Sick Times: Coronavirus

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NorthSaturnian wrote:Absolutely, I agree 100%. I knew Boards of Canada were behind all of this.

Hahahaha :-)
Well yes, no one seems to suspect leaders could be criminals because the suit and tie throws them off the scent! BoC never sampled Jimmy Saville though so their secret is safe for now lol :-)

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Elwyn_Hayseed wrote:
NorthSaturnian wrote:Absolutely, I agree 100%. I knew Boards of Canada were behind all of this.

Hahahaha :-)
Well yes, no one seems to suspect leaders could be criminals because the suit and tie throws them off the scent! BoC never sampled Jimmy Saville though so their secret is safe for now lol :-)

For now.
Last edited by NorthSaturnian on Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
yes, i would love to be free!

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Mexicola wrote:Would you care to discuss this with my 30 year old fit and active boss, off work with long COVID since Christmas and currently unable to walk across her front room without her heart rate going through the ceiling? Or perhaps my next door neighbour, whose mother and then father went into hospital and died of it within a week of each other? Or the doctor myself and Techboy both know who works in a Glasgow hospital and sent us all hands down the most chilling voicemail I've ever heard as he walked out his first COVID shift a year ago and pleaded with us all to get the people we loved indoors and stay there? Or the various people on this very forum who have suffered and continue to suffer from it?

'They' don't need COVID to fuck your freedoms. Not everything is a conspiracy. Or was the Black Death the work of the Illuminati too?

Firstly I don't subscribe to the belief of the "illuminati" so I can't help you there, seems a bit dramatic to insult anyones intelligence based upon something that has no relevance to the real policy maker in the present time.
Secondly, I don't deny there is a virus, or that people with underlying illness or compromised immune systems are effected badly by viruses and sonetimes killed by them. Ive had both friends and family effected by what is clearly a very harmful biological virus. What no one seems to discuss or have any regard for is after helping these infirm people first, why anyone should make otherwise healthy people "need" a physician, or deny them travel, deny them their ability to provide income for their family while they are alive and healthy? Also why do people have such a hard time getting to grips with freedom of choice (to say "no thanks" to an experimental vaccine for instance) or be denied basic requisites for life while alive and healthy.
Bribing people to accept very real changes to what was previously a law abiding lifestyle and making them lool like criminals isn't a prevention for viral infection, it's more like a coup-de-tat to imprison productive people using a skewed emotional argument that relies heavily on peoples ignorance.

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The reason for the lockdowns is to prevent the spread of the virus by either asymptomatic carriers, or people without any personal regard for the safety of others (and believe me, these people exist, I saw a woman without a mask coughing her head off at the gas station the other day). On average, each person who contracts COVID-19 spreads it to 3-4 other people. If each of them also passes it on at the same rate, you have exponential growth of cases, and the more cases there are the more deaths there are.

This is epidemiology 101. Preventing public gatherings is first and foremost the best way to control the spread of a disease. In the modern, highly centralized consumer society, stores and businesses are public gathering places.

It is absolutely awful that here in the US people have lost their businesses and livelihoods as a result of the shutdowns, even though they absolutely are medically necessary. The reason that's happened is that the United States runs on an incredibly unsustainable economic system that demands people be working and producing as part of the consumerist society to survive. That's not a reason to stop the shutdowns and let the virus run rampant, it's a reason to make sure people have housing and healthcare regardless of whether or not the economy is churning out goods.

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And like all conspiracy theory woo-woo, I ask the same question. Why? To what end? Bring the economy to a crunching halt for......?

Slow down...

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mechanismj wrote:
kakanara wrote:Here in my region on Brazil things are very stagnant, cases are staying at almost constant figures. My university is doubling down on keeping everyone safe and having us learning from a distance(which is really crappy) while our federal government is trying it's best to pretending nothing is wrong.
Because of this i have basically lost my first year of university and i'm pretty sure i'll lose this year aswell, i'm really dissapointed that i'm probably going to lose half of what grown-ups call 'the best period of your life'.

A lot of people have died because of the holidays. For some reason many folks here decided that going to parties was okay in christmas and we're still dealing with the fallout from that. A lot of my relatives started taking this thing more seriously after the deaths though.

Last week they started vaccinating people over 90 in my town. Hope this goes somewhere.

