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Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:20 pm

arvy wrote:
kakanara wrote:
arvy wrote:For that, there's one very important thought. It is very important, you letting me acknowledge your borders, for not crossing them in the future. Your right for safety could not go on forever. But, the more acknowledgment of your own space you have, the safer you will be. Your safety should be your priority and only yours. So far, you are just trying to confine the breathable air for few chosen. And this will never work out. Never.

I agree with the sentiment, and i appreciate the rising respect for personal space, but i feel like you aren't realising the gravity of the situation. I apologize for my assumption, but has your city/town been hit with the new strains? They are MUCH stronger than the original virus. Our town had a very libertarian outlook on things and aimed to keep everything open as long as possible. Things were actually looking really good at the start of march, but just within 2 weeks of the first detection of a new variant our local government announced a hard lockdown. These new strains are nasty, for the first time i saw people i knew under 50 die. It doesn't seem to discern if you're old or have a respiratory problem anymore. It wrecks your system and spreads faster too. I believe in freedom of movement, but going out at the moment is irresponsible at best and suicidal at worst.
I know this might not apply to you just yet, but i assure you these strains are going to go international soon. Our federal government is incredibly inept at containing the virus. I seriously urge you to prepare for the worst.

Thanks kakanara, this looks bad. But I need truth, not another scientific proof.

I mean, i didn't even talk about the scientific aspects of the new strains, just what our town saw when they arrived. We didn't follow the guidelines until shit hit the fan so you could say it's 100% empirical!

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:11 pm

I realize that my recent post was kind of alarmist so i should clarify that if the strain does become prominent in europe and the US, the situation will probably be much milder than here in Brazil, for we don't really have the socioeconomic infrastructure to deal with the safety restrictions(the government already announced the lockdown will be eased by tuesday): Our busses are always packed, a great deal of people rely on informal jobs, hospitals were already crowded before the pandemic, etc.
Things will probably be much easier for those in other countries, Brazil in specific is just very incapable of managing it.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:13 pm

Mexicola wrote:And like all conspiracy theory woo-woo, I ask the same question. Why? To what end? Bring the economy to a crunching halt for......?

It's being named:

"The Great Reset" according to the WEF (world economic forum).
The idea is to bring all independent businesses to a permanent close, destroy the "old" economic way of life and "build back better" with something called "stakeholder capitalism".

Call it woo-woo (if you must) but this ISNT a conspiracy.
Im not going to patronise you fella, a simple google search will furnish you with the posters (some proven to of been logo stamped as far back as 2016) from the WEF clearly stating "you will own nothing, you will be happy", a quick google search or over at YT you have video speeches by Klaus Schwab, speeches by Prince Charles, other world leaders etc, it is out there if you choose to look/see for yourself. Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, just stating what Ive read myself, seen myself and appreciate the language used is carefully being expressed to challenge personal freedoms like the right to produce an income, the right to ownership, the right to travel freely, for example: "Lockdown" (this word is clearly synonymous with being a prisoner held in a prison, forfeiting personal freedom) ..

Im not into adhominal arguements so not going to patronise you fella.
I will happily chat about anything with anyone, never afraid to put my ideas to the test for others to scrutinize, I draw the line when people choose to move down from the relevance of the subject matter (major premise to minor one) and hurl personal insults or seek to attack someones character because they don't agree with me, I would still defend your right to have and speak your opinion, the truth doesnt fear scrutiny so nor should I :-)

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:57 pm

kakanara wrote:[
Also, cmon man, answer the question! What should we be doing instead of social distancing, quarantine and vaccines? I'm genuinely curious on your stance on this.

What should we be doing?
It is firmly placed inside every individuals personal freedom.
Causing no harm and no loss to our neighbors, if you get ill and wish to seek medical help, seek it.
If you want to provide income that is neccessary to provide for your family (especially your dependants)...go and provide.
If you need to go somewhere and your journey is neccessary to "avoid" harm or loss to yourself or your household should you not and you accept the risks as a man who can make an informed decision without intent to cause harm/loss (criminal intent), travel freely!!

Ask yourself:
If you are truely FREE, free to travel ...should you be expected to carry a government document to do so?
If you travel freely as a man, would you wish to trade that right for a priviledge and be labelled as "cargo" requiring a document to "pass-port"?

Same with licenses.
If you have NO intention if committing a crime, what is the purpose for ANY license?

Just a thought.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:37 pm

Elwyn_Hayseed wrote:If you have NO intention if committing a crime, what is the purpose for ANY license?

hahaha... i can tell we're speaking from two very distinct realities. I don't know if people in europe or the US or whatever are that nice, but over here? That degree of freedom would create complete structural colapse. There's some favelas that are basically lawless and it's NOT very pleasant to live over there.
At least here in my country i think we benefitted from the government enforcing some of the restrictions. At least to ease the hospitals and stuff. Not really sure about europe or the US though, because i don't live in either!

