The Happy RANT THREAD!!!!!!!

Random chat: movies, books, games, technology, etcetera.

Moderators: Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics

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Happy Cycler
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drugs - in the least brash way possible, they are fun everyone knows it, some people just give them a bad rep by being idiots
long, epic novels
vinyl crackle
warm bath on a cold night
hot shower for 80% of the time you're in there, then 20% cold at the end - makes you feel so fresh
tweed blazers
nice interesting fabrics and papers
double beds
discussing hilarious things which have happend in the past
dark chocolate
taking off in a plane
exploring places
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Ok, a more serious answer from me this time.

* Afternoon naps in a sunny room.
* Warm beer, in a proper pub, with an open fire while wind and rain lash down outside.
* The sound and look of rain against a window pane on a winter's day.
* Cuddling up with my wife at home.
* Scoring a goal at football after winning the ball with a crunching tackle, dummying my way past two or three players before letting fly from 25 yards AND (crucially) the ball crashes in off the underside of the crossbar. (this one doesn't happen often)
* Singing my heart out with another 53,000 people at St James Park as Newcastle United score a last minute winner (this one also doesn't happen often)
* Thinking about the children that me and my wife are planning (Shhhhhh. I didn't tell you that, right?!)
*Tuning my Fender Tele to D, plugging it into my Marshall, cranking it up to 11 and hitting a sick chord so hard I get told off by the Mrs.
* Sitting down to a slap up Chicken Tikka Dansaak/Haddock and Chips with Mushy Peas, 12" Deep Pan Super Supreme Pizza with Cheesy Garlic Bread/Large Doner Kebab with Garlic Sauce AND Chilli Sauce/Beijing Duck, chicken fried rice, Capital Spare Ribs, Sesame Prawn Toast and Prawn Crackers.
* Cooking a Beef Wellington and all the trimmings for my family - then basking in the limelight as they tell me how amazing it is! lol
* THAT moment at your favorite gig, just before the band come on and all the lights go out.

Slow down...

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Bilinda Butcher...any girl who can play guitar as noisy as the middle section of You Made Me Realise and look that pretty is an instant hit with me.

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OverTheHorizonRadar wrote:Bilinda Butcher...any girl who can play guitar as noisy as the middle section of You Made Me Realise and look that pretty is an instant hit with me.

Heard of Wata before?

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Eagle Minded
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Pineapple juice
Old women
Warmth of sun inside your skin
Brothers, sisters
Old cars

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Dayvan Cowboy
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being totally ZEN--in the moment, needing nothing, having no urges, desires, wants, needs, or even thoughts. pure transcendence, pure existence. pure experience.

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Getting to the top of a hill while hiking and taking a break to enjoy the view
The ocean
Unabashed affection
Sincerity, Integrity
Lemon trees

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pointlessdude wrote:Warmth of sun inside your skin

..And this. So much.

Edit: Am loving reading these all, by the way :)

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Happy Cycler
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This may be my favourite thread ever:

Being physically tired
Leftovers for lunch the following day
Cold, clear days

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She is just.. perfect. This picture is my favourite. So glad I saw them live when the toured recently.


back to other lovely things

my girlfriend
french accents
irish accents
morning dew
crosswords and the satisfaction of completing them
very cold weather
very hot weather, but with a cool breeze
starry night skies out in the countryside
meeting interesting people when travelling
pizza express pizza
roast chicken
sun dried tomatos
really cold water when you're hungover in the morning
BBC Radio 4
falling asleep with the radio quietly on
HBO Television series
mad men --> don draper + christina hendricks
ticking clocks
lovely things made of mahogony and other rich woods
fresh air
flea markets
playing football and scoring goals (thanks for reminding me mexicola)
world cup 98' - amazing tournament
roger federer
the universe and all which emcompasses it
cool clothes
caring people
old rich cinema footage, film noir, french new wave
debating things with friends
discussing what you would do if you won loads of money (namely what you'd buy your mates)
good manners
mood lighting
fish tanks

so many wonderful things
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Mexicola wrote:* Warm beer, in a proper pub, with an open fire while wind and rain lash down outside.

