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Interstellar - awesome. Just utterly blew me away.
So glad I didn't read any of the many cynical reviews of it before watching, yes it's not perfect, but sci-fi movies are easy targets when it comes to criticism - it's the one genre where I don't want to nitpick, give a fuck about realism, oscar performances or a watertight plot, I want my imagination to be assaulted and my mind blown, like I'm a kid again.

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jcnporter wrote:Interstellar - awesome. Just utterly blew me away.
So glad I didn't read any of the many cynical reviews of it before watching, yes it's not perfect, but sci-fi movies are easy targets when it comes to criticism - it's the one genre where I don't want to nitpick, give a fuck about realism, oscar performances or a watertight plot, I want my imagination to be assaulted and my mind blown, like I'm a kid again.

I wholeheartedly agree with this! And to be fair, Matthews' performace was pretty darn good.
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I'm not sure what to say about Interstellar. Contrived? Sloppy plot? Bland cliche characters?

The effects were amazing, but then they would still have been amazing if they were just transplanted into a video on the NASA site or something.

I don't know, it just irritated me more than anything. Seemed like a real missed opportunity.

My preference for scifi is different from yours Jcn, I love talky and techy scifi. Films and series with characters and plot that I care about or are at least interesting. Most importantly is dialogue writing, you need good dialogue writing so that your characters can explain concepts to a viewer in a way which they will understand and find entertaining and intriguing. Otherwise you ARE a kid, sitting there and watching pretty lights and explosions and not learning anything or thinking about the implications of what is on screen. I mean isn't the most amazing thing about scifi that it shows you what hypothetical situations might mean in the real world? The social and philosophical implications? It is for me anyway.

This isn't cynicism I think, it is just disappointment. I find the way the film is made cynical, because it assumes we don't want or need a good plot, or characters, we just need cool visuals.

Pretty effects Interstellar does well, directing my thinking in an interesting way it does not. That is what separates it from 2001.


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Aerial Boundaries wrote:I'm not sure what to say about Interstellar. Contrived? Sloppy plot? Bland cliche characters?

The effects were amazing, but then they would still have been amazing if they were just transplanted into a video on the NASA site or something.

I don't know, it just irritated me more than anything. Seemed like a real missed opportunity.

My preference for scifi is different from yours Jcn, I love talky and techy scifi. Films and series with characters and plot that I care about or are at least interesting. Most importantly is dialogue writing, you need good dialogue writing so that your characters can explain concepts to a viewer in a way which they will understand and find entertaining and intriguing. Otherwise you ARE a kid, sitting there and watching pretty lights and explosions and not learning anything or thinking about the implications of what is on screen. I mean isn't the most amazing thing about scifi that it shows you what hypothetical situations might mean in the real world? The social and philosophical implications? It is for me anyway.

This isn't cynicism I think, it is just disappointment. I find the way the film is made cynical, because it assumes we don't want or need a good plot, or characters, we just need cool visuals.

Pretty effects Interstellar does well, directing my thinking in an interesting way it does not. That is what separates it from 2001.


Aye, it had it's faults, a bit ham-fisted and over-explained in places and the characters/dialogue average, certainly it would have benefited from being less resolved, like 2001, but actually I thought the plot and overall story excellent and thought-provoking and the soundtrack in particular superb. I'm not really impressed by just flashy effects - for example I thought Gravity was extremely poor, lacking something in comparison to Interstellar - a certain feel that I can't put my finger on.
For me, big, epic and far-reaching is the hallmark of classic sci-fi, with the benchmark set by 2001. Dialogue and plot holes can be forgiven more than in other genres - I actually think that 2001 would be utterly mauled by mainstream critics were it released now.
Another good example is Sunshine - ludicrous in places but utterly sublime and classic sci-fi, in my opinion, if you are willing to suspend disbelief - which I think all sci-fi requires to some extent.
What would your other sci-fi favourites be?

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Blade Runner first comes to mind. Can't help but love it, great atmosphere, characters and plot. It isn't 'talky and techy' but it is a satisfying watch because of the way society is depicted in it, as well as of course the ethical issue of assassinating sentient, self-aware machines.

I agree Sunshine is a great film.