Hang in there! I am going through the same thing, plus I am in my mid 30's going for an engineering degree. Things were tough for even before the pandemic. I decided cutting down to 3/4 time would be beneficial since I cannot be on campus to get the extra help needed.

But yeah, try to find some positives. For me, it's less time commuting which is always a plus!

Hey! I'm in my early 30's and about to go to university for the first time too. I'm still working out how to apply, but am excited as hell and am happy I'm not the only Twoismer doing this. :) I've been too nervous to start a semester while the pandemic is going on, so I'm waiting until it's cleared up a bit.

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People whom the main argument is "ask this or that person who got sick" are really special one, for me. It's like your whole argument build towards negative experience. What's next, you wish me to get the virus, to prove your point? A weak mans mentally, Both, for not able to accept other point of view and overall just trying to get along with your weknesses. Try not to think like that and you probably going to be ok. Succumb to the negative emotions and the flood gates opens, for all kind of bad things.

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arvy wrote:People whom the main argument is "ask this or that person who got sick" are really special one, for me. It's like your whole argument build towards negative experience. What's next, you wish me to get the virus, to prove your point? A weak mans mentally, Both, for not able to accept other point of view and overall just trying to get along with your weknesses. Try not to think like that and you probably going to be ok. Succumb to the negative emotions and the flood gates opens, for all kind of bad things.

Funny you talk about a "weak man's mentality," because that's what I think you have.

To me real strength is kindness and having compassion for others, even if it means making sacrifices, not throwing a temper tantrum and endangering other people because of your selfishness.

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SamuraiDrifter wrote:
arvy wrote:People whom the main argument is "ask this or that person who got sick" are really special one, for me. It's like your whole argument build towards negative experience. What's next, you wish me to get the virus, to prove your point? A weak mans mentally, Both, for not able to accept other point of view and overall just trying to get along with your weknesses. Try not to think like that and you probably going to be ok. Succumb to the negative emotions and the flood gates opens, for all kind of bad things.

Funny you talk about a "weak man's mentality," because that's what I think you have.

To me real strength is kindness and having compassion for others, even if it means making sacrifices, not throwing a temper tantrum and endangering other people because of your selfishness.

Valid point.

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Elwyn_Hayseed wrote:
kakanara wrote:
Elwyn_Hayseed wrote:Sorry to sound crass, not my intention, I suspect the whole virus (while up there in severity with other virulent influenza outbreaks of yesteryear) is being used for a potential world government to challenge personal freedom and ownership, currently at the stage of freedom of movement. While not funny, the main proponents of this make me laugh, kinda like you might laugh at a bond villain (illogical, contradictory with no regard to personal choice and concepts like informed consent).
Family and friends effected by the vaccinations and loss of my business has made me suddenly rational and suspicious of hypocritical NGO speeches. To many conversations with coincidence theorists, corvidiots and provaxxers testing the patience.

What do you think we should do about the virus instead of lockdowns, social distancing(which restrict freedom of movement) and vaccinations(which restrict freedom of choice) then? People are stupid. I have seen so many die because they decided to aglomerate for christmas. Our local government recently choose to prioritize the economy and 'freedom' over the containment of the virus and it has blown up in our face, to the point where the at capacity hospitals have installed security to stop ambulances from other towns dropping their sick off here.
These restrictions are necessary. I doubt governments aren't going to take advantage of them but that doesn't change the fact that they are mandatory if we don't want to live the next 10 years with covid.

edit: forgot to mention i live in brazil, where there's like 5 new variants basically spreading everywhere, so that also made things much worse. Now coming to a country near you!

The variant thing is basically how the government's can u-turn on previous promises of ending the lockdown. "build back better". Governments don't need to adhere to their own promises (in the UK we are fed "road map" out of Covid) because each time there is a new variant the virus is "fresh" on the scene (which still depends on trust in the information and information giver) All of it now is quite frankly absurd when you consider history, ie WMD/war on terror etc all of which is practically impossible to verify when the narrative is owned by these pre-planners in the present time where decision making is pushed.
I simply cannot effectively decipher what is true and not true anymore as I have no way of verifying anything these perennial promise makers say.
It ALL depends on faith and trust IMO.
Its like asking yourself how many times does this person need to continue lying to me before I lose trust in his word.

