May 27th - 17:00 PDT

Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.

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Just getting home; traffic back to LA was surprisingly mellow.

What a great experience, I feel really lucky I was able to make it. Such a surreal backdrop for an equally surreal album. Certainly boards music, but definitely a different path then what they've released before. Great to hear what sounded like a snippet of that melody that went along with the number clues show up at the end of one track, and surprised to find the cosecha transmission tune end the album, but an appropriate finale to an amazing afternoon. Many thanks to BOC and Warp for putting this together, and for the take home goodies at the end. Culminated with an amazing sunset over the desert as well; really amazing event.

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paul wrote:
Helicoid wrote:
paul wrote:
harpoon dodger wrote:BoC bless the dude with the nice camera on a tripod. THAT video will be making the rounds, I'm sure :D

Yes it will my friends. I will get the edit to you asap. Still gotta make the gawdawful drive home 6 hours ... and its fucking bumper to bumper. But, if I gotta get stuck in traffic to be a part of what just happened ... yeah. Can do.

Sketchy connection out here in the desert so full report later will be edging what I shot first thing when home. Sorry again for not keeping up while live. Damn phone died.

PAUL! You came through! your'e my hero! No seriously. Will it be posted or should i give you my email?

Nah, just had the gear and decided since it was in my beautiful state, and i love the desert ... it had to be done! i also knew so many of you were here sending us all some seriously good vibes and couldn't be there for countless reasons. I was seriously planning on a live gig. Since that didn't happen I have a nice locked shot of the ... airstream the truck and speakers. Sorry guys. Guess I was too optimistic. Yes, I brought the "dead kitty" wind muffler for my ZOOM recorder. Quite nice - pretty much zeroed out any hint of wind. I will edit it when I get home but that won't be til 3a PDT. Sleep can wait. Will load it to my YouTube page (look for Turk 242). There's already my humble reatment of the cosecha transmission there but tomorrow will be today's festivities.

Ok, so enough of the dry tech talk. To asnwer your question Decorah: kennychiwa147 said it best. I am still a little in disbelief. I quickly got over the no live show thing. It was just really cool to look around and see literally every walk of life there - young and old. That's when you know it's quality music. The setting was impeccable. Surreal. I am an avid trailer camper so this set piece made me smile wide. When the music came on I was pretty much swept away. I considered taking notes but felt like a tool as i was already standing up there with the camera. my buddy kept encouraging me to enjoy the experience too (he was the one rocking the ray bans in the blue t shirt). Yes the air was thick, sweet and sticky. :)

Ok, music - I listened to RFTD for 90 minutes yesterday on loop while running in big sur. never did that with any track in my life. It did not get old. So when I heard it today I wasnt sure how i would react. gotta say i got pretty choked up. I think it was everything - setting, with fellow BOCers, the sky - and the transition was wicked. The opening bits were really a blur. I was shaking and trying not to fuck up the recording. I do remember the fanfare and thought that was really nice. As for the rest, well you'll just have to wait I guess. I will say this - game changer. BEST. ALBUM. EVER.

Yeah, that's right ...

Sad to have missed this. Thanks for your descriptive post. I plan to listen to this in an arid environment and hopefully partially recreate this experience.
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Taperecorder wrote:
Keeoaddi wrote:john carpenter all the way
EXACTLY! that is what i have been hearing.

Or the band Goblin who did music for some of Dario Argento's films.
There were plenty of familiar BOC flavors, but also some very new sounds that you would not expect from them. Some serious bone-rattling bass in a couple songs.

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what goodies did they give away after the album preview?

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Just woke up to this! Wow. I wonder if this was only planned when Warp/BoC realised some fans would be nuts enough to head out there after a few guys went out to Yermo when it was identified in the teaser video. Either way, an awesome gesture by the band to the fans. Gutted it wasn't this side of the pond but really happy for the guys who made it. Roll on June 10th!

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That track sounds awesome.
I mean wow.

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cysrs wrote:what goodies did they give away after the album preview?

Posters, a large one and a smaller one, and stickers.

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posters 2 sizes, stickers. warp guy gave me loads to hand out, some people were just standing around and didn't seem bothered about the promo items but took the stickers when i offered them anyways.
the album is very good. really lovely ambient piece 3 or 4 tracks from the end, people who like that side of them will love it. the whole album sounds dense and chock full of trippy sounds, will need a lot of listens to get the whole story. a more than fitting addition to their discography.

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cysrs wrote:what goodies did they give away after the album preview?

TH posters and stickers with BOC logo

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please dont bullshit about the band saying they loved us..please?

thats just incredible if its true. man, what i wouldnt give to see them live. i really want to thank the boys for all this.

a couple of people who know of BoC but not enough to care couldnt understand why i was so psyched about today. i tried to explain that imagine your favorite band who you thought was never going to release a new album and after 7 years of radio silence have come out with this incredible ARG that ignited the fan base and has helped reveal the new record.

they still didnt get it. but i know you guys do.

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damnit i wish i had more to barter with for one of those posters of a couple stickers...all i have is the geogaddi promo cassette and i dont think i could ever trade her away

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I made it back from the desert with my brother

Echoing the postings that I've skimmed through that the album is beautiful. It's emotionally heavier then Geogaddi with all that is fantastic about TCH's production. Echoing the Carpenter vibe too.

Everyone I met was excited, friendly and cool. Once the album begun it went quiet until the end before anyone made a noise. Atmospheric to a T.