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:38 pm

Sorry to hear that dude.
Im not quite sure why our government even exist, they don't produce anything, maintain anything just tax (rob) anyone that does using implied consent. Without government interferance who knows where we could be right now!
Don't mean to sound condescending if I did. If your ever over the UK hook me up and your welcome to make some beats with us and flavour the lungs with some Amnesia Haze.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:51 pm

Elwyn_Hayseed wrote:Sorry to hear that dude.
Im not quite sure why our government even exist, they don't produce anything, maintain anything just tax (rob) anyone that does using implied consent. Without government interferance who knows where we could be right now!
Don't mean to sound condescending if I did. If your ever over the UK hook me up and your welcome to make some beats with us and flavour the lungs with some Amnesia Haze.

It's alright, it's more my fault for assuming everyone would have an answer that applies to everyone in the planet. I realized even my experiences with the new strain might not even apply to people in europe. This world is complicated.
If i ever get to visit the UK i'd love to visit. What do you mean by "us"? Is there like 3 people running this account? hahaha

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:32 pm

kakanara wrote:What do you mean by "us"? Is there like 3 people running this account? hahaha

Hehe No mate, just myself running this account, I meant us as in my musical circle of friends. Im just passing through, joined here to see if I could find someone I lost contact with. A woman from Liverpool who kept a Hamster. Long story but there you go.
Yeah no worries mate, I guess Brazil is a much harder way of living in many ways to Europe and US, I certainly don't have all the answers, we all have very real challenges ahead. Thanks for the kind words also.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:34 pm

Rise and shine, mr freeman rise and shine...

phpBB [media]

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:10 am

Reach for the dead indeed...

recieving the mark of a decades old aborted human fetus and thus unwittingly partaking in the grave sin of infanticide.

So there IS a moral choice to be made as well.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:11 pm

I've just remembered there are other parts of this forum other than BoC lol. Anyway...

I had corona near the beginning of the year. Came to work Monday, everything as usual. Tuesday, feeling super tired but not only me, couple of other people too. I work 8h days two shifts. Morning shift starts at 5 so there you go, feeling tired all the time is normal, for me at least. I work with robots which do welding and there is lots to do every day, bring in the material, do some programming, corrections, repairs... whatever is neccesary. Some were sick and stayed home. Wednesday before work I got info that one of those ppl that stayed home was infected. I talked to him Monday but with the mask on and not too close.

We had to do quick tests immediately when we came to work. I was tested positive, I waited a bit longer for my results than the other colleagues and the indicator on my test showed negative but the guy who did those said that I am positive anyway and should go direct home and wait for further info. I was feeling tired at the time but thought I could work, not something I should care much about. No other symptoms at the time. Next day I came back to do PCR test which was positive and I got a call from infection center about my wherabouts in the last couple of days. Last time I was out was Saturday and symptoms began on tuesday so thankfully no one I was in contact with was infected. I had to stay in self quarantine for the rest of that and the whole next week.

My friends made a shopping trip for some food and neccesities. For the first couple of days I felt a bit fluish, had fever for two days, 37,5C which was not too bad. When I was doing chores I noticed that I got tired very quickly. I wasn't smoking cigarettes for about 7 days. When I tried to light one up, take a drag or two and I noticed that I don't even want to smoke. Weird. I am not a big smoker anyway. about 5 cigs a day, weed very rarely. There was a constant feeling like my lungs have bit lowered in capacity but not that much that it would bother me.
I had no other symptoms, taste and smell were as usual. Most of my workmates had it worse. What is interesting is that those who were not infected were the oldest people in my department. Some are heavy smokers and drinkers. Most people came back to work when I did, some stayed home for a week more. No deaths. 44 total infected.
From then on until today we have to do quick tests once a week (first couple of weeks twice). Everyone is still negative, with some exceptions. One guy and a girl kept coming in positive, were sent home, then do PCR Test which was negative. That happened for the first couple of tests then they decided no to test them any more. No one knows why that happens. My theory is that they have some other virus to which test is reacting to, but I am no doctor or a scientist so fuck me.

