Syria Crisis

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In before the mainstream media.

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I gotta ask, where do you find all your stuff? You always seem to be on the up and up about these kinds of things that go largely ignored by the mass media.
You're gonna carry that weight.

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A variety of alternative media sources. The number one source being Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis; a late night radio show from Portland, Oregon.

I like this radio show because of its holistic approach to current events. He considers ALL information valid. Example. When last nights show started, it was about mass UFO sightings near Israel, Russia, and Syria as well as the Venus transit. He was talking about how during a Venus transit, lots of wild events like wars tend to break out. Then, someone links him this video feed and the rest of the show was about Syria.

The mainstream media can only report in terms of left/right. That means that right off the bat half the story is edited if not flat out censored to begin with. Speaking of which, they are still saying that civil war is imminent and have not reported anything about what happened in that feed.

When your sources of information are more holistic, you get your news quicker.

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mechanismj wrote:

In before the mainstream media.

I don't claim to be an expert , but isn't that possibly shells from tanks ?

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I'm sorry, mech, I can't hear you over this shouting about Chick-Fil-A :(

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Waterbagel wrote:I'm sorry, mech, I can't hear you over this shouting about Chick-Fil-A :(

I knew from day 1 that it was just a distraction.

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Trump warns Russia on Syria missile threat -

So those who said Hillary would have us fighting the Russians in Syria...'get ready' I guess?

Slow down...

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mechanismj wrote:A variety of alternative media sources. The number one source being Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis; a late night radio show from Portland, Oregon.

I like this radio show because of its holistic approach to current events. He considers ALL information valid. Example. When last nights show started, it was about mass UFO sightings near Israel, Russia, and Syria as well as the Venus transit. He was talking about how during a Venus transit, lots of wild events like wars tend to break out. Then, someone links him this video feed and the rest of the show was about Syria.

The mainstream media can only report in terms of left/right. That means that right off the bat half the story is edited if not flat out censored to begin with. Speaking of which, they are still saying that civil war is imminent and have not reported anything about what happened in that feed.

When your sources of information are more holistic, you get your news quicker.

I listen to Clyde Lewis, too. I don't consider him a news source, per se, but he comes up with some interesting takes on current events and I always like to keep up with the latest conspiracy theories and paranormal news. I take everything he says with ample grains of salt. I view him mostly as an entertainer who talks about stuff I'm interested in. He's kind of positioned himself as the anti-Alex Jones in that he doesn't scream at his audience trying to force a particular paranoid, completely insane worldview.

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Mexicola wrote:Trump warns Russia on Syria missile threat -

So those who said Hillary would have us fighting the Russians in Syria...'get ready' I guess?

It isn't really my place but I will do one of my (currently rare and often catastrophic) political posts.

Under Hillary this would have happened at some point in the last two years in reality. No one seemed to want this more than her, the political establishment in the states seem to universally agree, with very few exceptions, on intervention in Syria and their last hurdle seemed to be manipulating and coercing Trump into being yet another standard neoconservative puppet sadly. I can't speculate as to whether he went into the Whitehouse with good intentions and was coerced at a later date into being nothing but a talking head for the warmongers that have infiltrated every part of US institutions, or whether this was all a charade from the beginning and their only way to uphold the illusion of choice was to have nothing but replica war mongers going against eachother, all spinning an 'outsider' line to try and present themselves as anything other than the establishment so many in the states wish they could vote to oppose, only to find out that the President really doesn't have any control over matters like this and will be threatened with the Kennedy treatment if they try to go against the Middle east agenda.

The current "Antisemitism in Labor" manufactured outrage on our side of the pond is telling, amongst many other full-on coordinated multimedia attacks. The only political candidate we have that I would say with relative certainty would be opposed to intervention of this nature is actually currently responsible in just existing as the opposition of lifting the curtain a little bit into how much our media, our agencies and our political establishment of neoconservatives and neoliberals alike have the ability to fabricate, lie and manipulate. Not to the extent of the US, though, If Corbyn were the main opposition in the US he would have suffered a "Heart Attack" already or if he did get in would be manipulated and threatened by those above into the ongoing agenda for the Middle east that has been planned since the first Gulf War.

