Sick Times: Coronavirus

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fujee wrote:Glad all is well!

Unfortunately, my close friend's grandfather is now unresponsive and likely to pass away either today or early tomorrow morning. He's 96 and a D-Day vet. He photographed many Nazi atrocities on the Western Front in 44/45. Family aren't allowed to see him to say goodbye. Horrible.

He died this morning, with no one around to see him. What a horrible end to an incredible life.
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Dayvan Cowboy
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So so sorry to hear that :-(

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My heart goes out to all those that have had friends/family/themselves affected by the virus thus far. I've been keeping some tabs on this thread here & there and I hope that any Twoism users who personally contracted the virus are continuing along the road to a full recovery. My family & friends out here in New Mexico, USA have been very lucky to be able to isolate & stay healthy so far, but the nearby communities of the Navajo Nation & Hopi Reservations are getting hit so hard – The virus has already taken more lives in the Navajo Nation than it has in the entire state of New Mexico, even though New Mexico has a population 13 times larger.

Through a friend I was made aware of a Gofundme page (linked below) which will help fund a team of Navajo and Hopi tribal members to help "the elderly (especially those raising their grandchildren), the immunocompromised and mobility impaired, single parents, and struggling families by helping them buy groceries, water, health supplies, and necessary items so they (and their vulnerable communities) can be protected from exposure to the virus by engaging volunteers to make these purchases and deliver them to a safe transfer location for our beneficiaries."

To give some context, about one-third of Navajo residents don't have running water, so you can see how every donation can make a big difference for these people that have been living for over thousands of years in communities located only 300 miles away from my home. I know the global economy is totally flustered with many being out of their jobs, and I'm sure most everyone here is already doing what they can to support those affected, but I just donated & figured if I share the info, maybe a few of y'all here at would want to donate this cause. You can find the Gofundme link here:, & an article with some info here:

Best wishes to all of y'all. Strum those guits, sequence those samplers, and stay happy/healthy!

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Good man Mikey. Thanks for sharing that link :-)

Slow down...

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Thank you I posted this on my FB page and donated.

By the way I heard a new name for the folks out there protesting the pandemic shut down. Branch COVIDians. I think it's more clever than Flu Klux Klan.

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Well, who would have predicted it? The two countries with the largest numbers of dead, despite having a fucking age to prepare....are the USA and UK! Both countries lead by lying, populist pieces of shit.

Bravo boomers.
Bravo libertarian arseholes.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:Well, who would have predicted it? The two countries with the largest numbers of dead, despite having a fucking age to prepare....are the USA and UK! Both countries lead by lying, populist pieces of shit.

Bravo boomers.
Bravo libertarian arseholes.

But the US has the BEST, LEAST CORRUPT health care system in th... oh wait nevermind.

Well, at least we're still number one! USA! USA!

(I hope it's not too soon for me to start being a dick yet. If so, disregard!)

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When comparing the US stats to the UK stats, one should be multiplying the UK stats by around 6 or 7 to get an accurate picture of per capita deathrate... The UK is the highest globally by quite a long shot. The USA is certainly up there, though. Business types desperate to end the lockdown to save their holdings whilst using the "libertarians" hand in glove isn't helping. Then again, neither are the police massively overstepping their mark in the UK due to conflicting and vague orders. People can't catch Covid between cars; go out for a drive if you want and if you own a car, seriously. It will get one out of the cabin fever headstate if they need a break from it. Even in the city it is possible to maintain decent social distancing on foot, don't feel trapped at home and don't let people tell you that you aren't allowed to go out for a picnic or to sit on the grass somewhere. The great outdoors is there for your enjoyment. Swerve if you see another hiker up ahead. The most danger is on your porch. Wipe your mail down or leave it for 72hrs, wipe the door handles down with disinfectant daily or before use.

Note: "you" doesn't refer to anyone in particular, nor is anything here a direct response to anything above other than loosely

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Valotonin wrote: People can't catch Covid between cars; go out for a drive if you want and if you own a car, seriously. It will get one out of the cabin fever headstate if they need a break from it. Even in the city it is possible to maintain decent social distancing on foot, don't feel trapped at home and don't let people tell you that you aren't allowed to go out for a picnic or to sit on the grass somewhere. The great outdoors is there for your enjoyment. Swerve if you see another hiker up ahead. The most danger is on your porch. Wipe your mail down or leave it for 72hrs, wipe the door handles down with disinfectant daily or before use.