Mate, this is the first time we're having an actual lockdown. My town is mostly reliant on local trade so our local government tried it's best to keep everything open. The only reason they've announced the lockdown is because A LOT of people started dying with the new variants. The government hadn't promised anything.
Also, cmon man, answer the question! What should we be doing instead of social distancing, quarantine and vaccines? I'm genuinely curious on your stance on this.

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Here in Sweden we are handling this very strangely I must say. In a week no one will have Zoom school and bars will be able to keep open after 8PM. So, in the middle of this new variant crisis they think it's a good idea to open up the country again???

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I think, the first thing, that "we" should do. Is to get rid of that "we" word. It is not we, never was. It's only you and your responsobilities towards others. My problems should not affect yours and yours should not affect me. If, for example, you get sick, you should stay home. And, if I'm healthy, I should be able to go and meet people I want (even if those people are sick). Because this is my choice. Your health conditions, should not affect my freedom.

And, btw, only you can decide, that you sick or healthy enough. By keeping that "we" for a better good. You not just sacrifice your freedom, but you also taking it from others.

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arvy wrote:I think, the first thing, that "we" should do. Is to get rid of that "we" word. It is not we, never was. It's only you and your responsobilities towards others. My problems should not affect yours and yours should not affect me. If, for example, you get sick, you should stay home. And, if I'm healthy, I should be able to go and meet people I want (even if those people are sick). Because this is my choice. Your health conditions, should not affect my freedom.

And, btw, only you can decide, that you sick or healthy enough. By keeping that "we" for a better good. You not just sacrifice your freedom, but you also taking it from others.

Except as has already been said, you could feel sick and stay home, but the problem then is that you will have been walking around spreading it for two weeks BEFORE you knew anything was wrong. You will have been putting it down on surfaces that people will touch and bring into the homes of people who are being careful, like the old or the immunocompromised, who can't shrug it off if they get it. Your responsibility starts before you even begin to think you might be sick. People making your exact argument are killing people because they can't make sacrifices.

"My problems should not affect yours and yours should not affect me", is one of the most selfish things I've ever heard. We all have to live alongside each other, it might be a nice philosophical idea at first glance, but we don't get that luxury. We all affect each other, that's life. I don't know how old you are, but accepting that what you do in this world has consequences beyond yourself is one of the things you should learn when you grow up. The environment wouldn't be in the state it is if more people actually got that.

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Negamuse wrote:
arvy wrote:I think, the first thing, that "we" should do. Is to get rid of that "we" word. It is not we, never was. It's only you and your responsobilities towards others. My problems should not affect yours and yours should not affect me. If, for example, you get sick, you should stay home. And, if I'm healthy, I should be able to go and meet people I want (even if those people are sick). Because this is my choice. Your health conditions, should not affect my freedom.

And, btw, only you can decide, that you sick or healthy enough. By keeping that "we" for a better good. You not just sacrifice your freedom, but you also taking it from others.

Except as has already been said, you could feel sick and stay home, but the problem then is that you will have been walking around spreading it for two weeks BEFORE you knew anything was wrong. You will have been putting it down on surfaces that people will touch and bring into the homes of people who are being careful, like the old or the immunocompromised, who can't shrug it off if they get it. Your responsibility starts before you even begin to think you might be sick. People making your exact argument are killing people because they can't make sacrifices.

"My problems should not affect yours and yours should not affect me", is one of the most selfish things I've ever heard. We all have to live alongside each other, it might be a nice philosophical idea at first glance, but we don't get that luxury. We all affect each other, that's life. I don't know how old you are, but accepting that what you do in this world has consequences beyond yourself is one of the things you should learn when you grow up. The environment wouldn't be in the state it is if more people actually got that.

I just don't agree with the urgence to get ahead of things, which are really not here. You can really continue this, to all kind of mater in your life. Let's take for ex.: " you will have been walking around spreading it for two weeks BEFORE you knew anything was wrong." By this argument, you are basically getting there, before the matter is even accure. You are healthy, but you may be sick already. You are happy, but you may be really unhappy. I think this is just simple refusing of the life. Cornering yourself, trying to get away from the problems, if you will. The more your life is becoming safe from the problems, the less life you have.

The todays notion, stay safe, keep safe, is nothing more than, "give up on your life and don't feel bad about it". The funny thing, that when you are trying not to think about bad things, you are already trapped in that vicious cycle of escaping the negative. Which is innevitable, I guess.