I had it good. I know people who were bedridden for a month or two, even non smokers and sport types, old people who died. At the time I got it I was not so healthy, had some issues of my own, I am not athletic type at all, in fact my lifestyle is the exact opposite so there you go. My immunity was definitely shot down at that point but it seemed to make no difference. What I could say about all this is that it is almost like a lottery. Some have it like I did and some have it worse. You won't know until you get it, unless you get vaccinated which I plan to do because I want to be able to get on airplanes and in the clubs and get on with my life as early as possible. I am willing to take the risk of an adverse reaction. No one asked us as kids do we want to get vaccinated, it was normal and no one questioned it back. Those who were against it were actually against needles. Plus you get a scar for life on your shoulder. :lol:

Last 4 days of quarantine had a bender on acid and made a shit ton of music using a tape machine. These are just throwaway tracks which had to get out I guess, kind of a therapy. Have a listen and stay safe:
phpBB [media]

This was all just a big commercial lol

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:24 pm

Moz wrote:I've just remembered there are other parts of this forum other than BoC lol. Anyway...

I had corona near the beginning of the year. Came to work Monday, everything as usual. Tuesday, feeling super tired but not only me, couple of other people too. I work 8h days two shifts. Morning shift starts at 5 so there you go, feeling tired all the time is normal, for me at least. I work with robots which do welding and there is lots to do every day, bring in the material, do some programming, corrections, repairs... whatever is neccesary. Some were sick and stayed home. Wednesday before work I got info that one of those ppl that stayed home was infected. I talked to him Monday but with the mask on and not too close.

We had to do quick tests immediately when we came to work. I was tested positive, I waited a bit longer for my results than the other colleagues and the indicator on my test showed negative but the guy who did those said that I am positive anyway and should go direct home and wait for further info. I was feeling tired at the time but thought I could work, not something I should care much about. No other symptoms at the time. Next day I came back to do PCR test which was positive and I got a call from infection center about my wherabouts in the last couple of days. Last time I was out was Saturday and symptoms began on tuesday so thankfully no one I was in contact with was infected. I had to stay in self quarantine for the rest of that and the whole next week.

My friends made a shopping trip for some food and neccesities. For the first couple of days I felt a bit fluish, had fever for two days, 37,5C which was not too bad. When I was doing chores I noticed that I got tired very quickly. I wasn't smoking cigarettes for about 7 days. When I tried to light one up, take a drag or two and I noticed that I don't even want to smoke. Weird. I am not a big smoker anyway. about 5 cigs a day, weed very rarely. There was a constant feeling like my lungs have bit lowered in capacity but not that much that it would bother me.
I had no other symptoms, taste and smell were as usual. Most of my workmates had it worse. What is interesting is that those who were not infected were the oldest people in my department. Some are heavy smokers and drinkers. Most people came back to work when I did, some stayed home for a week more. No deaths. 44 total infected.
From then on until today we have to do quick tests once a week (first couple of weeks twice). Everyone is still negative, with some exceptions. One guy and a girl kept coming in positive, were sent home, then do PCR Test which was negative. That happened for the first couple of tests then they decided no to test them any more. No one knows why that happens. My theory is that they have some other virus to which test is reacting to, but I am no doctor or a scientist so fuck me.

I had it good. I know people who were bedridden for a month or two, even non smokers and sport types, old people who died. At the time I got it I was not so healthy, had some issues of my own, I am not athletic type at all, in fact my lifestyle is the exact opposite so there you go. My immunity was definitely shot down at that point but it seemed to make no difference. What I could say about all this is that it is almost like a lottery. Some have it like I did and some have it worse. You won't know until you get it, unless you get vaccinated which I plan to do because I want to be able to get on airplanes and in the clubs and get on with my life as early as possible. I am willing to take the risk of an adverse reaction. No one asked us as kids do we want to get vaccinated, it was normal and no one questioned it back. Those who were against it were actually against needles. Plus you get a scar for life on your shoulder. :lol:

Last 4 days of quarantine had a bender on acid and made a shit ton of music using a tape machine. These are just throwaway tracks which had to get out I guess, kind of a therapy. Have a listen and stay safe:
phpBB [media]

This was all just a big commercial lol

Very interesting account! Probably the coolest one i've read yet; Guy who works with robots gets mild covid and spends his week making tunes and doing acid while also quitting cigarettes :) !
Also fascinating to me is how fancy your employer's(i assume) protocol was. Here were i live they just send you home and hope you didn't infect nobody! Then you come back to work when you feel better :P

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:03 am

kakanara wrote:Very interesting account! Probably the coolest one i've read yet; Guy who works with robots gets mild covid and spends his week making tunes and doing acid while also quitting cigarettes :) !
Also fascinating to me is how fancy your employer's(i assume) protocol was. Here were i live they just send you home and hope you didn't infect nobody! Then you come back to work when you feel better :P

The state decides the protocol. Believe me, if it was up to employer, we would have been left working. My job is not as fancy as it seems, mostly is quite dirty and my clothes are all burnt out because of the fresh hot stuff. Also constant burns all over arms until you learn how to handle the material. Most of our robots are 30 years old. I spent last year learning it all by myself while I was doing dirty work and just recently has started to get better for me.
Police also calls you a couple of times during quarantine to check on your wherabouts. If you do not answer someone comes to check are you home.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:27 pm

Had my second jab, now. Still gonna be careful cos it's still out there and my immune system is what it is but the sense of doom recedes a bit

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:38 pm

I think I may have gotten it shortly after my first jab sadly. After my shot symtoms went away, I got a bad headache and it lasted from last thursday to this friday. Along with this, I've felt tired, nauseous, threw up once and a slight tightness of my chest most recently.

