Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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< 1 month
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
Total votes: 25

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Finally, sense.

Though it worries me on a personal level how much hate people are throwing around these days to other people they judge to be different than them. People have always done that of course but the temperature seems to be rising even in places that seemed historically to be chill (even here). How much of that can you directly lay at Trump's door? I don't know, but it's interesting to watch who defends Trump and what they then go on to say about other people.

Anyway. Dragging the thread back on topic i reckon he'll be out by 2018 one way or another.

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The sad thing is that it's nothing new. I'm going to sound like my Dad here, but every generation thinks they've discovered some new underlying 'truth' about the world, but it's just a slightly different establishment and a slightly different divide and conquer tactic to stay in power.

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Guido wrote:Sure, make another Trump thread, why not. How many jews, gays and blacks did he gas again?

Trump isn't important enough to merit even one tenth of the attention he gets. I don't need live commentary on every tweet he writes or these polls. Maybe make a thread about the wonders of socialism in Venezuela for a change, or about the chronically drunk, undemocratically elected head of the EU.

There are much darker, much greater forces at play now.

Is this a joke? You have spent your entire life in one of the most peaceful periods of this Continent's history, partly thanks to the EU.
Past generations could maybe tell you a tale of two about dark forces at play, even greater than an angry group of students on Twitter or a few liberal-leaning journalists, if you can believe that.

Everybody who has ever expressed a dissenting opinion about EU, immigration, feminism or the gender clusterfuck, no matter how decently expressed, has been blamed for being a Nazi. Truly scandalous, but only a foreshadowing of what is to come. First it was OK to punch Nazi's, then to murder them, and they'll soon be calling for concentration camps for Nazis. A genocide in the making for sure. There will be great bloodshed in Europe. They'll already throw you in jail for posting a historical photo. That's how far we're down the drain already. Eventually everybody who has a dissenting opinion is a "Nazi", and will be jailed, punched, and dealt with. Which must be a glorious thing if you are so inclined, until a fellow comrade (pun intended) comes along and thinks you're moustache is a little thin, or the music you listen to is a bit patriarchal, and murders you and your family for supporting fascism.

Have a look at any history of 1970s Germany and you'll find some folk already went way past wanting to 'punch Nazis'.
Everything you see happening now is part of complex responses to conflicts that happened even decades ago. If you insist on filtering everything through the prism of one ideology or side, you'll always miss the whole picture.

I don't care what any of you think of me. The unspeakable evil wrought upon this continent will never be forgiven.

There's plenty to be concerned about in the world for sure, but I think you need some context and perspective.

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Guido wrote:Sure, make another Trump thread, why not. How many jews, gays and blacks did he gas again?

One of two Trump thread on the forum. The other was last year. This one asks a specific question.
I make no apologies about asking the question. Sorry if it's a painful subject to talk about. By all means don't, if you prefer.
Or would you rather nobody talked about it?

To answer your question, none. He has, however, largely (though not exclusively) through his constant rhetoric, emboldened the far right and escalated tensions generally. Talking of building walls on the Mexican border, branding 'some' Mexicans rapists, trying to impose a travel ban - largely from Muslim countries, that kind of thing can sometimes cause a little unrest. I won't mention the sexism or misogyny.

I prefer to call out these elements before they get to the point of gassing jews, gays and blacks. That in itself might sound melodramatic, but then again 'they' are planning concentration camps for Nazis, which was news to me, but I'll take you at your word and assume you've researched it.

Guido wrote:Trump isn't important enough to merit even one tenth of the attention he gets. I don't need live commentary on every tweet he writes or these polls. Maybe make a thread about the wonders of socialism in Venezuela for a change, or about the chronically drunk, undemocratically elected head of the EU.

There are much darker, much greater forces at play now.

I'd agree with you on the first point if it wasn't for the fact he's elected President of an important nuclear nation and seems to have a somewhat volatile personality.

Why don't you make the thread about Venezuela? Or life under Stalin or Pol Pot? That must surely be the right-wing equivalent of Godwin's Law though I guess? I've no time for Hugo Chavez or his legacy either incidentally.

