Trump - how long has he got?

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How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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< 1 month
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
Total votes: 25

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Back on topic, reports in the last few hours claiming significant sums of money being placed at bookmakers on Trump resigning before he can be impeached. Odds now quoted at even money. Maybe this is the boost to the economy he was looking for?

Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Democrats obviously hate him. A good chunk of the Republican base by now are also embarassed by him and want him out (or never wanted him in the first place). Now he's fired Bannon, who's gone back to Breitbart and has started attacking him as well, which if it doesn't turn his alt-right base entirely, may at least split it. I don't see how he can ride it out

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I thought he might last a term but with Bannon gone and Breitbart getting stuck in, he's in trouble. Sending more troops to Afghanistan will go down like a lead balloon with his hard core support.
Probably his only saving grace is that the 'alt. right' don't seem to have a suitable successor lined up. This is their grip on power, will they throw it away?

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Well, he did look directly at the eclipse 3 times yesterday so maybe he'll be able to nazi.. :roll:

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Torn n Frayed wrote:Well, he did look directly at the eclipse 3 times yesterday so maybe he'll be able to nazi.. :roll:


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It's funny, I always assumed Trump believed the sun shone out his own arsehole. The arsehole's arsehole if you will.

Slow down...

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To anyone of concern: Mexi did not type the phrase in the screencap you either did/did not see. That was the result of a word replacement extension I've had since about November of 2015.

Clinton has been "First Commander Nukebomb Cocksuck of Branch Blow Up Brownie" for quite some time too. Though, with the election long over, I could probably replace that one with a generic "nobody of value", same with he whose name I refuse to even type in full or proper English (or any other language). for fog machine.

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Mexicola wrote:It's funny, I always assumed Trump believed the sun shone out his own arsehole. The arsehole's arsehole if you will.


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Rodheh wrote:
Clinton has been "First Commander Nukebomb Cocksuck of Branch Blow Up Brownie" for quite some time too.

She was a psychopath. I will never forgive her for laughing on camera about the death of Gadaffi. He was probably the best thing to happen to Libya in its history.

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But I love you all, don't worry.

I'm not a Nazi I promise.

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I love being politically neutral. :)

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My political views have shifted somewhat recently.

My opinion of Trump is no longer a good one, but that isn't to say that I don't infinitely prefer him to Hillary 'why do people who ask questions about her keep dying' Clinton.

His handling of tensions in the Korean peninsula lack foresight. Maybe I will be wrong on this one and his show of force will cause them to back down but the Kim family mindset is to never back down as it would be a show of weakness and thus shame. I don't see where this lies on his game of chess but I hope to god he isn't just winging it.

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What's with this recent glorification of George Bush Junior? He did some truly vile things and yet after Trump's election, he speaks out against Trump to a certain degree and does the rounds on US talkshows, shows off his paintings and suddenly you have a solid group of people from all sides of the political spectrum but namely Liberals saying 'I can't believe I actually like George Bush now!'. It just goes to show the power of the media on the mind of your average person over there. Warmonger in chief with tens of gallons of blood on his hands goes on a talkshow and shows off his paintings - 'I wish we could have him back, way better than Donald Drumf!'
A negative that speaks negatively of another negative doesn't make that person a positive. Stalin speaking badly of Hitler didn't make him any less of a mass murderer himself.

Are people's memories seriously eroding to that extent?
I would have expected to see him in front of a tribunal at the Hague by now.

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The Russia investigation is heating up. Manafort has been charged and will turn himself into Mueller. Clinton/the establishment lost the battle, but they're winning the war.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Just a reminder that the charges are for alleged actions by Manafort between 2008-2014, He was working with the Obama Administration at that time. Also a reminder that in the entire document detailing the grounds, a search for the name 'Trump' shows 0 results.

Just a reminder.

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Plenty of mentions of Trump in this other story though ... ller-probe

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Negamuse wrote:Plenty of mentions of Trump in this other story though ... ller-probe

Fair enough, that is fishy as fuck in reality.

I just want to see Podesta and anyone else involved in the Governmental pedophile ring in Jail for kiddy fiddling, I am a simple man. And with Hollywood slowly disintegrating under the weight of its predators and pedophiles, I hope that people in higher positions of influence guilty of similar crimes will follow. I am not talking about a one off comment from a decade ago about grabbing vaginas, either.

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Would that be the debunked pizzagate hoax that sprung out of the journalistic powerhouse that is 4chan? ... acy_theory Or something more concrete?

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Negamuse wrote:Would that be the debunked pizzagate hoax that sprung out of the journalistic powerhouse that is 4chan? ... acy_theory Or something more concrete?

Just because Pizzagate wasn't entirely real doesn't mean that there isn't a culture of Pedophilia and abuse at a Governmental level.

Remember the level of damage control the media spouted after members of the public independently started connecting dots in relation to pedophilia and abuse at the highest levels of government? Why did those who instruct the media see it as such a threat if it wasn't true?

One can debunk anything and debunkers can be easily debunked.
If someone had told you a year ago about the culture of pedophilia in Hollywood and the extent to which it exists, one would claim that it was another debunked conspiracy theory, no? The royal family in the UK where aware of Jimmy Saville's actions, I would put money on it. It is touching that you would think that people immune to persecution, with unlimited funds and massive influence wouldn't use those powers to fulfill any awful urges they get without repercussion, but the truth is that there are plenty of people out there who are genuinely unable to feel empathy.

Why does Podesta have an art collection entirely dedicated to paintings of naked children, some of them being tortured? That is something that you can find for yourself that would be very hard to dismiss.

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Speak of the Devil, one of the Podesta brothers resigned just as I was typing that. ... ation.html


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