Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
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So, given the current car crash (pun intended) of his presidency, how long do you think he'll last?
Not, 'how long do you hope he'll last'.
How long do you predict he'll last.

Slow down...

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...according to the ghostwriter for his "Art Of The Deal" book, he expects him to quit by the autumn. Don't know if I really believe that--Trump, of all people, revels in just being top dog.
[ .... ... .. . .. … …. ]

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Here is an elderly gentleman who needs a stick to assist with his walking, no nazi symbols or anything, who attended to protest the destruction of history. He was beaten unconscious by the 'Peaceful counterprotesters' and is still in hospital. One of the people that was 'doxxed' on a database for being at the rally protesting the removal of a historical monument has been stabbed outside of his home and is in critical condition in hospital. The car as mentioned above was visibly damaged before he hit the accelerator, extended footage shows more than one person hitting it with a club-like object and a rock being thrown at the window. When he accelerated, all that was in front of him was a road and a car. People gathered infront of the car in an attempt to stop it not realising that it was going too fast to stop, as that is a new protest tactic in the states. When people stand in front of the vehicle the break lights can be seen activating as he attempts to stop the car. The driver was on medication for mental illness and the fact that he was attacked caused him to step on the accelerator in fear. If he had wanted to cause loss of life, he wouldn't have almost suicidally driven into the back of the car in front, he would have swerved to the side where the majority of people where standing (some of them hitting the already stationary cars in front) Is that an excuse for his actions? Not at all. Premeditated terrorism? No.

*Puts on helmet and awaits shrapnel*

I guess the point I am trying to make is that it was absolutely right and factually accurate of him to call out the violence on both sides and elaborate that many that gathered weren't extremists or white supremacists. The car incident also can't really be considered domestic terrorism given the circumstances. I don't see anything that he has said as being factually inaccurate. People want him to take sides, but he refuses.

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I say he either gets the kenedy treatment or he sits his full term. I hope the latter. I don't particularly like the Trump (or anyone in politics for that matter, let alone American politics), but it would be more in spirit of democracy if you believe in that sort of thing. I also hear there's been a couple of significantly worse presidents that sat out their term and America is still the same shitty place it was back then.

Also, there's violence and extremism on both sides of the political spectrum as valotonin (and Trump I guess?) rightfully points out. Centrism ftw!

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I sadly see him serving his whole god forsaken term.

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I will admit I was pretty horrified to see the stereotypical 'testosterone and alcohol' Nazis rearing their heads thus ruining any point the ordinary demonstrators where trying to make and, for the first time, when the other side of the situation where saying 'I am here to punch Nazis in the face', some of the people they where punching where actually Nazis so fair enough. If you are joined by the KKK, back away.

I was just shocked by the media trying to tar everyone with the same brush when there where many people there like the elderly gentleman who feels that history isn't something that can be erased like that. People are starting to go nuts, defacing statues of past leaders etc (not just Confederate-related). The way the news basically tried to polarize the situation to make it a 'Good v Evil' scenario was rather typical of them. Its just a shame actual Nazis showed up and hardcore activists under communist banners also showed up both probably wanting a good punch-up.

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The appearance of the post on my laptop. :lol:

Thank fuck for extensions. for fog machine.

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Also, second to last. Just hasn't done something to get in the way of SAD/D5 or the FBI enough yet, apparently. Guarantee you he tries to build that wall, he's shot by a construction worker with a three letter name and little to no background information. for fog machine.

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The media have done a pretty good job of radicalizing people to the point in which they will attempt to take his life. People tend to forget the fact that he has had several legitimate attempts on his life in the past year and a half and the collective memory of the incident with members of the GOP getting shot at a baseball game is fading too. Do you think they are hoping that someone will do the dirty work for them thus preventing any need for a coverup?

He is well on the course to getting Mossad-ed, anyone who tries to change things outside of a very specific range tends to get bumped up the priority hit-list. Its a puppet show and the reason they disliked him so much was that he was actually attempting to make changes (regardless of how I feel about said changes) rather than playing along with the 'No matter who you vote for, you are getting a globalist warmonger with their fingers in every pie who would sell out their own countries working class at the drop of a hat' game.

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Sure, he made some changes. Probably framed more porn in the Oval Office than anyone prior. for fog machine.

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Maybe the real puppet show was the illusion of their being a puppet show. The illusion of an underdog who was despised by the media from day one. Certainly got a lot of the outliers back into mainstream politics again as opposed to their constant questioning of the entire game. The illusion of change probably has to constantly be upgraded, I wonder if that is what is happening with Corbyn. I don't know anything about anything anymore.

