Iowa.

"When I heard about the Limberbutt McCubbins story, I realized I could,” Brady Olson told The Daily Beast, referring to another notorious fake candidate.“The next step is to get some party nominations, like the Minnesota Independence Party or the Modern Whig Party. t would also be great to find a VP, preferably McCubbins because the Nuts/McCubbins ticket sounds amazing.”

At least 512 people have formally filed a statement of candidacy for the 2016 presidential election with the Federal Election Commission, according to CBS News.

And if you didn't hear about Limberbutt McCubbins.


The first thing people noticed was the name.

A Louisville resident named Limberbutt McCubbins had apparently filed to run for president, gaining attention in recent months from a campaign watchdog and, most recently, The Rachel Maddow Show.

It’s not entirely clear whether everyone realized that Limberbutt McCubbins is a cat.

In an interview, Isaac Weiss, 17, a rising senior at duPont Manual High School in Louisville, said he thought it would be funny to enlist his friend’s cat to run for president. The presidential candidate belongs to 18-year-old Emilee McCubbins, who is also a rising senior at Manual.

So Weiss logged on to the Federal Election Commission’s website this spring and created “The Committee for the Installation of Limberbutt.”

According to Federal Election Commission filings, Limberbutt is a Democrat. Or as Weiss puts it, a “demo-cat.”

Weiss and Emilee McCubbins say they have already gotten letters about Limberbutt’s candidacy—some going as far as to ask for proof of the cat’s citizenship. Other letters are seeking information about possible volunteer opportunities to help get McCubbins in the White House.

“I got a letter in the mail from a lawyer wanting to represent him,” McCubbins told WFPL News. “I’ve gotten numerous emails.”

Weiss added: “It does not appear that they know that he is indeed a cat.”

Candidate McCubbins is not the first non-human to become a presidential candidate. Others include a pig named Pigasus the Immortal in 1968 and Molly the Dog in 2008.

Anyone can start a committee to explore running for president, but actually getting on a ballot is up to state laws, an FEC spokesman said. Also, the FEC’s regulations apply to people, not cats, the spokesman added.

Weiss said he and his friends started this process—which already includes a Facebook page and campaign swag—mostly as a joke.

“We often joked around that Limberbutt would make a great president,” Weiss said of the 5-year-old cat.

He said what stood out to him was that it was even possible to register a cat with the FEC.

“Anyone can easily run for president, which is why if you go to the FEC website you’ll see over 200 people listed—including Limberbutt,” Weiss said.

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I was about to mention Lawrence Lessig, but nvm, well played Torn n Frayed!
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Honestly, I think Sanders and Bush or Rubio will be the final two.
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Awesome shirt tonx!

If Bernie Sanders wins the US and world will be a better place.
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So how about that riot in Chicago?
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I read a good article in Rolling Stone, which pretty much nailed it - pretty much anything that happens will end up as a positive for Trump and people are tearing their hair out because they can't understand why. Like everyone else, I thought Trump was just an idiot and a blowhard, but I've revised my opinion.
What folk aren't getting is that Trump has changed the game - the other Republican candidates are stuck in traditional campaigning - focusing on policies etc. while he's simply self-promoting and he's head and shoulders above the rest at it - he's a salesman, after all.
He gets free publicity because everyone wants to talk to him, he doesn't have to have any real policies and he can pretty much say what he likes as long as it's with an air of confidence and without apology. People may not like it, but it's working.
It's probably too late for the GOP to figure this out - he's home and dry as their candidate I reckon - what's more important is that Democrat voters figure it out and realise that Bernie Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does - Trump will be relishing a showdown with Hilary, the epitome of the 'corrupt liberal establishment'.
Vote Hilary and get President Trump....

Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) does a good analysis of the Trump phenomenon on his blog - he said from the start that Trump was going to romp it.

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It's terrifying to think Someone as psyhotic and horrible as Trump could be the leader of one of the super powers, if he does get elected, well done to those voting for World War 3.

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valleaux wrote:So how about that riot in Chicago?


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jcnporter wrote:what's more important is that Democrat voters figure it out and realise that Bernie Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does - Trump will be relishing a showdown with Hilary, the epitome of the 'corrupt liberal establishment'.
Vote Hilary and get President Trump....

In that case, we could be in trouble, considering that Sanders seems to losing to Clinton in most states.
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Yeah, it's looking like it's going to be Hilary Clinton as the 'Establishment' candidate vs Trump the 'rebel', which plays right into his hands. A awful choice - Trump, the unknown, polarising, likely huge disaster, vs Clinton - more of the same decades old neoliberal script, military action, corporate rule, a grinding march to the bottom.

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valleaux wrote:
jcnporter wrote:what's more important is that Democrat voters figure it out and realise that Bernie Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does - Trump will be relishing a showdown with Hilary, the epitome of the 'corrupt liberal establishment'.
Vote Hilary and get President Trump....

In that case, we could be in trouble, considering that Sanders seems to losing to Clinton in most states.

I dunno not being from the US, and it might just be the overenthusiastic Bernie supporters spinning this, but the talk seems to be that the momentum seems to be going in his favour. He started WAY behind Clinton, but is picking up steadily, while she's dropping off. He's picked up a couple of good wins, and a lot of her more favourible states are behind her. In other words, it may swing his way from this point out, especially if you know, the press actually runs with this whole thing about her basically saying whatever she needs to to in front of the crowd she's talking to - that kind of "politician" stuff that a lot of people are very tired of. Stuff like her saying "where was Sanders when I was talking about healthcare in 93" and not only has he been provably banging on about that stuff like, forever, there's actual video of her speaking about healthcare with Sanders standing right behind her.

Anyway, I think it's a bit early to call yet, I reckon there's a long way to go before he's out of the game.

On the dems vs Trump thing... eesh. I just can't even process a Trump-led US in my head yet. You know, I don't think it can happen, SURELY it can't happen, but then you look at the support he's got so far and it's crazy to me.

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I think your analysis was right MrMessiah, Bernie is definitely gaining momentum and quietly securing delegates. Alaska and Washington are big wins.
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Been phone banking till my ears bleed for Bernie "birdy" Sanders and I'm Canadain. Every single county in Washington today went for him, so satisfying :)

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I've just read this excellent piece about Bernie and why the hard facts show him on the up and the logical candidate for the Democrats, while most of the mainstream media is still portraying him as the opposite, the inevitable loser who needs to just give up and allow Queen Hillary to have what is rightly hers.


The bias is quite stunning, even here in the UK in so-called left leaning media such as the Guardian.
Although I don't live in the US, I have family there and have been keeping a curious eye on the race. I stand by my prediction that a vote for Hillary as Democrat candidate will lead to President Trump.

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It's the sort of thing that makes me want to go into a bit of a rant, because it seems to me like Clinton's support in the media is largely just that it's an established narrative, and challenging narratives is difficult. It's a bugbear of mine. Hey ho, we'll see how the numbers stack up as time goes on.

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Another good article in the Huff Post -


with plenty to think about in the many links within it. Here's one that stood out -

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Anybody know anything about this NY voting restriction nonsense? I'm trying to read up, but I can't tell if someone's been screwed over or if it's just an unfortunate circumstance.


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