I'm getting tested tomorrow so hopefully that isn't the case, but if it is. Oh well. I simply hope I'll survive.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:16 pm

I am pretty afraid though. I'm 26 and somewhat overweight. I know when you're young there's more chances of survival but i don't know if being slightly chubby counteracts that.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:19 am

Good luck, I am sure everything will be fine! Numbers are on your side.

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:54 am

get well soon!

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:03 am

I appreciate you guys! :D

A friend of mine told me the same exact thing Moz about survival rate.

Also sorry, was a bit down when i wrote those but reading messages from you guys and having a nice heart to heart talk with a friend helped. :)

Re: Sick Times: Coronavirus

Sat May 08, 2021 10:00 am

Moz wrote:I've just remembered there are other parts of this forum other than BoC lol. Anyway...

I had corona near the beginning of the year. Came to work Monday, everything as usual. Tuesday, feeling super tired but not only me, couple of other people too. I work 8h days two shifts. Morning shift starts at 5 so there you go, feeling tired all the time is normal, for me at least. I work with robots which do welding and there is lots to do every day, bring in the material, do some programming, corrections, repairs... whatever is neccesary. Some were sick and stayed home. Wednesday before work I got info that one of those ppl that stayed home was infected. I talked to him Monday but with the mask on and not too close.

We had to do quick tests immediately when we came to work. I was tested positive, I waited a bit longer for my results than the other colleagues and the indicator on my test showed negative but the guy who did those said that I am positive anyway and should go direct home and wait for further info. I was feeling tired at the time but thought I could work, not something I should care much about. No other symptoms at the time. Next day I came back to do PCR test which was positive and I got a call from infection center about my wherabouts in the last couple of days. Last time I was out was Saturday and symptoms began on tuesday so thankfully no one I was in contact with was infected. I had to stay in self quarantine for the rest of that and the whole next week.

My friends made a shopping trip for some food and neccesities. For the first couple of days I felt a bit fluish, had fever for two days, 37,5C which was not too bad. When I was doing chores I noticed that I got tired very quickly. I wasn't smoking cigarettes for about 7 days. When I tried to light one up, take a drag or two and I noticed that I don't even want to smoke. Weird. I am not a big smoker anyway. about 5 cigs a day, weed very rarely. There was a constant feeling like my lungs have bit lowered in capacity but not that much that it would bother me.
I had no other symptoms, taste and smell were as usual. Most of my workmates had it worse. What is interesting is that those who were not infected were the oldest people in my department. Some are heavy smokers and drinkers. Most people came back to work when I did, some stayed home for a week more. No deaths. 44 total infected.
From then on until today we have to do quick tests once a week (first couple of weeks twice). Everyone is still negative, with some exceptions. One guy and a girl kept coming in positive, were sent home, then do PCR Test which was negative. That happened for the first couple of tests then they decided no to test them any more. No one knows why that happens. My theory is that they have some other virus to which test is reacting to, but I am no doctor or a scientist so fuck me.

I had it good. I know people who were bedridden for a month or two, even non smokers and sport types, old people who died. At the time I got it I was not so healthy, had some issues of my own, I am not athletic type at all, in fact my lifestyle is the exact opposite so there you go. My immunity was definitely shot down at that point but it seemed to make no difference. What I could say about all this is that it is almost like a lottery. Some have it like I did and some have it worse. You won't know until you get it, unless you get vaccinated which I plan to do because I want to be able to get on airplanes and in the clubs and get on with my life as early as possible. I am willing to take the risk of an adverse reaction. No one asked us as kids do we want to get vaccinated, it was normal and no one questioned it back. Those who were against it were actually against needles. Plus you get a scar for life on your shoulder. :lol:

Last 4 days of quarantine had a bender on acid and made a shit ton of music using a tape machine. These are just throwaway tracks which had to get out I guess, kind of a therapy. Have a listen and stay safe:
phpBB [media]

This was all just a big commercial lol

Enjoyed the music!! Ok to rip this and bang onto a Type2 ?? ( with your permission).
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