Guido wrote:Everybody who has ever expressed a dissenting opinion about EU, immigration, feminism or the gender clusterfuck, no matter how decently expressed, has been blamed for being a Nazi. Truly scandalous, but only a foreshadowing of what is to come. First it was OK to punch Nazi's, then to murder them, and they'll soon be calling for concentration camps for Nazis. A genocide in the making for sure. There will be great bloodshed in Europe. They'll already throw you in jail for posting a historical photo. That's how far we're down the drain already. Eventually everybody who has a dissenting opinion is a "Nazi", and will be jailed, punched, and dealt with. Which must be a glorious thing if you are so inclined, until a fellow comrade (pun intended) comes along and thinks you're moustache is a little thin, or the music you listen to is a bit patriarchal, and murders you and your family for supporting fascism.

Concentration camps or genocide for Nazis? The karma would be appealing on a base level I'll admit, but in all honesty I'd rather they just learned to get along with everyone else, stop waving their silly torches, making their pathetic little salutes and go back to living in their mother's spare rooms. Sadly, I don't see much chance of that happening. Apart from the bit about living in their mother's spare rooms.

Wasn't familiar with the GatesofVienna site, so I looked it up. What a balanced and thoughtful little website! Would this be the same website often sited as a favourite of Anders Breivik? If this is an example of non-mainstream media then I can't help but feel it rather undermines the argument against the mainstream.

Guido wrote:I don't care what any of you think of me. The unspeakable evil wrought upon this continent will never be forgiven.

You're quite right. Although I doubt we're talking about the same evil.

Slow down...

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Evil can and does manifest through both the illusions of left and right wing.
They play both sides. Orchestrate terrorist attacks by supposedly Islamist terrorists and then when an anti immigration movement naturally occurs they orchestrate attacks coming from them to further polarize the sides. In the past 24hrs I've seen some spooky shit related to the Charlottesville attack, real continuity errors between camera angles, people who where seen being hit by the car from one angle disappearing and reappearing standing by the side of the road from another angle and most Conspiracy-savvy people know enough about false Islamic attacks but I feel the victims in many of them are real people subjected to it. Why now? Because they are pushing even further and want massive distractions. They want the people turning on each other rather than them. One such thing on the grand spectrum of technological intrusion into your life: 5G is coming and, in their own words, they 'don't want to worry about testing and regulation and (we) just want to set it loose'. It is an entirely different animal from the already dangerous 4G which slowly breaks down brain tissue. The selective cherry-picking of frequencies that affect the human body seems far from coincidental and the fact that all studies about the dangers are swiftly buried and ridiculed indicates something more sinister.

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What I don't get is why we need conspiracy theories?
Corruption and tendency to authoritarianism in democratic governments. Corporate influence and deregulation. Environmental devastation. Economic inequality. A biased media. Political instability around the world.
Are none of these well established and reported things bad enough?
Is it because people feel impotent in the face of all this that they need to invent a grand story behind it all to make sense of it, or that if they 'reveal' the conspiracy that they're actually doing something?
I don't get it.

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jcnporter wrote:What I don't get is why we need conspiracy theories?
Corruption and tendency to authoritarianism in democratic governments. Corporate influence and deregulation. Environmental devastation. Economic inequality. A biased media. Political instability around the world.
Are none of these well established and reported things bad enough?
Is it because people feel impotent in the face of all this that they need to invent a grand story behind it all to make sense of it, or that if they 'reveal' the conspiracy that they're actually doing something?
I don't get it.

Its not a theory when it has been proven. The two main points stated above, first regarding Charlottesville and second regarding usage of microwave bands in telecommunication both have rather straightforward, difficult to dispute, evidence behind them. What I don't get is why people differentiate between the facade and Conspiracy theorism. So much of this hidden corruption you talk about would be called a Conspiracy theory and ridiculed had light not been shed on it. I am willing to bet that a lot of it was ridiculed as 'Conspiracy theorism' (A term coined by the CIA in the 60s to discredit threats as revealed by leaked documents) before light was shed on it. Why does the word of an investigative Journalist mean more than the word of an ordinary citizen who investigates for themselves? They would have people believe that all conspiracy theorists get information from youtube videos published to perpetuate lies and never fact check or read medical documents and studies available on government-owned websites etc.

