Semena Mertvykh: Russian Invasion of Ukraine

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I'm not at all saying that anyone should take one side as the truth, uncritically. I'm almost saying the opposite of that: that the act of applying doubt to both sides is only useful if you then go on and do the work to establish to what degree each perspective reflects on the ground truth which from here is, yeah, unknowable.

If we don't do that, if we just say "well you can't trust any of these accounts" then you give the completely made up stories add much weight as the true ones (which ever they may be). All sources of information are not equally trustworthy or untrustworthy, and acting like they are hands power directly to bad actors that would get laughed away from the debate otherwise.

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SonicDimension wrote:Russian disinformation is even being posted on Twoism? This is sad.

Putin recently stated that it is his destiny to reclaim pieces of the former Russian empire, as Tsar Peter did hundreds of years ago. He openly expresses his desire to destroy the Ukrainian nation and culture. So who still believes that this war is about stopping the American-backed Ukrainian Nazis who are threatening Russia's national security? It's incredible how gullible people are.

This is an imperialistic war of conquest where atrocities are being committed by Russian forces on a daily basis. Putin's 'government' is nothing more than a band of gangsters and terrorists at this point. There is no way to reach a diplomatic solution with such people.

The war against russian people already started in 2014. When unlawfully installed western puppet took control of the Ukraine. The shelling of Donbas people not stopped since then.
As your western media propaganda keeps the narrative of send weapons to Ukraine, in reality what the West do is making quasi state to fight Russia with ukranian people blood.
Also you absolutely have no business there, russians and urkanians are slavic brothers for ages. And as soon this will over people will come back to normal life, you will be left with nothing.

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arvy wrote:
SonicDimension wrote:Russian disinformation is even being posted on Twoism? This is sad.

Putin recently stated that it is his destiny to reclaim pieces of the former Russian empire, as Tsar Peter did hundreds of years ago. He openly expresses his desire to destroy the Ukrainian nation and culture. So who still believes that this war is about stopping the American-backed Ukrainian Nazis who are threatening Russia's national security? It's incredible how gullible people are.

This is an imperialistic war of conquest where atrocities are being committed by Russian forces on a daily basis. Putin's 'government' is nothing more than a band of gangsters and terrorists at this point. There is no way to reach a diplomatic solution with such people.

The war against russian people already started in 2014. When unlawfully installed western puppet took control of the Ukraine. The shelling of Donbas people not stopped since then.
As your western media propaganda keeps the narrative of send weapons to Ukraine, in reality what the West do is making quasi state to fight Russia with ukranian people blood.
Also you absolutely have no business there, russians and urkanians are slavic brothers for ages. And as soon this will over people will come back to normal life, you will be left with nothing.

Ok, I'll bite. Just what exactly does Russia have to gain from the invasion that doesn't have to do with territory or resources?
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Gazebo4 wrote:Facts and information can be created and presented in a certain context, and other important events can be left out so the bigger picture becomes obscured. Especially in times of war there is obviously going to be a lot of "fact" checking and presenting from a really biased approach, from both sides that is. But if you want to believe something and take it as absolute truth and claim to know what's really going on and more importantly pick a side based on that, well I ain't gonna tell you not to.

It is necessary to pick a side in this conflict, especially if you live in Europe. Your government will be taking a side, with or without your input. Russia's aggression presents a grave threat to all of Europe, and potentially to the entire world.

On Russian state TV, people are casually discussing launching preemptive nuclear strikes against Poland and other countries. They also openly discuss their plans for invading the Baltic countries (NATO member states). Russian MP's have also gone on the record with similar outrageous threats. What can we do about a country like this? Haven't we learned anything from our mistakes with appeasing Hitler? Putin wants to return to the age of imperialism. If he succeeds in Ukraine, he will certainly move on to other European countries.

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Look at all the conflict between tribes, nations, and religions. They need their enemies, because they provide the sense of separateness on which their collective egoic identity depends.

Just as you cannot fight the darkness, so you cannot fight unconsciousness. If you try to do so, the polar opposites will become strengthened and more deeply entrenched. You will become identified with one of the polarities, you will create an "enemy," and so be drawn into unconsciousness yourself. Raise awareness by disseminating information, or at the most, practice passive resistance. But make sure that you carry no resistance within, no hatred, no negativity. "Love your enemies," said Jesus, which of course, means "have no enemies."

The above two quotes are from Eckhart Tolle and are so on point regarding this subject.

If no one would pick sides there would be no wars in the first place, there is no easier way to say this. And governments taking a side of course doesn't mean that you as an individual have to follow suit. There will never be a peaceful world until You are peaceful. Whatever you fight, you strengthen.
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Gazebo4 wrote:
Look at all the conflict between tribes, nations, and religions. They need their enemies, because they provide the sense of separateness on which their collective egoic identity depends.

Just as you cannot fight the darkness, so you cannot fight unconsciousness. If you try to do so, the polar opposites will become strengthened and more deeply entrenched. You will become identified with one of the polarities, you will create an "enemy," and so be drawn into unconsciousness yourself. Raise awareness by disseminating information, or at the most, practice passive resistance. But make sure that you carry no resistance within, no hatred, no negativity. "Love your enemies," said Jesus, which of course, means "have no enemies."

The above two quotes are from Eckhart Tolle and are so on point regarding this subject.

