Soundcloud is dying, back up your contacts and work.

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Bandcamp is better. Soundcloud was a stupid idea that went wrong for the wrong idea. Too many people abused it. Or should i say... Kids.

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Soundcloud was suppose to only be about commenting on the artists music with respect for the music. Not, check this beat i dropped. Like, feel the emotion this guy was feeling at 0: 41 or i love how soft that kick drum is and that guitar tone is on the math and my ears. And should only be for the artists website not some public money flaunting bulls***. Don't kill it! It's usefull!

If you're music isn't on mtv, work harder, make friends, ask for honest opinions and save money to make a demo cd with hopes you wil have a record one day. Drug free and proud! Don't do drugs, watch daystar! Peace!

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Alien Sugar wrote:If you're music isn't on mtv, work harder, make friends, ask for honest opinions and save money to make a demo cd with hopes you wil have a record one day. Drug free and proud! Don't do drugs, watch daystar! Peace!

I mean.. I agree with that sentiment, but the flagrant self promotion disguised as networking is on bandcamp, too.
I'm a nothing on that site and there are people who email me wanting me to "release music on their label" or whatever, and it's always dumb nonsense which leads to me probably getting my money stolen.

As I said, I think people enjoyed the idea of actually discussing, and you say "make friends", Soundcloud allowed people to do that.
I mean message boards are dying, reddit seems to be the only thing of that ilk which remains.

It's all social media, where it's about the likes and the shares, not necessarily a "community" aspect.

Building a fanbase is now more or less about building communities for your fans to talk to each other and communicate.

How do you think BoC has such a strong fanbase after all these years? Huh? HUH?

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:Social media is part of the music industry now, it's almost unavoidable.

Even experimental artists like OPN and the whole vaporwave scene seems to comment on our interconnected society with a sense that we're too far gone rather than a way of looking out.

Soundcloud might be dead, but in comments sections of videos and blog posts about this I read that people prefer it over Bandcamp BECAUSE of the community aspect. That stuff is key for a lot of people it seems, and not just connecting with artists but making your stuff a place where people can connect over their love of a thing.
Like "oh shit mane, I saw your comment on that Young Thug track, and now you on this XXXtentacion comment section? You've got good taste, hit me up and let's talk about music and life and stuff"

Honestly if anyone needs an alternative place to start putting up music, I think YouTube's really blowing up in that department as of late. In terms of music streaming and sharing.
You have people sharing playlists, mixes, and all that, and streams where people just play music like a radio station.
I mean just try to look where people's ears and eyes are, and appeal to that platform in a creative way.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say with this post, but I agree that Soundcloud probably won't go anywhere, either.
It'll probably just be bought up by some big corporation, be saved for a year or two then be in the same problem it was before.

It won't go anywhere, but how useful will it be to you on a personal level might be a better question.

If you want to make friends, it might be useful. As a musical platform i don't know how its going to end up being.

And yes, people who want to demo something are posting on youtube, so for that Soundcloud isnt necessary.

I dont know what your point is about social media. So much of it is bought by corporations i dont kno0w how you can tell if its real or not.

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my thing about social media is mostly driven by comments from people who have wanted Soundcloud to stay,

They don't like Bandcamp because there's no ability to build a community between fans.

That's all I'm saying, that's what I've seen people say.

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Alien Sugar wrote:Soundcloud was suppose to only be about commenting on the artists music with respect for the music. Not, check this beat i dropped. Like, feel the emotion this guy was feeling at 0: 41 or i love how soft that kick drum is and that guitar tone is on the math and my ears. And should only be for the artists website not some public money flaunting bulls***. Don't kill it! It's usefull!

If you're music isn't on mtv, work harder, make friends, ask for honest opinions and save money to make a demo cd with hopes you wil have a record one day. Drug free and proud! Don't do drugs, watch daystar! Peace!

MTV? what decade are you lost in?

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:my thing about social media is mostly driven by comments from people who have wanted Soundcloud to stay,

They don't like Bandcamp because there's no ability to build a community between fans.

That's all I'm saying, that's what I've seen people say.

Yes there is the ability. You creat music and "fans" who like it will actually buy it!! those are true fans, and true support. Also, they have a fan only sign up where people can comment on your channel.

It seems like you want a stat counter. those are just empty numbers. look at BoC for example. they have 85K followers on Soundcloud. How many are real fans? How many are fake accounts? who knows?1?1

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I remember being on some site like that, like more than ten years ago, and you could only post a track after reviewing a certain amount of other ppls tracks. Those reviews were then scored by review-reviewers to litterly cut the crap. It actually worked and ppl gave tips about composition/ technique, ... That was nice. And you automaticaly got reviewed and heared by other musicians in or interested in your genre. And I keep thinking that was bandcamp. Looks totally different now.

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Might be a little of both. It happens. LOL

As for BoC building a fanbase. It depends on how you look at it. To me theyn just released music people liked and word of mouth spread enough. Certainly the label did some promotion, but it isnt like BoC is like Kiss shilling everything from coffins to condoms. Or special $2,000 Vinyl catalog release in a road case. Yes, $2,000!!


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