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Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:05 pm

I sincerely hope Opothocary is okay /-:
Most of the reasons for people to stop posting are entirely normal, but once in a while it is due to medical reasons etc so I hope everything is alright with him.

Anyway, yes. This is the kind of thread he would be all over with his numbers.
Quite a few people I would have expected to show up haven't, actually.
This has all happened rather suddenly, though.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:55 pm

so is there some kind soul that is at the ready to record and save this event ? Cannot possibly listen to it all anyways the other artists do not do much for me but BOC.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:56 pm

Given they announced this straight after I posted "lol it won't be anything to do with boc, just you watch" I'm keeping from making any more predictions. :D

I'm happy there's ~activity~ but I'm keeping cautious in case it's a DJ set and one unreleased track. I'd love it if it were some deep cuts from the big box of never before heard dat recordings and if it is I'll be over the moon. But I don't want to let myself get into the situation where I get so excited before hand I'm disappointed when it drops. Again, just any sign they're still active is good right now, for me.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:09 pm

Haven't posted here in a while just because there hasn't been any BOC activity really worth talking about but this is good news for sure. I'm excited to hear some new material. I personally think it'll be an unreleased track, or perhaps a few... 3 would be nice. Maybe played at different points over the duration of the event. I would be very surprised if it was a new album announcement. It's promoted with "Contributions from..." so given BoCs output over the years (very little) I would imagine that their contribution won't be too much. I hope I'm wrong and it's an album though, obvs!

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:26 pm

We'll see what'll happen when the event rolls around. I would keep anything on the table since we don't know what they could have planned out. Anything is possible.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:01 am

I'm curious about the climate crisis angle, maybe we will get lucky and boc will play live. At worst, it will be a mix tape a warp intern made. At very best it's a benefit concert, and Boards of Canada restore life to the planet. Hype much?

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:59 am

rolypablo wrote:Haven't posted here in a while just because there hasn't been any BOC activity really worth talking about but this is good news for sure. I'm excited to hear some new material. I personally think it'll be an unreleased track, or perhaps a few... 3 would be nice. Maybe played at different points over the duration of the event. I would be very surprised if it was a new album announcement. It's promoted with "Contributions from..." so given BoCs output over the years (very little) I would imagine that their contribution won't be too much. I hope I'm wrong and it's an album though, obvs!
still, at this point it seems very doubtful it will be that small... there are many “micro-sites” that will be available including for BoC a new bleep store, over 100 hours of music.... it stated “ARCHIVED” recordings and exclusive songs and performances and not only that it is being marketed as a “Radio Festival”.... i think this may qualify as that “special event” they always talked about performing at.... i may be humbly wrong and slap me if I am but this is what it feels like to me... and considering that Autechre released lots of music from NTS so i am very excited.... it’s a recording studio/live session gig... I am so pumped! Anything new will be welcomed! What if the 8/22 business is this coming 8/22/19... just a thought

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:38 am

Magrathea wrote:so is there some kind soul that is at the ready to record and save this event ? Cannot possibly listen to it all anyways the other artists do not do much for me but BOC.

I will be recording it to multiple tape media then transferring it to digital soon after

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:54 pm

That poor tape, all of it will be recorded everywhere and probably on https://wxaxrxp.bleepstores.com in lossless shortly after.
Two more days fellas!

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:45 pm

Just a bit of coal for the hype train; I found these translations in the html for that wxaxrxp page:

translations['account.download.failed.message'] = "Download failed. Please try again.";
translations['account.download.building.zip.message'] = "Building zip. This may take some time. Your download will begin automatically once ready.";
translations['wishlist.sign.in.message'] = "Please sign in to use the Wish List feature.";
translations['wishlist.item.saved.message'] = "Item saved to your wish list.";
translations['item.added.basket.message'] = "Item added to your basket.";
translations['leaving.page.warning.message'] = "Leaving this page will cancel any downloads that haven't already started.";
translations['cart.item.stock_limit'] = "Item already in basket. Quantity limited per customer.";