I know what you mean, and the advice has been muddled (including the story I heard of the police telling someone to stop sitting in their own garden), but to be fair, the "stay at home" message is a lot simpler to communicate. And the the thinking behind staying off the roads stems partially from minimising impact on health and emergency services through not having to deal with road accidents etc - from that standpoint it does make sense (despite the fact that I managed to give myself a nasty injury while staying in with the kids - fell over in the kitchen while playing hide & seek like an idiot).

It's got to the point where the idea of being outside around other people is actually making me quite anxious! The thought of lockdown being eased is genuinely making me nervous; and I'm 99% certain I've had the damned disease.

A month and a half later by the way and I feel pretty much fine, apart from being EXHAUSTED all the time; but I'm putting that partially down to jut the stress of having to deal with the situation. I'm a fairly resilient person, but all this has really been getting to me - I really think this whole situation is going to cause a lot of long term psychological damage to people. Mrs_A_Northern_Soul still isn't feeling 100% - she's been bothered by a cough and similar symptoms ever since. By all accounts it isn't the virus recirculating, but that our immune systems are just going to be more susceptible for a while to catching other things. So that's good... :|

It still catches me out sometimes how we're living in such weird dystopian times. Every time you think things are fairly normal actually, you catch a glimpse of a queue outside a shop, or see loads of people in masks...

Hope others are staying safe and well.

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^ Bless you and I am so glad you have recovered!

apart from being EXHAUSTED all the time

I sincerely hope that is down to what you said it was, but there is a chance that you have a post Covid symptom which might be with you for a while. When it is safer to go to the doctor's in person again, I would advise doing so to check that there isn't any minor scarring in the lungs. Even if that is the case, it generally just means that you will just have a more limited capability to do exercise without getting breathless. Won't go into detail, but I was in hospital with a lung condition at the beginning of the year and scarring was involved, I've slowly had to get better at climbing the stairs again because it was Everest to me when I was discharged hah. On the mend now, though.

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I think I'm better now, if that is what it was. Never had a hallucinatory fever in one day's span so any shared thoughts are helpful. for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:I think I'm better now, if that is what it was. Never had a hallucinatory fever in one day's span so any shared thoughts are helpful.

To what extent were you hallucinating?
That doesn't sound nice at all.
How was your breathing/ your throat generally at the time?

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Valotonin wrote:
Jonse wrote:I think I'm better now, if that is what it was. Never had a hallucinatory fever in one day's span so any shared thoughts are helpful.

To what extent were you hallucinating?
That doesn't sound nice at all.
How was your breathing/ your throat generally at the time?

I had the hallucinatory thing quite briefly too - the day I got ill and that night - it was like the room was spinning and walls warping. It didn't last long but was horrible.

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Jonse wrote:I think I'm better now, if that is what it was. Never had a hallucinatory fever in one day's span so any shared thoughts are helpful.

It seems irresponsible and dangerous to speculate whether you've had it or not. My thoughts are to check in with a doctor.

There are tests to see if you have the antibodies for it, which would typically indicate whether or not you've had it. I know Quest is doing them, not sure if Labcorp is or anywhere else. Your doctor should be able to get you a script for the lab work. Test kits to see if you have Coronavirus are sparse in areas, tests to see if you have antibodies are not because they rely exclusively on a blood test.

Also, I would call your doctor anyhow, if you think you've had it, so that they can make sure it's passed. If you don't have a doctor, call urgent care to see how they are approaching the situation and if they can get you an antibody test.

It's also smart to see if you've had it not just for you, but for everyone, so that the organizations trying to get a handle on the situation in the States (which is out of control) can keep accurate statistics in your area and can gauge what kind of governing they need to do for safe re-opening.

Unrelated, any objections from changing the title of this thread to just "Sick Times: Coronavirus"? The political and racial blame Wuhan is getting is pretty out of hand, at least in the United States.

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2020k wrote:Unrelated, any objections from changing the title of this thread to just "Sick Times: Coronavirus"? The political and racial blame Wuhan is getting is pretty out of hand, at least in the United States.