When corruption is discovered by an individual, they are often called a conspiracy theorist and ridiculed.

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It wasn't until I removed fluorine from my body and literally got use of a hormone producing part of the brain that had been encased in calcium fluoride and feeling the empty robotic feeling in one's chest, the feeling that tells them there is no god, feeling that disappear for the first time since childhood and feeling anxiety and brain-fog lift away as a result that I realised that there might actually be something to conspiracy theorism. I occasionally re-fluoridate myself for a period of time to illustrate the difference and the contrast is very sharp indeed. I did a double blind test with a friend who had four glasses of water, two fluoridated and two regular and I was to drink one every four hours to see if I could correctly identify the fluoridated one based on the temporary physiological effects of having a small amount like that. I identified all four correctly.

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This sort of thing happens all around the world every day, it's not a good idea to form actual conspiracy theories around the random behavior of humans, which are just a higher form of animal who history books have shown are capable of great cruelty and violence to one another through the centuries, absent the presence of any higher form of technology or radio waves fucking with their heads. Put aside radio bands and 5G or whatever, there's very human answers to the cause and effect here in the states.

You have an entire generation (the baby boomers) who had the world handed to them on a platter - they have had very good and prosperous lives without needing to excel at anything. It wasn't until Bush got in and 9/11 happened that their idyllic and entitled lives were challenged. The economy went in the garbage and the elite class began treating the middle class like they were poor and needy, and yes, entitled. Obama was a reaction to this, and no one wanted the job after Bush. Before Bush came along, racial disparity was so deeply ingrained in our culture, no one ever thought there would be a black president in their lifetimes despite how we like to sell ourselves as this beacon of freedom. The idea of Obama broke a lot of these baby boomers' brains. It made certain people feel like they were losing their grip on a culture and prosperity that was supposed to belong to them.

The majority of these civil war monuments were erected within the past 100 years during the civil rights movement - they are NOT there representing factual history. They exist in states that didn't even exist during the civil war. They exist to serve one purpose - to remind a class of people of their place in our society. Again, this is deeply ingrained and Obama was an affront to the order of things here.

More than radio or cellular signals, a major flaw in the DNA of humans is tribalism and fear of the other - our society and technology has grown faster than our now largely vestigial animal needs and tendencies have, so now we get the reaction to Obama - Trump. Every action has a reaction, there's no conspiracy about that. I don't know whats next, but it will again be a reaction to Trump and what he has wrought.

Putting aside conspiracy theories, I would be curious about ones' psychedelic consumption vs their ability to buy into what Trump promised to sell and what he has delivered. I haven't really partaken of such things in a few years, but I feel like past usage actually made me highly skeptical of those types of sales tactics years later. The divisions run so deep here in this country, it's hard for me to put myself into the shoes of an actual Trump supporter true believer (aside from understanding the economic hardships and fear of the other that led to his election) - he just sounds like an infomercial where its very high energy in presentation, but what you know you'll get in the mail after you order is a huge pile of shit. His whole presentation from day one always just rolled off of me like a duck's back, so aside from him being "different" than the usual politician its hard to see what an educated person could buy into there. It's like being asked to choose between taking a shit at work or taking a shit at a festival where the portapotties haven't been cleaned in 3 days - "well, I've never done the latter, might as well see what it's all about" as you find yourself dangling precariously over the pile of feces that has gone over the rim of the toilet.

Maybe LSD IS the psychic shielding after all and Verizon's new 5G signal are the subliminals that everyone else is picking up...

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Valotonin, you actually illustrate my point in both your posts.

You present the evidence for negative health effects from mobile phone radiation as undisputed - even a cursory investigation shows that this is clearly untrue.

Leaving that aside, the idea that mobile phone radiation causes health issues is uncontroversial and widely reported and debated, as is the idea that corporations would seek to discredit or bury any evidence.