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Sure, make another Trump thread, why not. How many jews, gays and blacks did he gas again?

Trump isn't important enough to merit even one tenth of the attention he gets. I don't need live commentary on every tweet he writes or these polls. Maybe make a thread about the wonders of socialism in Venezuela for a change, or about the chronically drunk, undemocratically elected head of the EU.

There are much darker, much greater forces at play now.

Everybody who has ever expressed a dissenting opinion about EU, immigration, feminism or the gender clusterfuck, no matter how decently expressed, has been blamed for being a Nazi. Truly scandalous, but only a foreshadowing of what is to come. First it was OK to punch Nazi's, then to murder them, and they'll soon be calling for concentration camps for Nazis. A genocide in the making for sure. There will be great bloodshed in Europe. They'll already throw you in jail for posting a historical photo. That's how far we're down the drain already. Eventually everybody who has a dissenting opinion is a "Nazi", and will be jailed, punched, and dealt with. Which must be a glorious thing if you are so inclined, until a fellow comrade (pun intended) comes along and thinks you're moustache is a little thin, or the music you listen to is a bit patriarchal, and murders you and your family for supporting fascism.

I don't care what any of you think of me. The unspeakable evil wrought upon this continent will never be forgiven.
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At any rate, you guys are worrying about this shit in the US too much. If push really comes to shove, it'll be more like 12, not the 3 it is on a scale of 1-10, and it'd impact everyone drastically. I imagine a certain autonomy will continue. for fog machine.

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What am I reading?

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A thread that belongs in the bin (no offense, Mexi). for fog machine.

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Rodheh wrote:A thread that belongs in the bin (no offense, Mexi).

Uhm, care to explain why a thread like this needs to be removed?
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Guido wrote:
I don't care what any of you think of me. The unspeakable evil wrought upon this continent will never be forgiven.

We are on the same page, you aren't alone in your beliefs.
Its an attempt at gradually re introducing modern equivalent of Gulags for people that disagree with the narrative. It starts with the ever expanding bracket of what is considered 'Hate Speech'... Criticizing Israel in the UK and France has now been passed into law as being 'Hateful and antisemitic', literally criticizing a government is now a punishable offense. Expressing the 'wrong' opinion on people who believe that they sexually identify as a gender neutral wolf cub is apparently hate speech. Its just a gradual noose tightening around the neck of free speech in reality. Words can't kill people. This trying to say that words can be 'violent, just as bad as actions' is ridiculous. Its just a further attempt to justify physically harming or killing people for their ideas and words and not their actions.

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Also 'Hate speech' but all races deserve to have a pride movement and deserve the knowledge of the security of their own people provided they don't view other races as inferior. Some are better at maths, some are better at sports and some are better at engineering due to the situations they evolved in but every race has its own unique set of talents attributed to it generally speaking.

I am going too far off the rails here for anyone to agree with me, so don't worry about it.

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It's always worth repeating, I think, that it's easy to get caught up in an internet/media bubble on these subjects and head for the extremes.
In reality most people steer (affected by their own biases, of course) a practical middle line through what is often a lot of over-analysis by professional commentators whose wage depends on creating or sustaining some controversy.
Of course there are 'forces' at work behind the surface of the news, but it's more important than ever to be able to filter out the paranoia and research the facts, which are often a lot more prosaic - there is no grand conspiracy, just flawed individuals to whom our social and economic structures give too much power and influence, a push and pull between the innate lust for power of various organisations, whether they be governments or corporations.
More than ever, the centuries-old ebb and flow of power is given additional momentum by a media hungry for news, so issues, such as political correctness, for example, can seem like a all-pervading 'thing'.
Most folk with a lifetime of interacting with other folk from different backgrounds understand that not everyone will use the same language or have the same sense of humour as them, and judge people by actions rather than words.
Funnily enough, both the vocal left and right think the world is going to hell in a handcart because of the other 'side'. We can't all be right.
Trump will disappear after having achieved little of what he wanted and the world will move on, the immigration 'crisis' in Europe and the current wave of terrorism will be replaced by something else. There's plenty of stuff - natural resources, climate change, destruction of ecosystems, AI/automation, failure of antibiotics/health issues etc. already on the horizon. That's not to belittle these things, however what depresses me is that we seem to have learnt nothing about how to react to them, to put them in a larger context and therefore minimise the effect that they have.


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