Good call. Do it.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
2020k wrote:Unrelated, any objections from changing the title of this thread to just "Sick Times: Coronavirus"? The political and racial blame Wuhan is getting is pretty out of hand, at least in the United States.

Good call. Do it.

Done. I need to stop asking permission and just do shit. Who wants banned? :twisted:

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Sorry RJ, I've been sick. for fog machine.

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Right now, the love of my life, my s/o knows her grandmother Linda is dying of cancer, not for the first time, and due to Cofuckitself19 it is such that her husband cannot visit her. She is of the Wiyot tribe. Goes to show that hospitality is dead past a hallmark level, I suppose. ... istraught/ for fog machine.

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2020k wrote: Who wants banned? :twisted:

I'll send you a list :wink:

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I was doing fine all pandemic until I read the following news articles all released in the same day:

U.S. hits highest single day of new coronavirus cases at 36,358, breaking April record

Fauci says White House told NIH to cancel funding for bat virus study
Context, for this one: The White House directed the National Institutes of Health to cancel funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people, the government's top infectious disease expert said Tuesday.

Trump Administration Moving To Close Federally Funded COVID Testing Sites

At this point, I'm on the brink of a panic attack.

The way the United States is handling this pandemic is completely awful and the amount of citizens denying the need for any sort of precaution is terrifying.

In my personal life, I'm fine, but I am high risk by proxy as my boyfriend has Crohn's Disease and while his condition is currently in remission, having Crohn's and taking the medications he is prescribed makes it an instant trip to the emergency room if he comes down with Coronavirus, and a lot of me talking to whatever higher being will listen, if one exists, to have things go okay. It's a terrifying situation to think about.

I've been managing fine because our country basically shut down from March-June. We anxiously grocery shopped once a month, went outside on walks to get some fresh air, traveled once to visit immediate family when it felt safe to do so, and otherwise just stayed home and worked on projects or binge-watched TV shows. But, now the country is "open." Our political administration is miserably failing us and we have citizens who are not wearing masks, not taking any precautions whatsoever, and trying to get along with life as if nothing much has changed.

My Mother asked me if my boyfriend was "going to live in fear for the rest of his life," because he chose to stay home instead of coming to a Father's Day celebration that involved (less than 10) extended family in close proximity to each other, while my aunt chimed in "well, I have medical problems too. I'm here," and despite having a good time otherwise, those quotes completely soured the day for me and I wanted to leave right then and there.

A friend is having a baby shower and inviting over sixty people.

Two separate couples are having small, less than 10-15 people wedding receptions that I am involved in the wedding parties for, and while they are not on my shit list for it since they're tiny gatherings, but my jaw's even clenched a few times about attending those gatherings.

One of those couples moved a 250+ guest list wedding into mid-2021 in hopes things will have calmed down by then, but are we really holding our breath for that short of a timeline? Regardless, I caught wind that a friend of a friend is going forward with her wedding that I was thankfully not invited to, and its guest list is huge.

One of the friends getting married is also having a very small 30th birthday party this weekend. Originally, I was completely fine to be a part of it because I assumed it would be 4-5 people, but has allegedly turned into 15-17 people. This is still not something I am completely against and cannot come until the tail end of it anyhow, but again, like the weddings, my jaw feels tight over it.

Weddings, turning 30, babies, Father's Day...I get it. They're life events and as long as they're cautiously handled, I will anxiously show face. But, there's such a large part of my morality that wants to scream "Can't you celebrate 31? Can't you move the ceremonies? Can't you have your friends and family mail you diapers? Can't you at least add an asterisk not obligating anyone to attend these things so there's not a big guilt sign hanging over the heads of your loved ones?"

I am not high risk, but I am in an extremely high-risk household. Everyone will pretend to be completely understanding of this until it's time for them to try and throw a party for themselves.

I made a sarcastic comment on my Facebook page asking who was throwing any large parties and instantly got a text message from someone who said: “It’s really awkward that you sarcastically asked where the large parties were going to be when [redacted] is having a party you're invited to.” I mean..if the shoe fits??

In my personal life and as a citizen of a country where the pandemic is being handled with no care at all, I'm made out to feel like the overly-cautious, crazy person in the end. This pandemic has really widened my eyes to where I stand with a lot of people in my life.

I couldn't sleep & needed to get that out somewhere...thank you. :cry:


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