Forgive me for mentioning Mass Effect (the first game) as it is a prime example of talky and techy, and also what you are talking about. You really need to be able to suspend your disbelief with that game because it is FULL of cliches and tropes. They seem to have made a point of cramming as many in as possible just for the hell of it. But it also has a fantastic atmosphere, a superb cohesive world with very detailed lore, a well constructed plot with strong themes, and Bioware's signature ability to make likeable and interesting characters. It also has a killer soundtrack, mostly spot on voice acting and art direction. I instantly fell in love with it back in '07 because it is so immersive, and back then at least quite awe inspiring. I don't think there has been much like it before or since, even it's sequels couldn't really live up to it.

I love Star Wars but it is Space Opera, not really sure if it counts per se. It isn't speculative, more straight-up fantasy.

I suppose you could say I am not specifically a hard scifi fan, although I find it all very interesting I place more importance on the other elements I've talked about. So maybe I am approaching Interstellar from the wrong perspective. Although as far as I know, the science in it wasn't quite as accurate as initially advertised, despite having Kip Thorne on the team.

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so anybody watched ExMacina yet? just lazy enough to go to the cinema, and still nothing in torrents, really curious about this

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LFO. It's a dark Swedish comedy that uses many of the same electronic devices we use as a main part of the story. Cameos by the OP-1, Monomachine and Octatrack.

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This one past me by when it was on Sky Atlantic but I recently got Oliver Stones: Untold History of the United States. It's basically a historical reappraisal for Americans and American history, he notes at the beginning that he has become concerned with how history is taught in schools and wants to give a more objective balance of accounts. To be fair it isn't earth shattering in its revelations, but it is really well done, and there are some forgotten facts which everyone would do well to remember. Just finished ep.3 about 'The Bomb' - very well done, just reminded why there is every reason to hate Truman. Ugh.
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Does anyone know about a film/documentary about an old guy in the wild, building a house out of logs (it's not the one mentioned several times on this thread), and also any good nature documentaries in the matter of natural american parks, or similar, as in the mood of an old Yellowstone documetary centred about the wildlife living in the park, not a certain species or animal only, preferably winter themed.

Thanks in advance :D
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What's the all time best movie from the 70s?

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There's quite a few, some of my favourites include Annie Hall, Mean Streets, Suspiria, Nashville, Hausu, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Blazing Saddles.

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ShaneAnthony wrote:What's the all time best movie from the 70s?

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.
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I've always wanted to get into Peckinpah's filmography.

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Ashtray Wasp wrote:Does anyone know about a film/documentary about an old guy in the wild, building a house out of logs (it's not the one mentioned several times on this thread), and also any good nature documentaries in the matter of natural american parks, or similar, as in the mood of an old Yellowstone documetary centred about the wildlife living in the park, not a certain species or animal only, preferably winter themed.

Thanks in advance :D

I'm going to take a wild stab, not knowing anything, and say that it was one of the films shot about Richard Proenneke

the best thing about Interstellar, except when they went through the sphere, was definitely TARS and CASE. what a wonderful example of digital and practical effects. something about helpful space robots what is it???

I'm listening to Elexen's tracks while typing this and I think they are fantastic. different strokes I guess (other thread).

edit-- 70's films what an era, how about The French Connection 2? he finally gets Frog One (spoilers). Barry Lyndon?

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Anyone seen "It Follows" yet? Looking forward catching it soon. I've heard the soundtrack it's absolutely spellbinding

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:There's quite a few, some of my favourites include Annie Hall, Mean Streets, Suspiria, Nashville, Hausu, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Blazing Saddles.

Mean Streets, haven't seen in ages. Forgot about that one. Haven't seen a few of the others you mentioned, but I'll check them out. Thanks!

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fujee wrote:
ShaneAnthony wrote:What's the all time best movie from the 70s?

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.

I'll check it out, thanks;-)

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Big fan of gangster/mafia flicks. Anyone seen Sexy Beast? If not, check it out.

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Sorry for bombing this thread, but I'm on a mission. Anyone else think Goodfellas was one of the best mafia flicks ever made? What are some others? Trying to find stuff I haven't seen yet.

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Sexy Beast and Goodfellas are both wonderful, of course.

The original Get Carter though if we're talking mob/crime movies with a twist. Plus it was filme in the North East of England and I get all misty-eyed and nostalgic for the recently demolished brutalist multi-story in Gateshead.

The Killing by Stanley Kubrick is worth seeing too. Big influence on Reservoir Dogs apparently.

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