Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

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gone before 2018
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serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
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Hopefully not long

What was all that slurring about the other day? And those hand gestures. Absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so damn scary

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Jonse wrote:Pestilence - be silent. No one is listening.

Prithee all be hushed. I had warned you of this, Mexi.

I can no longer stand this -HORSE SHIT- and have contemplated leaving since its inception. If it need be discussed, why not create a board one can choose to hide called "fake politic"? Better yet, why not lump it in the US politics thread? Publicly acknowledging that this sort of thing has driven me away from Twoism, as I do not need reminders that I am stuck in a hole of bile and shit. This is all I have to say, without bias, and shall not further post in this derelict thread.

I feel you man on this one. I live in California though so I know State to state there are some big differences though we are all being affected.

England has her own troubles with Brexit, in the immediate sense I do not think it is a damaging as this presidency. However I expect midterms to be a slaughter and this guy to be gone on or before the next election cycle. What the hell is England going to do? Long term? They are more stuck with their decision than we are. In fact the asshole didn’t even win the popular vote he lost by the most ever while still maintaining an electoral win. I know that won’t fix other issues like guns and healthcare but I haven’t lost all faith in the US no matter how full of crap we are at the moment.

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Good news the pentagon has just defied Trump and will allow Transgendered people to enlist Jan 1st.

The policy reflects growing legal pressure and the difficult hurdles the government would have in enforcing the ban. Two federal courts have already ruled against the ban.

Stay tuned to see what is next on Twitter. Lolz.

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Roy Moore - Doug Jones vote in Alabama tomorrow. Trump has gone all-in on endorsing Moore: the guy who said the 'US was better when there was slavery' and is an accused pedophile and evangelical. If Moore wins, I feel this country is going to descend into a very dark place.

We also have a state-run media operation (Fox News) which is now trying to interfere with the FBI's investigation into Trump and Russian interference in the US election by having pundits urging Trump to fire Mueller.

This is INSANE and FUCKED UP! The more I ponder the Steele Dossier, the more I am convinced of its authenticity (I would highly recommend a read for those interested - for being released in January of this year, it's quite unnerving to realize how much of the dossier has been corroborated in the past few weeks). In fact, the truth of this dossier would be almost the ONLY explanation to what i'm seeing unravel right now in the US. We're nose-diving right into a constitutional crisis.

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lol, Trump is poison as usual. When will these idiots realize that when you lay with dogs you get bit by fleas?

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I think that anyone with a serious sexual assault allegation against them should be temporarily suspended until a proper investigation can take place. I can't speak for Moore, it is entirely possible that he is a sexual assault perpetrator. Its strange that these allegations surface around the time of elections though, I think the Hollywood situation was just priming the public to believe any allegation they are fed. It can't be allowed to be that way because it means that allegations of such conduct can be used as a political weapon, something both sides have been guilty of in the past.

There needs to be a better system than the witch-hunt 'If they say it, its true' type that the media latch on to.

I think, in Moores case, the fact that he had signed the yearbook of one of the people alleging that they were victimized by him is a bit of a smoking gun, though. Innocent until proven guilty should apply to everyone though, it is a human right.


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As I said, everything that happens is a reaction to something else that happened before it. You elect a pedophile and rapist to the stature of leader of the free world, the reaction will be accusers coming out of the woodwork to address the treachery of all of those in their lives who have too much power that have abused that power.

Some false accusations and opportunists along the way, perhaps, but it exemplifies a real problem - a dam that has opened because of who is president. The same way that we got Obama, the first American black president was simply because Dubya was a bumbling manchild, we get #MeToo because the current president of my country is a senile predatory Hollywood reality TV star. No InfoWars needed, it is simple non-Alex Jones non-conspiracy theory drenched common sense.

If you can't wrap your head around that, I recommend in a very serious way to get your head checked post-concussion if you haven't already - it's probably cheaper for you to do that than it would be for me to do that here living in the land of the free if I were in a similar position.