If no one would pick sides there would be no wars in the first place, there is no easier way to say this. And governments taking a side of course doesn't mean that you as an individual have to follow suit. There will never be a peaceful world until You are peaceful. Whatever you fight, you strengthen.

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One of my all time favourite quotes,"Remember Snake, this is not your war". Basically, when "the ultimate soldier" decides not to choose either side. It is amazing how some old video game can resonate years later. Anyway, who was born in Russia and now living probably in the most ideologically opposed country in the world, can see Western propaganda and its empire of lies. All I can say to you, don't loose your humanity, because you are fastforward on doing this right now.

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Gazebo4 wrote:If no one would pick sides there would be no wars in the first place, there is no easier way to say this. And governments taking a side of course doesn't mean that you as an individual have to follow suit. There will never be a peaceful world until You are peaceful. Whatever you fight, you strengthen.

So while Russian troops are intentionally firing artillery/missiles into peoples' homes, raping women, murdering civilians, kidnapping children into Russia, etc., you would suggest that Ukrainians not defend themselves? If all of this violence were happening to your next-door neighbor, would you stand and watch, thinking peaceful thoughts?

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SonicDimension wrote:
Gazebo4 wrote:If no one would pick sides there would be no wars in the first place, there is no easier way to say this. And governments taking a side of course doesn't mean that you as an individual have to follow suit. There will never be a peaceful world until You are peaceful. Whatever you fight, you strengthen.

So while Russian troops are intentionally firing artillery/missiles into peoples' homes, raping women, murdering civilians, kidnapping children into Russia, etc., you would suggest that Ukrainians not defend themselves? If all of this violence were happening to your next-door neighbor, would you stand and watch, thinking peaceful thoughts?

Where do you see me suggest that people should not defend themselves? These are your words you are putting in my mouth. Every human body has the will to live and survive built inside their DNA, so it only makes sense that you do whatever necessary to defend yourself if it has to come to that. Defending is not an aggressive act in itself.

And it is not about thinking peaceful thoughts, ultimately that is not true peace. Peace is about clearly seeing that there is no separateness in life, that there is only One existence that is playing the game before our very eyes. So if you intend to hurt someone, in a way you are hurting yourself.

And I would not stand and watch, I would try to find a non-violent resolution. In whatever form that might be in that moment.
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Gazebo4 wrote:And I would not stand and watch, I would try to find a non-violent resolution. In whatever form that might be in that moment.

Do you know about the Minsk II agreement? Russia and Ukraine were supposed to implement the terms of this ceasefire years ago. Ukraine could not accept this agreement, because it would allow Russian agents in the separatist republics to influence Ukraine's government (especially with regard to European integration). Most Ukrainians want to disconnect from Russia, and join the EU. In fact, Ukraine became an EU member candidate just this week. Implementing the Minsk agreements would have made all of that impossible, but it might have prevented the war.

So the key question here is whether or not you believe that the right to self-defense includes the right to defend one's political freedoms. Some people in the West are now suggesting that Ukraine should cede some or all of the land currently occupied by Russian forces in order to end the war sooner. If we wish to stop the violence at any cost, then we would probably favor this policy.

However, if Russia is allowed to establish another 'frozen conflict' zone, as they did with Donbas previously, they will almost certainly make a second attempt to capture the entire country at a later date. Also, the Russian occupation has been, and will continue to be, brutally oppressive. So does the Ukrainians' right to self-defense encompass their right to defend themselves from harsh political oppression? If so, they must fight until all invaders have been expelled from their homes.

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I found this the other day. I knew the track from War Games, but I had no idea it had lyrics. It's a pretty cool song. It's extremely possible that they'll be a nuclear exchange very soon. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Especially when a not too distant future promises a devoted robot slave race catering to our every need, whilst we study, play and entertain ourselves.

But I guess we like a good old noble cause to die for. That's what gives life value. Today we live sheltered protected lives and a lot die old in hospital rooms surrounded by our loved ones. I don't know which is better. I romanticise about the golden age of piracy.But the 80's were pretty cool too. The arcades, the music and cartoons. I think that was the pinnacle of existence.

Who knows what the future looks like. Cats don't wonder about such stuff do they. Why do we?

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To die for a human cause, is the most human thing you can do.

I guess we are about to find out how much humanity war can bring in us.

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arvy wrote:To die for a human cause, is the most human thing you can do.

I guess we are about to find out how much humanity war can bring in us.
there is no humanity in war or politics.
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
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There is humanity in contradiction.

We will die. For ourselves. If it sounds stupid, it's because it is. for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:There is humanity in contradiction.

We will die. For ourselves. If it sounds stupid, it's because it is.
That's not really a contradiction, though. There are only 3 things left to humanity right now:
1. Eat
2. Shit
3. Die
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.
There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate
or an onlooker, peering into the cage.

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4. BOARDS OF CANADA for fog machine.

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rodox_head wrote:
Jonse wrote:There is humanity in contradiction.

We will die. For ourselves. If it sounds stupid, it's because it is.
That's not really a contradiction, though. There are only 3 things left to humanity right now:
1. Eat
2. Shit
3. Die

Ah yes, but if you switch it around so that "Die" is first, huzzah! You're born again through re-incarnation. Get in!

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Bein' silly. :P

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