But that's not enough for the conspiracy theorist. You then go on to speculate that -
"The selective cherry-picking of frequencies that affect the human body seems far from coincidental and the fact that all studies about the dangers are swiftly buried and ridiculed indicates something more sinister."
While you may be convinced of evidence for the health issues, this part, the conspiracy part, I'm willing to bet you have no evidence for.

But why isn't the idea that a corporation might seek to disregard health issues or circumvent regulation enough? Does it clash with your political worldview? I can tell you now that there's nothing 'sinister' about it - it's for profit.

This is the problem I have with conspiracy theories - the straying into fantasy. Do you see my point?

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Valotonin wrote:It wasn't until I removed fluorine from my body and literally got use of a hormone producing part of the brain that had been encased in calcium fluoride and feeling the empty robotic feeling in one's chest, the feeling that tells them there is no god, feeling that disappear for the first time since childhood and feeling anxiety and brain-fog lift away as a result that I realised that there might actually be something to conspiracy theorism. I occasionally re-fluoridate myself for a period of time to illustrate the difference and the contrast is very sharp indeed. I did a double blind test with a friend who had four glasses of water, two fluoridated and two regular and I was to drink one every four hours to see if I could correctly identify the fluoridated one based on the temporary physiological effects of having a small amount like that. I identified all four correctly.

But the fact that you react badly to fluorine provides no evidence whatsoever for the idea that there is some sinister conspiracy behind adding it to drinking water, or toothpaste, or whatever. You understand this, yes?

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As you said, its all for profit in the end. Who sponsored the original studies into the dental 'benefits' of fluoride? Representatives from the steel and fertilizer industries of America did. What do steel and fertilizer producers have in common? Mass mass quantities of excess fluoride used to create their products that would cost them millions upon millions of dollars a year to dispose of in ways seen as fit by the EPA. Put it into drinking water and claim that it is medicine and it can go down the drains and out of the garden hoses of almost every household in the states to pollute the water tables and the water company will pay them for the pleasure.

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And imagine now, the world used to be a whole lot shittier :O

At least we're not risking being skinned alive and thrown off a cliff in an iron maden for prefering some kind of berries over the other.

"...even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered even at that would not be doing my bidding. Even then you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading these people with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with them, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.' That's how you should train yourselves." -Buddha

*places feet on stool and enjoys life some more*

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Cupz wrote:And imagine now, the world used to be a whole lot shittier :O

At least we're not risking being skinned alive and thrown off a cliff in an iron maden for prefering some kind of berries over the other.

"...even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered even at that would not be doing my bidding. Even then you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading these people with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with them, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.' That's how you should train yourselves." -Buddha

*places feet on stool and enjoys life some more*

Thanks for that, man.
I stopped practicing Buddhism for a while and became the moody asshole I am today. I think I should get back into it. My father does Buddhist services at the airport chapel once a week, maybe I should ring up and ask to come along next time.

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To anyone who doesn't still believe in false flags:

Note the fellow in red trainers is being hit by said car in one shot and is sitting watching in another shot... Almost as if there where two takes.

Please someone please try to debunk this. I am waiting for a reasonable explanation. The top image is a still from a video where you can see the car reversing and him remaining on the side watching it unfold, the lower image is from a still of the car reversing and hitting him with entirely different people and massive continuity errors between shots.

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Just a gentle reminder that the thread is asking how long Trump is likely to serve as President, rather than theories on Charlottesville per se. :wink: That being said...

It's difficult to know what to say about those images really. Trying to take any sort of conclusions from those two images seems futile. For example, is it even the same guy in both images? It could be. I'm playing devil's advocate a little, but the images seem pretty pixelated. His shorts look a different colour / shade. I can't really see his face. Where is the video footage the top image is purportedly taken from? How does it match up with other footage? You mentioned earlier that he sped up to escape the situation because of his mental illness. Where did you ascertain that information? Has his defence council stated that already? I wouldn't want to depend on those images if I was the one in the dock, that's for sure.

Actually, could you perhaps share your sources for some / all of what you've said so far? While I'm not saying conspiracies can't/don't happen (Governments are certainly not above manipulation, clearly), we live in an age where Photoshop etc is available to anyone with a modest income. It seems to me that for every vested interest in falsely accusing the far right, there could well be just as many within the far right with just as much reason to doctor images, etc for their own nefarious means.

