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Re: Stars of the Lid

Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:45 pm

For good reason man.

I also hold that opinion until I hear something ambient/drone that beats it.

Though I will say it is more drone with classical instrumentation than ambient.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:27 pm

Recently checked out the represses in my local store, Refinement was identical to the original version, but Tired Sounds was given a different sleeve to the original, so I ended up getting just this album instead of both. No word on the sound quality yet.. haven't been near a TT in a while, but eager to hear any difference...


Re: Stars of the Lid

Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:15 pm

Oh great! I love that version of the cover :}

EDIT: just checked with Flashback in London and they've got nothing in by SOTL atm. Might be tricky to find an importer here.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:01 pm

I can grab you a copy from Resident in Brighton if you want? Bit pricey, 30 odd quid, but it's the only place apart from Norman Records which has them in (I even think Norman have struggled to get them). Let me know, they had about 10 copies of each album when I last looked.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:33 pm

I don't get paid till the end of the month man (and even then I need to pay back Jonse). Thanks anyway though.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:36 am

People Records in Guildford got a handful of each in. I hadn't realised that the Tired Sounds sleeve was different. Refinement sounds gorgeous. :)

Re: Stars of the Lid

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:07 pm

For all you Lid fans yet to have the joy of catching them live, this could be your next best opportunity...


Re: Stars of the Lid

Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:47 pm

Cool. Bookmarked.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:25 pm

where should I get started with this band? I dont really know anything about them

Re: Stars of the Lid

Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:35 am

Firstly, welcome. I'm quite envious of you in a way, you've a treat in store.

Short answer is you literally can't go wrong, their entire canon of work is sublime. Earlier stuff is more raw and guitar based. Later work is more orchestral, but its all wonderful.

Personally, I always think Avec Laudanum is a good start as its only 45 mins long and easily digestible. Tired Sounds is their most famous work and rightly acclaimed. But in truth, perhaps watch the live show and you'll get a good idea of what they're about.

Again, welcome.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:23 pm

Welcome Dandegyrecorder. I have some slightly different advice which by no means invalidates Mexi's (I have him to thank for introducing me after all ;) ):

If you prefer to get a good background of a band and a sense of progression from early rougher work to later polished work, just go chronologically. "Music for Nitrous Oxide" is a great release and so suitably weird and dark, then you can go from there as more and more they bring the 'light' in as it were, giving their music more breathing space, less to no lofi fuzz, wider instrumentation and more I guess you'd say sublime/divine aesthetics and moods. I'd also suggest reading some interviews with them if you're like me and enjoy that kind of background.

If you prefer to immediately dive in on the deep end and experience their best work, listen to "The Tired Sounds of" and then jump to "And their Refinement of the Decline." Those albums are generally considered masterpieces of the ambient world (or indeed the world of music!) Then just work your way around their discography afterwards. If you preferred Tired Sounds go earlier straight away, particularly with "Avec Laudenum" or "The Ballasted Orchestra"; if you preferred Refinement look at their modern live show stuff (I highly recommend E7 for instance and am hoping it makes the next release) or indeed "A Winged Victory for the Sullen" too as I see that project of one of the members (Adam Wiltzie) to be a sibling of Refinement's sound.

Finally as I don't know whether you are an ambient/drone listener: Give this music your concentration and it will reward you with manifold details and mental images. Or if you find it boring/too slow, no problem. Keep it on, and let it sink in while you do something else. It will click eventually, without you forcing it to. Or it won't, and you'll know it's not for you :]

Have fun!

Re: Stars of the Lid

Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:47 pm

Thanks Mexicola / Aerial. I listen to lots of ambient and drone (its what most of my music is actually) but ive never really delved into the origins of it.I will definitely check this out.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:33 am

Aerial lol. You wrote an essay about SOTL. You like them much more than you let on earlier...

Re: Stars of the Lid

Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:16 pm

Reminder: Lid live on the tinterwebnet tonight. See above.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:27 am

Managed to catch the stream. The Lid were great as usual.

It was very reminiscent of their previous concert with the wordless music orchestra from December 2013. I can't wait to see the setlist as there were two or three numbers to open that I didn't recognize off the bat-hopefully meaning they are new tracks. I thought they were quite good. The opus pieces Requiem and December Hunting were awesome, particularly the latter.

Disappointed they didn't play the sublime E7.

Hopefully Boiler Room will have it up soon for on demand streaming. Can't wait to listen to it again.

Lastly, I received my The Tired Sounds Of repress this week. I've played 4 of the 6 sides and it was dead quiet. Great job by kranky.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:58 am

Had another listen I think the setlist is something like this:

1)Generous Abandon
2)Unknown - great string coda
3)Requiem For Dying Mothers Suite
4)December Hunting

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:27 am

Nice! Glad they played Mulholland too, the first song I ever heard them play live.

Couldn't sit up until silly o'clock so hoping they're streaming re-runs.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:47 am

Yep, the video is 're-looping' all week.

Also in the accompanying interview Adam reveals SoTL are playing The Barbican, London on Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd October 2016.

Only a year to wait!


Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:12 am

Awesome news! Suspected they'd play The Barbican after I saw Nils Frahm sell it out last October. Nice to have it confirmed.

Re: Stars of the Lid

Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:06 am

We have to get tickets for that, I love concerts at the Barbican!
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