Last edited by Opothecary on Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tonight was a glorious blow to the white house. Trump is embarrassed and this was definitely a message to the GOP that even in a deep red state they are vulnerable. This is a good day.

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Opothecary wrote:If you can't wrap your head around that, I recommend in a very serious way to get your head checked post-concussion if you haven't already

I'm triggered. Apologise :lol:

Nah, concussions are hell but its nice to be lighthearted about things in reality.

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Innocent until proven guilty though, I think in Moore's case it is very likely, that isn't to say that he should be treated as such until it goes through the justice system.

The same applies for Trump. I am interested in the fact that his accusers are filing a joint lawsuit and I would be interested to see what evidence comes to light.

You can't say that the president of the United States is a rapist until concrete evidence comes forward though. I've known at least one person who has been the victim of a false rape accusation by a jealous ex-girlfriend and it temporarily ruined his life and his career and is still having an impact today. The police later found that there was no dna evidence and conflicting stories from friends that proved she wasn't even in the same town at the time. The accuser admitted a false claim because she realised that she could get into very real trouble if she continued lying to the police.

Two kinds of people I despise: Rapists and people who falsely accuse others of rape. The false accusers undermine the entire thing and it leads to real victims not being believed.

Like I said, I am not speaking for Trump and I am not speaking for Moore.
You just can't say with such conviction that Trump is a rapist until evidence comes to light.
To be frank, Trump is someone that (wrongfully) left his ex partner because he felt she was becoming too unattractive, why out of everyone in the world, are the people that are claiming that he sexually assaulted them generally people that (I won't include this remark as it isn't kind but you get the gist, why would he, someone of his status and wealth?)

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"When you're a star, they let you do it"

If you can't latch on to that concept, I sincerely mean it, please get things checked out. If you do, I will tell you the day that the new BoC album is being announced and the date that it is being released, but that's only a reward for keeping up on your health.

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Opothecary wrote:"When you're a star, they let you do it"

If you can't latch on to that concept, I sincerely mean it, please get things checked out. If you do, I will tell you the day that the new BoC album is being announced and the date that it is being released, but that's only a reward for keeping up on your health.

Okay, so that is another piece of evidence that can be used in the trial.
That and an accusation gets you almost somewhere, but it needs to be beyond any reasonable doubt.

I am strictly neutral on the subject of Trump as a sexual assault perpetrator.
It is equally as likely as it is unlikely to me.

All I can say is that many seats from both sides of the aisle will be empty after the floodgates on this scandal come to light. If that means Trump comes down too, that's what it means and it might even be a good thing if it is true that he is guilty of what he is accused of, but you will be getting Pence as a result of that. The governmental pedophile/ sexual abuse rings coming to light is something I have been hoping for for a number of years now. Don't be surprised if a few people that you liked come down with them though.

Remember the media having a shit-fit about Pence because he says he never ate dinner alone with another woman, as a rule?
He is probably the purest of the lot of them in terms of lack of sexual perversions. I can rather confidently say that his place will remain, unfortunately for people that want to impeach trump, Mike 'Hook him up to a car battery and watch God's will in action' Pence was probably Trump's insurance policy.

Edit: In 2013 when I was talking about Governmental/ Hollywood pedophile and sexual assault rings, I was called a conspiracy theorist repeatedly. Remember, its only a conspiracy theory until they say it isn't.

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"Grab them by the pussy", that is sexual assault. It might not be valid as evidence in trial because it's only an implication that he did it rather than an explicit admission, but in my eyes that makes him a sexual predator.

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Ah shit I don't even know why I'm bothering.

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:Ah shit I don't even know why I'm bothering.

Why? Continue. Yes he did claim to have done that in a private conversation that was recorded and that is pretty damning.

People seem to confuse my recent neutrality with polarization.

He is a disgusting man in my private opinion, but see, we are amassing evidence.

What do we have so far:
The "When you're a star they let you do it" and "Grab them by the pussy" comments recorded privately, this could be written off by the defense as 'Locker room talk' but it is still a private admission of guilt. It depends entirely on the context, it was a disgusting thing to say, but a sexual predator is determined by actions not words. Many men (wrongfully) boast and exaggerate about their interactions with women privately.