There is no stopping it, your vote really doesn't matter in the US and it is scary the extent to which it doesn't. Is there anyone within the two main political parties that you could vote for over there that is actually against Syrian intervention? Its been taken over by Neocons/libs and their useful idiots. Its a depressing state of affairs and it just goes to show that extreme authoritarianism under a different name is no different.

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I won't even go into my opinion of the supposed "Gas Attacks" here as I don't wish to stir the pot, but I expect you know already.

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I can probably guess, yes

Slow down...

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<summary of my contribution to this thread>
I don't want war, I am extremely pessimistic as to the value of one's vote when I feel it is all a puppet show, I am extremely skeptical of further fabricated 'justifications' for going to war as this all seems to be an echo of Blair's famous "Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" line or the thoroughly disproven "Babies being thrown out of incubators" line from the first Gulf war. It is really difficult to know what to believe anymore.
</summary of my contribution to this thread>

<!--no further contributions will be made to this thread by user: Valotonin-->

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Yeesh. That subject line is a real attention grabber, isn't it? Makes me cringe a little, honestly.

But hey, when you do not learn from the past... and all that...

Josh, I agree with you. Taking Ground Zero as a legitimate source of news is questionable. He discusses topics that get the mental juices flowing, sure, but also says some stuff that makes me wonder why I tune in. I actually stopped listening to his show for a number of years not long after this post. Recently started listening again for entertainment's sake. Either way he is a pretty cool guy. He used to come to my band's live shows. I digress...

The subject at hand is screwed up either way you slice it. Wish we would evolve as a species already.

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mechanismj wrote:Yeesh. That subject line is a real attention grabber, isn't it? Makes me cringe a little, honestly.

Want me to edit it? Perhaps 'Syria crisis'? Let me know.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
mechanismj wrote:Yeesh. That subject line is a real attention grabber, isn't it? Makes me cringe a little, honestly.

Want me to edit it? Perhaps 'Syria crisis'? Let me know.

That would be great, Mex. Thank you.

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Not proud to be British right now.

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Many worried that this will descend into something really heinous. It feels like the usual media-driven drum beat of wanting a war. We saw it immediately after 9/11 and then again in early 2003 but I think the main players will keep a lid on it this time. Ok, I hope they will.

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I would like to apologise for my earlier comment in relation to the Gas Attacks. I wasn't there, I don't know the details nor the people involved and thus shouldn't draw to conclusions without reasonable evidence. It seems to be a real propaganda war and I am just honestly not sure who to believe. The Russians allegedly sent a team to the area to assess the situation, going to local hospitals and asking local residents if they have any recollection or knowledge at all of a noxious substance being released. None could answer them, according to Russian reports, and I am not entirely inclined to disbelieve them. We've known for a while that the white helmets have staged photographs before as there are many which utilize the same actors from previous attacks. One picture springs to mind of them having "Heroic" photographs of three different people rescuing the same small girl from three allegedly different attacks at three different times. In two of the photographs she is even wearing the same clothes. Either she is the unluckiest girl in the world or there is something less than honest about them. They have known allegiances to Fundamentalist Islamic rebels and many of their members (of the White Helmets) have also been photo-matched to more violent groups.

I know that I claimed I wouldn't make any further contributions to this thread, but I feel I have too much to say on the subject and would like to open a dialogue about a few details, as long as people understand that there are no hard feelings regardless of what your opinion of the situation is.

Another article springs to mind,
Egyptian police arrested five people as they were using the site of a demolished building to film footage of a small girl drenched in a fake blood formulation within the rubble being rescued, they apparently wanted to upload it claiming that it was the aftermath of one of Assad's strikes in Syria. If they were caught that time, how many other times did they manage to film something like this and successfully claim that it was Syria? And surely they can't be the only people doing this. People understand that we live in the information age where political decisions are controlled by pulling on people's emotions and doing anything to try and provoke a knee-jerk response rather than appealing to reason and allowing a full investigation to take place. ... 86541.html

If anyone ever tells you that you are somehow an awful person or X or Y (insert slur or comment about you supporting the enemy "if you aren't prepared to kill them, you are with them" etc) for not wanting to go to war, you should ask yourself what that person's agenda is.

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Yeah at this point the propaganda is so thick and truth so scarce you might as well not even have an opinion about it ^^


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