One on Twoism Volume 7 [Submission Topic]


Moderators: Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics

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In the preparation of this volume I came to realize that we released OoT6 3 years ago already and we kicked off 4,5 years ago... :oops:

When concentrating on the Twoism Records single artist release of The Weathermonger - The Ephemeral City along with Mexicola I knew it would delay us a bit but man got I distracted! Talking about distracting... The new volume will have a theme again and to the disgust of some, the guy on top of the forum helped us to spread the news. FAKE NEWS, that is.
In our society a lot of what we hear and see is by the means of the TV and internet. We seem to take everything for granted these days and deal with all its consequences.
Without going into detail we think all you artists out there will find a way to include this in your submission somehow. Don't carry to much weight into this if you don't manage to include this in the atmosphere of the song somehow.

Audio Submission:
Although most of this may seem obvious, I advise you to read the following rules very carefully to avoid any unnecessary confusion or discussion. I strongly advise 'new' users who want to contribute to please read the original One on Twoism topics already in this subforum. They will give you a good idea of what One on Twoism is and what I hope this series will continue to be.

Ground Rules:
  • There is no maximum time limit or limit to the amount of tracks you send (keep it reasonable / don't send too much)
  • Your submission is and will be exclusive to the One on Twoism series.
  • Please tag your submissions exactly(!) like this: artist - songname (Twoism membername).
  • Submit in wav or lossless format (ie FLAC). If you have any questions pertaining to file formats, please feel free to ask.
    Please ensure the original file is at the very least a 44.1kHz / 16-bit stereo .wav recording (24-bit is preferred and strongly recommended) and that no dynamic compression or limiting has been applied to the stereo mix for the sake of loudness (don't worry if you mix through a bus compressor-that's fine). It is very difficult to restore the punch and transient attack of your material if it has already been severely brick-walled, so please refrain from limiting (or worse, clipping) your mixes before delivery, and ideally leave at least 2-3dB of headroom in your mixdowns.
  • Send a participation email to Image with your forum and artist name if you are going to submit a song for OoT7. This way Aesthetics will not be surprised with an overload by the end of the deadline.
  • Aesthetics reserve the right to select which songs make the compilation.
  • Aesthetics reserve the right to alter your submission to fit the compilation.
  • DO NOT post your tracks in this topic or anywhere else.
Some special needs, however, are for an intro and perhaps some 'gap fillers' about 30 seconds or so in length. Feel free to come up with whatever you think will work well. Even minimal or voice only samples could be useful... Think intro, mitro, outro, voice, jingle.. anything!

Instructions for Submitting:
Send an email to Image with the subject exactly(!) like this: artist - songname (Twoism membername). Include a download link.
Once the track has been received you'll get a confirmation email. (This might take up a week)

What if:
  • There are too many contributions?
    Aesthetics will decide which tracks make the compilation. (Generally, established members will receive preference.)

Audio submission deadline:
14 December 2018

Artwork Submission:
Ground Rules:
  • Full design: front, inlay, back & CD.
    • Resolution: 300dpi
    • Format: png
    • Front cover width: 1423
    • Front cover height: 1411
    • Insert width: 1423
    • Insert height: 1411
    • Tray card (includes two spines) width: 1772
    • Tray card (includes two spines) height: 1385
    • Spine width: 74
    Download the other OoT artwork here to get an impression.
  • Send the font along with the artwork.
  • Allowing to let the crew edit and finalize your design.
  • A banner for promotion in the artwork style.

Instructions for Submitting:
You can post the artwork in this topic, however only full designs will be considered for the final design.
The community will pick their favorite design. There will be a poll(if needed) for the community to vote once all submissions are in.

Artwork submission deadline:
1st of January 2019

Website Submission:
Ground Rules:
  • A fully working website isn't really necessary at this stage yet. A (layered) screenshot, drawing, whatever, of your idea will do as long as it is clear how it operates. A detailed example has more chance of becoming the microsite.
  • Some sort of reference to your programming skills is needed so I'm sure you are capable in building the microsite.
  • You can use the artwork/tracklist/info of the other OoT's to build the microsite or use artwork which get posted along the way in the artwork topic of OoT7. Once the artwork for OoT7 is ready we'll swap the artwork and change the theme.
  • The text shouldn't be integrated in the design. Experience has taught us that it is difficult to finetune the microsite. Once the tracklist and info is available it should be easy to modify it.
  • Prefered is an easy adjustable microsite so the final stages can be edited and tested by us.

Instructions for Submitting:
  • DO NOT post the microsite/ideas in this topic.
  • Send your design, ideas to Image
  • Once we know which microsite to go for we'll work things out.

Website submission deadline:
1st of February 2019

One on Twoism Volume 7 release date:
Approximately mid 2019
This time is needed to master, compile and mix, as well as finish the artwork and creating a microsite.

Bust a move twoismers!

Stay Tuned!
Mexicola & Aesthetics

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Friendly Stranger
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And so it begins! :)
Time to reinvent myself.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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My debut Sweguno EP 'Adapteras' is available here: https://atavisticspasmrecords.bandcamp. ... apteras-ep

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Dayvan Cowboy
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And yeah, I can get behind this topic musically in the spirit of punk/protest. Previous topic I harped on the whole aesthetic (for what I still believe to be understandable reasons) without fully grasping what you guys had planned out. Art is inextricably a product of the historic context in which it's birthed so let's embrace this ugly political shitstorm, bounce it from tape to tape and throw some lush pads on there!

I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.
- Tom Waits
My debut Sweguno EP 'Adapteras' is available here: https://atavisticspasmrecords.bandcamp. ... apteras-ep

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Art should protest, rage, highlight, satirise, ridicule, analyse, discuss, love.
Set to it Twoism.

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At long last ;)
nautilus | member of the orange collective

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Yes indeed...

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....Either I'm hallucinating, Putin bares a serious resemblance in the upper quadrant of his face to Thom Yorke, Aes is fucking with us, or all of the above.

By the way, my hamster is alive and well. Can prove it with photos too, so take that!
Last edited by Jonse on Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total. for fog machine.

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Funnily enough, I doctored the Putin image to look like an old promo shot of Thom Yorke from the Kid A period. Glad to know it worked!


There are a few other tweaks elsewhere. Who can spot two long dead n'er-do-wells hidden away in the image? Happy hunting.

Slow down...

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Eagle Minded
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*is excited* :)

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Ah, I see you snuck that stupid Milo fuck in there. Happy this is continuing.

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Sherbet Head
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This is a hellava cool spin on it :)

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2020k wrote:Ah, I see you snuck that stupid Milo fuck in there. Happy this is continuing.

I wholeheartedly concur, on both counts ;-)

Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Nice one, I'll stick another artwork submission in, it'll give me a wee project to get my teeth into.

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I'm on it!

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Friendly Stranger
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Are bios still a thing we're gonna do, or no?
Time to reinvent myself.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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In keeping with the album theme you should make completely fake bios

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Hey, BOC did it with that 'lost' discography. That's right, I went there ;-)

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Sleepy Lark wrote:Are bios still a thing we're gonna do, or no?
We dropped this after the first volume because of lack of interest and because the microsite contained links to each of the artists webspace (soundcloud etc.) Also the CD only has one tray card so there is hardly no space on the physical copy.

But eh, since this is a collective thing and there is enough demand, why not? Let's see what happens.
Life is a Frequency

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Friendly Stranger
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I had a little breakthrough with one of my tracks, but in order to pull it off, I had to download a clip of trump. I did so with a private tab to keep him out of my recommendations and the sort, but I still feel a little dirty. Aes is in for a treat though. All of you are, actually.
Time to reinvent myself.


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