And just one quick notice. The most selfish thing, in my opinion, you can do, is to think that you know better, than others. The more "we" venture in to that we teritorry, the futher away you are from your personal responsobility. The easier becomes to replace your personal responsobility with an outside truth. And this is really important, in my opinion. A personal responsibility, freedom of choice.

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Your freedom of choice is fine until it impinges upon the health and safety of others. I simply don't believe that people don't understand that. They choose to ignore it. ie. They're selfish. If that harsh truth offends any of the usual libertarian fruitcakes, well as some are so keen to point out, freedom of speech.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:Your freedom of choice is fine until it impinges upon the health and safety of others. I simply don't believe that people don't understand that. They choose to ignore it. ie. They're selfish. If that harsh truth offends any of the usual libertarian fruitcakes, well as some are so keen to point out, freedom of speech.

And by wich value your health and safety is calculated? Where should your safe bubble end?

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arvy wrote:
Mexicola wrote:Your freedom of choice is fine until it impinges upon the health and safety of others. I simply don't believe that people don't understand that. They choose to ignore it. ie. They're selfish. If that harsh truth offends any of the usual libertarian fruitcakes, well as some are so keen to point out, freedom of speech.

And by wich value your health and safety is calculated? Where should your safe bubble end?

I assume it's reasonable to say the bubble should end when you endanger the life of a considerable amount of people. And considering how many folks with common complications(diabetes, obesity, old age, etc) are dying from the new strains now i reckon going out for no reason is already outside said bubble.

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For that, there's one very important thought. It is very important, you letting me acknowledge your borders, for not crossing them in the future. Your right for safety could not go on forever. But, the more acknowledgment of your own space you have, the safer you will be. Your safety should be your priority and only yours. So far, you are just trying to confine the breathable air for few chosen. And this will never work out. Never.

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arvy wrote:For that, there's one very important thought. It is very important, you letting me acknowledge your borders, for not crossing them in the future. Your right for safety could not go on forever. But, the more acknowledgment of your own space you have, the safer you will be. Your safety should be your priority and only yours. So far, you are just trying to confine the breathable air for few chosen. And this will never work out. Never.

I agree with the sentiment, and i appreciate the rising respect for personal space, but i feel like you aren't realising the gravity of the situation. I apologize for my assumption, but has your city/town been hit with the new strains? They are MUCH stronger than the original virus. Our town had a very libertarian outlook on things and aimed to keep everything open as long as possible. Things were actually looking really good at the start of march, but just within 2 weeks of the first detection of a new variant our local government announced a hard lockdown. These new strains are nasty, for the first time i saw people i knew under 50 die. It doesn't seem to discern if you're old or have a respiratory problem anymore. It wrecks your system and spreads faster too. I believe in freedom of movement, but going out at the moment is irresponsible at best and suicidal at worst.
I know this might not apply to you just yet, but i assure you these strains are going to go international soon. Our federal government is incredibly inept at containing the virus. I seriously urge you to prepare for the worst.

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kakanara wrote:
arvy wrote:For that, there's one very important thought. It is very important, you letting me acknowledge your borders, for not crossing them in the future. Your right for safety could not go on forever. But, the more acknowledgment of your own space you have, the safer you will be. Your safety should be your priority and only yours. So far, you are just trying to confine the breathable air for few chosen. And this will never work out. Never.

I agree with the sentiment, and i appreciate the rising respect for personal space, but i feel like you aren't realising the gravity of the situation. I apologize for my assumption, but has your city/town been hit with the new strains? They are MUCH stronger than the original virus. Our town had a very libertarian outlook on things and aimed to keep everything open as long as possible. Things were actually looking really good at the start of march, but just within 2 weeks of the first detection of a new variant our local government announced a hard lockdown. These new strains are nasty, for the first time i saw people i knew under 50 die. It doesn't seem to discern if you're old or have a respiratory problem anymore. It wrecks your system and spreads faster too. I believe in freedom of movement, but going out at the moment is irresponsible at best and suicidal at worst.
I know this might not apply to you just yet, but i assure you these strains are going to go international soon. Our federal government is incredibly inept at containing the virus. I seriously urge you to prepare for the worst.

Thanks kakanara, this looks bad. But I need truth, not another scientific proof.


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