The multiple witnesses that claim Trump assaulted them. What we need now is to see how every story relates, see if there are any holes in the stories to weed out the potential liars, and for the ones where their stories prove they were in the same place at the same time as Trump and that could have taken place, one needs to find the bullet shot from the smoking gun. CCTV evidence, bystanders who saw them going into the same rooms etc etc etc.

We can't live in a world where, and I am not saying it applies to this case, someone who feels they don't like a politician or an actor or anyone in the public eye can decide to allege sexual assault to smear their reputation without the public and everyone else knowing to take allegations alone with a pinch of salt.

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You misread my statement, Val. My usage of the word "pestilence" was as a mass noun.

I would not address someone as such for sharing their opinions as that would be rude if not overkill.

It's no one person. It's all the diatribe authored by [x] bringing out qualities I feel ill fitting for this place. for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:You misread my statement, Val. My usage of the word "pestilence" was as a mass noun.

I would not address someone as such for sharing their opinions as that would be rude if not overkill.

It's no one person. It's all the diatribe authored by [x] bringing out qualities I feel ill fitting for this place.

I would agree with you.
I didn't ever want political debate and ill feelings regarding differences of opinion on a subject that is always polarizing to affect the Twoism community. It really isn't what it is about. I've been lurking since about 2010 despite not getting an account until '14.

I am as guilty of that (if not, more so) as anyone else here in that regard and I apologise for my lack of foresight.

Twoism served as an escape from the often bitter nature of reality and I don't think it is a place that benefits from discussing such subjects in reality.

Talking politics always brings out my worst as I deliberately try to challenge opinions regardless of what they are to promote healthy debate and a more thoughtful outcome. Example: Explaining how some ideas that, on the surface, are essentially evil could be seen as an act of empathy for humankind by those who endorse them. I make a point to always present the view from the other side of the street and that can lead to some rather bitter disputes that have no place on this forum.

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The msm in the US have really been outdoing themselves recently.

Why, when there are plenty of credible reasons to go after him do they churn out fake story after fake story? The same can be applied to Fox etc, especially in the past, but recently you are seeing a lot of the anti Trump media really lowering themselves into tabloid sensationalism without any basis. The difference is that it is dangerous how they present themselves as being the pinnacle of truth. ... bf440f654e ... ple-750637

Seems fairly reasonable, right?

The CDC have said that no words were banned from usage at all.
Either this is pure propaganda or they really need to do more of a background check on their 'sources'.

This is fairly insane, regardless of one's political leanings, one thing I can agree with Trump on is the fact that the mainstream media has become nothing but an outlet of propaganda, using the true stories to gain your trust so that they can get the false ones past you without opposition or question.

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Val, I don't agree with all your beliefs. In fact, it's other people that have been telling me that they're so bad.

But you've been told to get your head checked. You've been called an idiot, among other things I wouldn't repeat outside of Twoism inside Twoism.

And none of that is necessary. At all. Whatsoever.

And in some weird way or at least a basic human level, you have my sympathy.

The only reason being because you seem apologetic and misunderstood, whatever the context. I detest the subject in this thread to the point where it became a trigger of sorts just to see his damned name....but that's irrelevant as to why you have my sympathy. I have nothing to say regarding the subject matter. AB, on the other hand, did, but considered it pointless and I expect nothing less because he's always had a low tolerance for what he considers banal (as do I) but unlike me is seemingly cemented in cynicism, to the extent where he has lived in population density forever. However, he feels we both share a quality (though I'm not sure the catalyst), something that I'll PM you.

Which otherwise, I guess, is best put as a difficulty in communicating properly what we actually mean, or just doing it wrong. Either way, being misunderstood for reasons we can't control 100%...and I feel like that's what happens to you on a regular basis here and what yields these I wrong?

So again, in some weird way - or again, a basic human level - you have my sympathy. for fog machine.

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"inarticulate" is the word you are looking for. i often forget it, and have to struggle for it, which is quite annoying and ironic.


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