Thus far, I've seen or read nothing that convinces me this was staged. I'll put my cards on the table - based on what I've seen, the likeliest scenario is the guy did as described, ie. he chose to drive his car into the protestors.

Slow down...

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Valotonin wrote:As you said, its all for profit in the end. Who sponsored the original studies into the dental 'benefits' of fluoride? Representatives from the steel and fertilizer industries of America did. What do steel and fertilizer producers have in common? Mass mass quantities of excess fluoride used to create their products that would cost them millions upon millions of dollars a year to dispose of in ways seen as fit by the EPA. Put it into drinking water and claim that it is medicine and it can go down the drains and out of the garden hoses of almost every household in the states to pollute the water tables and the water company will pay them for the pleasure.

I've no idea whether any of this is true, but here's an article in the British Dental Journal on the history of water fluoridation, which I assume you've read -

But even if this is true, I'm not really sure it would be considered a conspiracy theory by most as corporations have done similar stuff in the past.

So you're being a bit disingenuous here - the conspiracy theory most associated with water fluoridation (and the one that most people would place on a credibility level with 'false flag' attacks) is that it is a government/NWO plot to 'dumb down' the population.

But look, my point is that I see enough well-researched news from credible and established sources and know (just) enough history to convince me of the nature of many of the problems facing the world and hence inform my choices, voting etc.
No conspiracy theory I've ever read, where they true, would actually change my view - they all amount to the same stuff in the end - corporations will try to influence governments, governments can be corrupt and authoritarian. Not exactly news, so why bother?

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Valotonin wrote:To anyone who doesn't still believe in false flags:

Note the fellow in red trainers is being hit by said car in one shot and is sitting watching in another shot... Almost as if there where two takes.

Please someone please try to debunk this. I am waiting for a reasonable explanation. The top image is a still from a video where you can see the car reversing and him remaining on the side watching it unfold, the lower image is from a still of the car reversing and hitting him with entirely different people and massive continuity errors between shots.

OK, say for the sake of argument that it is a 'false flag' - what's your conclusion? - what do you want people to take from this information, what do you want them to do?

Also, getting back to the topic - what would it say about Trump?

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Holy shit, Mexi. Actually, what I find disturbing is that every single news article I remember reading that mentioned he had Scizophrenia and was on medication has been symultaneously edited so that, when one clicks on the content, it is no longer there. It still shows up in the cached versions of the articles as seen below (a search I did just now). This has happened literally overnight.

I don't believe that Fluoride is a NWO plan to dumb down the population as I know the actual effects of it are severe anxiety, restlessness and decreased ability for your body to deal with cell mutations propagating i.e cancer. It is this grouping of people who are interested in legitimate brain chemistry like me with conspiracy theorists on the subject that I find annoying on occasion. It is because the pineal gland recieves more blood-flow than the kidney and is the only part of the brain outside of the blood-brain barrier which would otherwise protect it from the reaction between calcium and fluoride passing through. It is well documented that as one gets older their chance of having a pineal gland (you can spot it on x-rays) literally shut down by being encased in calcium fluoride becomes higher and higher and is also far more prevalent in fluoridated countries. Also it is well documented and spoken about even in reputable journalism that it decreases the onset of puberty by as much as two years but they claim that it is 'Hardly a risk' and 'Isn't anything substantial'. I have read study after study, many of them on .gov websites of compiled and peer reviewed studies that confirm this to me personally but as this isn't the thread for that I won't spend hours sending you link after link. If you want any info on it you can PM me and I will spend a day or two compiling my findings.

The key to all of this is the fact that the Pineal gland produces a vital hormone called melatonin. Responsible for delaying the onset of puberty, reducing anxiety, regulating sleep and can put cells into a healing dormant state that allows for the removal of tumors. Humans where only adapted to 0.3ppm maximum for millions of years until wells where dug sometimes into fluoridated rocks below. Exceeding 0.3ppm fluoride or fluorine overwhelms what we are adapted to tolerate.


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