This is such an English thing, and I know exactly what you mean - proper beer, proper pub, proper atmosphere. Lovely.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Sherbet Head
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fujee, I love what you said about drugs, and people making them look stupid by being idiots! I totally agree!

Walking in the forests around my house at night with my best friend. We call it "The Sanctuary," where we can relax and take in the world. We ignor all fears and plunge into the depths. And when we reach the center, there is a clearing with a pond. And on a full moon night, the moonlight shines through and illuminates the pond. And we just stand and listen to the world. Feel the light wind fanning through the trees.

And when we return, we look back and see the terrifyngly dark forest that we just walked through. Some of the best beauties are hidden.

That is one of the best feelings in the world.

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fujee wrote:
Mexicola wrote:* Warm beer, in a proper pub, with an open fire while wind and rain lash down outside.

This is such an English thing, and I know exactly what you mean - proper beer, proper pub, proper atmosphere. Lovely.

I would LOVE to come over there and experience this with you guys sometime! It's NOTHING like that over here! I tend to avoid bars on this end of the pond. You guys make it sound so cozy and friendly.

This thread is becoming one of the happiest things ever! I am diggin' it!

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English pubs just seem to have that tradition and history - they are a place you go to drink and socialise, not just drink - which is mainly a bar experience, nothing wrong with that of course, it's just more solitary. Pubs are for talking with people you don't necessarily hang with that often, just somewhere you frequent which has the same types of people as you, so it's easy to just start up a conversation with people you don't really know.

in addition to the ever growing list of brilliantness

feeling fresh faced after a shave
vintage guitar equipment
big bodied jazz guitars
old cars from 40's/50's/60's
waking up to breakfast after waiting all that time to eat again
mints after a meal
lemon towels you get from chinese restaurants
putting your head underneath a hot stream of water and feeling completely submerged in warmth
old buildings
leather armchairs
the smell of burning wood
drinking beer with your mates whilst watching a film
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Dayvan Cowboy
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i absolutely love driving down new roads. there's so many here in the west wales countryside. which all, eventually, link up. on a recent adventure with a friend, we discovered an old church overlooking a valley. inside it was a lovely old pedal organ. played this. took some photographs. wandered around the church. and continued on our journey. lovely!


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Best. Thread. Ever.

Victorian engineering
Being on a boat
Eating seafood close to where it was caught
Don't Talk, Put Your Head on my Shoulder by the Beach Boys
Guitar feedback
Beer gardens
That "1st pint" feeling

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Sherbet Head
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Gigs in small venues
Hitting it off with people
Tasty beverages
The moment right before kissing
Most shows/concerts/festivals - love 'em
Meeting musicians
Laughing till you're crying
Good company
Playing scales really fast and feeling like a pro
Bawling your eyes out
Beginning and finishing books
When you hang out somebody you're immensely attracted to, and every moment feels like it's on fire - I guess it's sexual tension
A good emotional film
A good foreign film
Listening to something new playing in the background that's s good you have to ask who it is - a discovery!
Just feeling totally at one with anyone and everyone, just being on the same wavelength

Damn this is uplifting

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Sherbet Head
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Discussing music and film with people

Sharing a experiences with people, like seeing a movie or listening to an album together

Hipster chicks

Taking a vinyl (or CD too :)) off my shelf and just holding and looking it

Browsing through albums at a record store

That moment when you listen to album/song and there's just a stand out moment that makes you smile and laugh at it's brilliance

Long car rides with nice people

Making drones and sounds with feedback loops and other experimental techniques

"Tape hiss makes me happy"

The noises on a vinyl record

Perticipating in music competitions and hearing my stuff being enjoyed by dozens or even hundreds of people

Making people happy

Playing random chord progressions on a guitar, even though I can't play it worth dick

Potato chips

Nightly walks through a barren neighbourhood
Last edited by noby on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sherbet Head
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I'm happy to see the happy rant thread pushing twice as long as the angry rant thread.

A 60s Les Pauls run through a Marshall half stack cranked up to distortion levels of volume. Dat tone.

Loud as fuck power chords on the above setup.

Summer rain in a grassy field.

1 nighters w/ chicks.

Pink lemonade.

Dogs that can catch frisbees really well.

Plinking beer cans w/ a .22


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