My favorite moment was this little girl running out in front of a half of the crowd to play as the uplifting latter portion of the album was beginning. She was so happy in unison. Perfect soundtrack moment.

Spoilers & Things:
-There's a huge Coca Cola Silo out there (along with the Skyliner Drive in). Trans Canada to the fullest.
-We were asked to keep postings under-wrap, but were told we'd be hearing the album
-Jacquard Causeway was the heaviest track emotionally on first digest.
-Cold Earth is the Detroit Track.
-Sick Times is Sick.
-I'm not sure where the Palace Posy/ROYGBIV connection was made in the track by track review.
-Come to Dust has this moment in it's last seconds that shines
-Semena Mertvykh is the track from the Tomorrow's Harvest Transmission.
-The silence at the end of Semena Mertvykh with the desert breeze, sun setting and awesome people is something I'll remember.
-The band texted Josh the organizer to tell us they loved us. cool shit.
- We made out with swag. I picked up a large 18x24 poster and two smaller ones, along with a bunch of stickers.

Sorry if this is rehash or spoilers but I had a great time and it was a long time coming. I'll edit this post with a link to some photos and videos when I'm not so tired. Thanks to the band and planners if you snoop this post for feedback, this has been super fun and has made me really happy.
Last edited by soupbandit on Tue May 28, 2013 6:12 am, edited 4 times in total.

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One thing that I took away from my discussion with Josh from Warp was that the brothers have not left Scotland in a long time and have never been to the places in the RFTD video. The creative people found the locations and sent the brothers images and they liked what they saw and it developed from there. He was not sure if they had ever even been to Cali.

It was so cool that they tweeted their love to us after the album finished playing.

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Drove 6 hours from Phoenix on a gamble that something would happen

Was nothing short of magic, as stated.... the setting added to the group of people who were just understanding of what the listening party was meant to be. It was ambient and surreal.

Met a lot of you Twoism people today and can say you are all fantastic people. It made hearing one of BoC's best albums yet that much better. It was like a therapy session.

Amazing album.

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I took this photo of some happy Boccers atop one of the old waterslide towers. ... occers.jpg

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In honour of a fantastic event and day... here's a lovely desktop wallpaper in a couple of different flavours.

I take no credit for the original image.



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I had to get a shot of this guys sneaker soles for obvious reasons. ... 0Soles.jpg

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soupbandit wrote:-Semena Mertvykh is the track from the Tomorrow's Harvest Transmission.

well that's legitimately surprising. i don't think any of the other reviews have mentioned this yet.

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paul wrote:
kidfortoday70 wrote:
paul wrote:
Helicoid wrote:
paul wrote:
harpoon dodger wrote:BoC bless the dude with the nice camera on a tripod. THAT video will be making the rounds, I'm sure :D

Yes it will my friends. I will get the edit to you asap. Still gotta make the gawdawful drive home 6 hours ... and its fucking bumper to bumper. But, if I gotta get stuck in traffic to be a part of what just happened ... yeah. Can do.

Sketchy connection out here in the desert so full report later will be edging what I shot first thing when home. Sorry again for not keeping up while live. Damn phone died.

PAUL! You came through! your'e my hero! No seriously. Will it be posted or should i give you my email?

Nah, just had the gear and decided since it was in my beautiful state, and i love the desert ... it had to be done! i also knew so many of you were here sending us all some seriously good vibes and couldn't be there for countless reasons. I was seriously planning on a live gig. Since that didn't happen I have a nice locked shot of the ... airstream the truck and speakers. Sorry guys. Guess I was too optimistic. Yes, I brought the "dead kitty" wind muffler for my ZOOM recorder. Quite nice - pretty much zeroed out any hint of wind. I will edit it when I get home but that won't be til 3a PDT. Sleep can wait. Will load it to my YouTube page (look for Turk 242). There's already my humble reatment of the cosecha transmission there but tomorrow will be today's festivities.

Ok, so enough of the dry tech talk. To asnwer your question Decorah: kennychiwa147 said it best. I am still a little in disbelief. I quickly got over the no live show thing. It was just really cool to look around and see literally every walk of life there - young and old. That's when you know it's quality music. The setting was impeccable. Surreal. I am an avid trailer camper so this set piece made me smile wide. When the music came on I was pretty much swept away. I considered taking notes but felt like a tool as i was already standing up there with the camera. my buddy kept encouraging me to enjoy the experience too (he was the one rocking the ray bans in the blue t shirt). Yes the air was thick, sweet and sticky. :)

Ok, music - I listened to RFTD for 90 minutes yesterday on loop while running in big sur. never did that with any track in my life. It did not get old. So when I heard it today I wasnt sure how i would react. gotta say i got pretty choked up. I think it was everything - setting, with fellow BOCers, the sky - and the transition was wicked. The opening bits were really a blur. I was shaking and trying not to fuck up the recording. I do remember the fanfare and thought that was really nice. As for the rest, well you'll just have to wait I guess. I will say this - game changer. BEST. ALBUM. EVER.

Yeah, that's right ...

I believe I was literally right next to you, on your right. :)

We're you sitting on the rock? Sorry mate - wish id intro'd myself. regardless, it was pleasure to be there and share this experience with you.

No worries man, I wanted to meet fellow BoC fans as well, I get a bit shy though haha. Glad we were able to be there.

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honeypower wrote:off topic but god, 'skyliner' is so underrated

Absolutely. I'd love something like that on TH.


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