In The Ambient, Darker Vein of BOC!!

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Oh, how many lives do I have left? 3:04 = 43 type of reversal
i'm 43. and you have 241 posts 2+1 = 3 and the 4 in 241 = 43
that song is okay.

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LOL... Quick wit with the numbers. In return to you, I give this statement: A is to B as B is to C minus XYZ minus 3 months and 3 days from 43 yrs then multiply by 2 will give you the life span on this plane.

Okay is better than sucks. But how about a deeper dive. Not a fijian cliff dive or an Olympic dive but some more depth (a sentence or two) into why its Okay?

Maybe compare it to this one and say which one you like better. Fair? TY

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Sometimes you can be too wonky.

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Wildfire wrote:Sometimes you can be too wonky.

Started off with "Okay" with no real depth and then went to "wonky" LOL

Please define what wonky means to you because there are casual fans who will say that some tracks have a BoC vibe to it. But here on twoism are the hardcore fans.

Feel free to rip the wonky tracks apart if you would also provide some constructive criticism.

Thanks!! :D :D :D

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TrippyTrinity wrote:Please define what wonky means to you because there are casual fans who will say that some tracks have a BoC vibe to it. But here on twoism are the hardcore fans.

Lol sorry I should have been clearer, one of the signature production techniques of BOC is pitch modulation assigned to an LFO, so you get that sort of detuned effect as if it's coming from an old knackered tape recorder.

One of the things I seem to find quite regularly with people that try and emulate BOC is that they overcook this technique too much and it ends up sounding a bit naff. BOC have nailed how and where to use it as opposed to throwing it over everything.

I hope this makes sense!

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Thanks for the fuller, deeper explanation. The "its great" or "it sucks" doesnt help much even if appropriate. LOL

Now, that i know what Wonky means, i totally understand what you mean. Ande im glad you said emulater and NOT imitate. But this wasnt done with a synth so it wasn't about going overboard with the LFO. It was more of the effect not having as fine a tuning as desired. it would go from hardly any effect to very lightly effect to wonky to extremely sea-sick Vibrato., which sounded horrible.

Even at wonky it was at a smidge past 55% and anything after that would be super wonky to practically unuseable; take any chorus and turn it all the way to 100% and you get thye same uneusable nonsense that some will say "And here all the way way up you can get a Leslie Speaker effect" Not!!

But people liked it and said it had that "BoC" vibe, so i went with it. It;s why I posted here asking for feedback. As Hardcore BoC fans you would be more knowledgable and more inclined to give deeper feedback than a surface its good or bad type thing.

Now, the question is , which one do YOU personally like better, if at all -- without any compariosn to BoC? And which one do think captures any of that BoC vibe? It's okay to be honest.

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I really like dream time station, slightly overcooked wonkiness aside.

I totally didn't realise I was replying to the guy that actually made the tune, so sorry if I was a bit abrupt.

What signal chain are you using for the effects? Outside of the LFO thing I really like the sound you've achieved, is this all using plugins are are you using actual hardware?

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No need to aplogize. You werent abrupt, rude, or even wonky!! LOL

No plug-ins. Yes, it was hardware. I'd define it as a boutique-type pedal in its infancy stages. It wasnt released. Just a friend who tinkered with something that had no name. It was just a silver box with three knobs. Probably an old vibe pedal. I never asked.

With "Dream Time Station" I liked that people remarked that it sounded like documentaries from the 70's. So I rolled with it.

Thanks for the compliment. If it isn;t too much to ask, I would refer you to the "Soporific" album on my bandcamp page. The wonky pedal is used alot on that one. Hopefully, you will find a track or two that you wil like.

I'd love to hear your feedback. Just don't go in with the mindset of comparing it to BoC. That isn't/wasn't my goal. Even if i had all their gear: i am not them and they are not me. :)

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Eye's jist hackin own ya good buddy.

The first one is the better one. You're Robert Christopher?

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Eye's know you were jist hackin own me. It's why Eye's jist threw the hackin back at ya real good, mate. ;)

Hmmm.... a little more description on why you like it better would be of great help.

@Xaugh Since you liked "Precious Box" check out the rest of that album and let me know what you think. ... ious-night

@Wildfire here is the link for you.

Anyone else who wants to dive in and give somke constructive criticism woulod be BoC-tastic of you!!

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Would love more feedback. Especially you cool moderators: Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics

:D :D :D

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One last bump. Got some good feedback from 2 people would love some more opinions and/or constructive criticism.

Thank You.

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