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:06 pm

koroviev wrote:Just a bit of coal for the hype train; I found these translations in the html for that wxaxrxp page:

translations['account.download.failed.message'] = "Download failed. Please try again.";
translations['account.download.building.zip.message'] = "Building zip. This may take some time. Your download will begin automatically once ready.";
translations['wishlist.sign.in.message'] = "Please sign in to use the Wish List feature.";
translations['wishlist.item.saved.message'] = "Item saved to your wish list.";
translations['item.added.basket.message'] = "Item added to your basket.";
translations['leaving.page.warning.message'] = "Leaving this page will cancel any downloads that haven't already started.";
translations['cart.item.stock_limit'] = "Item already in basket. Quantity limited per customer.";

Yess!!! Sounds like what I thought.... probably a lot of really cool material and maybe old live sets that you can build zip folders out of... this actually reminds me of what RJD did over the past few years.... with soundcloud and what have you...

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:49 pm

Soul_Slip wrote:
Magrathea wrote:so is there some kind soul that is at the ready to record and save this event ? Cannot possibly listen to it all anyways the other artists do not do much for me but BOC.

I will be recording it to multiple tape media then transferring it to digital soon after

Thank you so much, that is very appreciated, since as it has been speculated content might be scattered.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:07 pm

"Quantity limited per customer" scares me more than anything tbh. Wouldn't want to miss out on a collector boxset of Old Tunes while I'm away from the Internet for a bit...

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:40 pm

Kyla wrote:I'm curious about the climate crisis angle, maybe we will get lucky and boc will play live. At worst, it will be a mix tape a warp intern made. At very best it's a benefit concert, and Boards of Canada restore life to the planet. Hype much?

So let's help to it altogether and keep up the hope...


Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:48 pm

The WXAXRXP also have the special guests list hiding in it:
Adrian Sherwood,Rian Treanor,Bone Head, Primitive Art, Nkisi,Death Grips,Paul White,Ryuichi Sakamoto,Shayne Oliver,DJ Stingray,Weirdcore (AFX Visual and the director of Collapse clip),Ian Anderson (The Designers Republic),Ezra Miller and Tim Saccenti

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:07 pm

To be completely honest, I think I will be disappointed if this isn't followed by a formal release. This might sound ungrateful but even if they play unreleased music I think we've waited long enough for a new album. Even if they play some of the album live, then released it later in 2020 I'd be happy. I just don't want them to hop on the air and play some unreleased tracks then disappear for years again. Even if they had a formal release for Old Tunes that would be amazing. Anyways, 2 more days and then were there :)

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:17 pm

I've not seen Clark listed in any of this. Am I missing something? I really like Clark.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:02 am

dp wrote:I've not seen Clark listed in any of this. Am I missing something? I really like Clark.

There are apparently additional guests and contributors to the event that aren't listed.
Maybe they will come under the "and special guests" heading (-:

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:10 am

^ I hope that's the case, Val. Seems odd he's not even mentioned considering he's been a staple in the Warp lineup for years.

Re: BOC included in Warp30 streaming event

Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:18 am

Roswell wrote:To be completely honest, I think I will be disappointed if this isn't followed by a formal release. This might sound ungrateful but even if they play unreleased music I think we've waited long enough for a new album. Even if they play some of the album live, then released it later in 2020 I'd be happy. I just don't want them to hop on the air and play some unreleased tracks then disappear for years again. Even if they had a formal release for Old Tunes that would be amazing. Anyways, 2 more days and then were there :)

Ah, while I do know exactly what you mean, there would be a difference in my opinion of them slipping back into silence after only a track or two and doing so after contributing a substantial amount to the event. If we get something tantamount to an Album or EP's worth of new content, I would be over the moon and satisfied to wait years for another release.

On another note, and this isn't as a direct response to what Roswell has said, but they do have kids who would be teenagers now and that alone is a full time occupation. As much as we know that they constantly make music whenever they can, sooner or later the anticipation for something new we have after the analysis of the last release has started winding down will have to gradually change into more of an appreciation of their (extensive and infinitely satisfying) back catalogue. Not that people here clearly aren't always appreciating it, but I think constantly being mindful of the next new album or remix shifts the focus away from the fact that there is still everything to find and layers/messages as yet unnoticed in their music that already exists.

I feel like Tomorrow's Harvest has only really had its surface scratched in terms of the subtleties that were put into it. A notable portion of Geogaddi is also likely undiscovered and the almost tunnel vision that I and others can have forward to the next release prevents a lot of detailed looking back.
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