Trump - how long has he got?

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Moderators: Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics

How long do you think Trump will last as US President?

< 1 week
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< 1 month
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gone before 2018
< 6 months
serves full term
serves both terms
gone once the magic bullet from the grassy knoll finds it's mark
at the end of the forth Reich
Total votes: 25

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Techboy wrote:"inarticulate" is the word you are looking for. i often forget it, and have to struggle for it, which is quite annoying and ironic.


Thank you. for fog machine.

Dayvan Cowboy
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I've basically dug myself in to deep in reality.
If anyone really tried, they could associate this account with my real name.
That freaks me out because it means that if I ever release music it will just be a matter of when, not if, people discover some of the politically 'unacceptable' things I have said online and a witch hunt ensues.

How would one remedy this issue if they were in my situation?
Do I ask robin to delete that post I made that had a blurry but nevertheless identifiable picture of me in it?

Don't say 'by not saying extreme things online' because I am way ahead of you on that one.
My lips are sealed.
To be fair, my opinions on such topics have changed recently anyway and are always changing when presented new perspectives.

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And the issue is that if theoretically I was to make music and people connected it to these views, I would meet an 'unfortunate drug overdose' combined with shooting myself in the back of the head three times several seconds apart. Do you get me?

It happens.

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I don't know and I don't know your politically unacceptable content and unless it were against the law I probably wouldn't take it as seriously as other people might be but I would ask really that you don't post things like what you last did because Val, no, I don't get you. And there are some people on this forum that might not be too happy with you stating that. I suggest you stop. for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:I don't know and I don't know your politically unacceptable content and unless it were against the law I probably wouldn't take it as seriously as other people might be but I would ask really that you don't post things like what you last did because Val, no, I don't get you. And there are some people on this forum that might not be too happy with you stating that. I suggest you stop.

Wait, wait wait.
What was implied wasn't my harming myself.

What was implied was my running into "an unfortunate accident" at the hands of someone else if my music ever gained an audience, which it most likely won't.

Thank you for your concern, though.
I wouldn't do it, don't worry. I haven't tried anything like that since I was a teenager.
Will PM you.

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Well I didn't see that or read it that way.

But now the context raises whole new suspicions. So I'd stop posting if I were you and yeah, have Robin delete it. for fog machine.

Dayvan Cowboy
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I was full on intoxicated and writing about how having small ethnostates was a good thing for the preservation of different subtypes of humanity a couple of pages back. I think I have a Nazi scientist alter-ego (unfunny but nevertheless said in jest)

That's the kind of thing I don't ever want to be associated with my name.

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Valotonin wrote:Don't say 'by not saying extreme things online' because I am way ahead of you on that one.

By not saying extreme things online and I say that because you’re definitely not ahead of anyone with that one. This applies to Rodheh as well.

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2020k wrote:
Valotonin wrote:Don't say 'by not saying extreme things online' because I am way ahead of you on that one.

By not saying extreme things online and I say that because you’re definitely not ahead of anyone with that one. This applies to Rodheh as well.

As of that comment I effectively am.

I will still call out the media if they are creating propaganda and that goes for all sides of a situation as we have a lot of Pro-Conservative party/ blatantly anti-Corbyn propaganda coming out of our televisions in the UK at the moment. I wouldn't class that as extreme and although it is sometimes tethered loosely to my political opinions, I don't smile and ignore it if it is propaganda that doesn't affect me/ is in favor of something I am.

That is the mistake people make. You have Fox and the like spewing propaganda and CNN and the like spewing propaganda, and because of people's political alignments, they will only accept an either/ or situation based on who they support.
"Its not propaganda if it supports my views" kind of thing.

The truth is that the standard of Journalistic integrity, especially when it comes to politics, has vanished in the US and is in a death-spiral here.

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I retract my earlier statement about politics and Twoism, though.
I think it does belong on this part of the board to promote healthy discussion and to help us learn that differences of opinion aren't something to become vicious over, quite the opposite, I like to have a group of friends as diverse in opinion as anything and I like to have healthy discussion with them about it. Diversity of opinion is just as important as any other kind of diversity. Homogenization of thought is a risk to humanity in reality.

Such discussions taking place here will gradually en-train the thought patterns of anyone who wishes to take part into understanding that such conversations are possible without animosity and without dispute.

Discussing serious topics as friends and not spiralling, as we so often do in the west, into personal insult/ character assassination and hatred as a result is paramount to a healthy online community in my opinion. People still need to learn how to discuss things as friends. Note that despite everything directed towards me as a result of some of my views and some of the views I no longer hold, I have never personally insulted anyone and I never will. I don't get angry when someone disagrees with me.

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Why is this thread still at the top and not slowly dying and disappearing into the depths of the second page? Don't be so boring, twoism. Let's find something fun to discuss. And let's make art, damnit!


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